<TITLE> [Nel] here's the landscape.cpp patch I used</TITLE>
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   <H1>[Nel] here's the landscape.cpp patch I used</H1>
    <B>Lionel Berenguier</B> 
    <A HREF="mailto:berenguier%40nevrax.com"
       TITLE="[Nel] here's the landscape.cpp patch I used">berenguier@nevrax.com</A><BR>
    <I>Wed, 7 Mar 2001 11:59:21 +0100</I>
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<PRE>----- Original Message -----
From: &lt;<A HREF="mailto:robert@paradox.got.net">robert@paradox.got.net</A>&gt;
To: &lt;<A HREF="mailto:nel@nevrax.org">nel@nevrax.org</A>&gt;
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 10:33 AM
Subject: [Nel] here's the landscape.cpp patch I used

&gt;<i> Thanks to Leighton's advice I was able to get running.  Here's the
</I>&gt;<i> patch I used:
</I>&gt;<i> $ cvs diff landscape.cpp
</I>&gt;<i> Index: landscape.cpp
</I>&gt;<i> ===================================================================
</I>&gt;<i> RCS file: /home/cvsroot/code/nel/src/3d/landscape.cpp,v
</I>&gt;<i> retrieving revision 1.48
</I>&gt;<i> diff -u -r1.48 landscape.cpp
</I>&gt;<i> --- landscape.cpp       2001/02/28 14:28:57     1.48
</I>&gt;<i> +++ landscape.cpp       2001/03/07 09:35:52
</I>&gt;<i> @@ -741,16 +741,21 @@
</I>&gt;<i>         // Fill rdrpass.
</I>&gt;<i>         CPatchRdrPass   pass;
</I>&gt;<i>         // The diffuse part for a tile is inevitable.
</I>&gt;<i> -       if(tile)
</I>&gt;<i> -               pass.TextureDiffuse=
&gt;<i> -       else
</I>&gt;<i> +       if(tile) {
</I>&gt;<i> +               textName= tile-&gt;getRelativeFileName (CTile::diffuse);
</I>&gt;<i> +               if(textName!=&quot;&quot;)
</I>&gt;<i> +                       pass.TextureDiffuse=
&gt;<i> +       } else {
</I>&gt;<i>                 pass.TextureDiffuse= new CTextureCross;
</I>&gt;<i> +        }

Actually, If CTextureFile::generate() do not find the file, it should do the
work of creating a dummy texture for you.

I think, the bug is CTextureFile::generate() try to load a &quot;data/&quot; (a
directory) which may crash on linux ??

&gt;<i>         if(tile)
</I>&gt;<i>         {
</I>&gt;<i>                 textName= tile-&gt;getRelativeFileName (CTile::alpha);
</I>&gt;<i>                 if(textName!=&quot;&quot;)
</I>&gt;<i>                         pass.TextureAlpha=
&gt;<i> -       }
</I>&gt;<i> +       } else {
</I>&gt;<i> +                pass.TextureAlpha= new CTextureCross;
</I>&gt;<i> +        }

This patch is wrong, because a NULL TextureAlpha is possible, and should not

I'll correct this.

Lionel Berenguier.
3d programmer / nevrax.com


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