[Nel] Congratulations + concerns

Yann Morvan ymorvan@mrl.nyu.edu
Sat, 30 Jun 2001 18:53:33 -0400

Well, I think that the GPL, as opposed to LGPL,
is much more strict than you think, I've taken a few minutes 
to go and read it thoroughly and it is quite clear. 
Besides, its very purpose is to lay legal grounds to defend
the Free Software notion, so I think it is to be taken seriously,
and in my opinion, it is a good thing.
As for your scripting thing, I think we can devide rules in two
-global ones ("when a character dies, he returns to his binding point")
-detailed ones ("the damage formula for the needle gun is

Like john said, the second ones will be reverse engineered (see the "big
three", whereas the first ones are so general that on one hand the idea of
a patent on them is ridiculous (though I think some fool as tried to
patent the whole MMOG or even PW concept) and on the other hand their
scripting is difficult.
So there is no point at protecting your rules.
