[Nel] Congratulations + concerns

x5101920@fedro.ugr.es x5101920@fedro.ugr.es
Sun, 01 Jul 2001 00:51:13 +0200 (MET DST)

Mensaje citado por: Michael Warnock <michael@in-orbit.net>:

> By way of introduction, I am working on a couple of games making use of
> nel- commercial games.  In addition to selling our content and service,
> we consider our game rules our ip and there are a couple reasons why
> they can be implemented without violating the gpl (which i consider
> scripture).  First of all our rules will be in a brand new specification
> language in 
> their own files or database tables and wont be compiled or linked at
> all.  But should we run into speed problems for not hardcoding
> everything, we're still not required to release anything- you can quite
> legally use gpl'ed code in your own, unreleased programs- and why should
> we release the server side code?

I would love that you reply to this answer to me and to Nel guys that are so 
hard working on such a good project.

IMO In the same moment that you make public your server you are making it public 
and you should release it. But I am not a lawyer.

                  Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin

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