[Nel] Congratulations + concerns

Michael Warnock michael@in-orbit.net
Sat, 30 Jun 2001 15:45:21 -0700

By way of introduction, I am working on a couple of games making use of nel- commercial games.  In addition to selling our content and service, we consider our game rules our ip and there are a couple reasons why they can be implemented without violating the gpl (which i consider scripture).  First of all our rules will be in a brand new specification language in 
their own files or database tables and wont be compiled or linked at all.  But should we run into speed problems for not hardcoding everything, we're still not required to release anything- you can quite legally use gpl'ed code in your own, unreleased programs- and why should we release the server side code?

michael warnock
InOrbit Entertainment