[Nel] [Flame][Offtopic] Congratulations + concerns

x5101920@fedro.ugr.es x5101920@fedro.ugr.es
Sun, 01 Jul 2001 11:23:32 +0200 (MET DST)

> I think u just point out here the Open Source Concept as one 
> of the biggest joke of the end of twentieth century .

Well, there is stupid people that laugh at important things. 
Idiots things everything is a joke. :-/
> Software code in itself is not that important thing when GPL is
> concerned, 
> and beeing able to read it and extract the major concepts of a software
> is 
> the great thing  : u always proceed with reverse engineering , - the
> ever 
> coming question how do they do that - even when using software like ... 
> those which don't provide source code .

You didn't understand it...
GPL is not about reading others code... but giving you the freedom to copy, 
modify and resuse it under the GPL License.

> That's why GPL is a bad trick to minor companies and therefore for
> individuals :
> releasing code shows the overall software architecture , may let u get
> insights 
> about hardcore coded sections and definitively unprotects the source
> providers .

No, because all the code is under the GPL.
If you read it, and code it on your way, then you could set whatever license you 
want... it is up to your ethical being to say if you use GPL or not.
> Good and Exceptionnal concepts are quickly analysed (you always need to
> understand
> the philosophy that drives a software architecture to be able to use it)
> So major companies will reuse GPLed code that much faster than minor
> entities
> - as far as software production is concerned - 
> I think that instead of promoting talents ,GPL comes with a global
> leverage tendance .

You are totally wrong... GPL allow us the common user to join and build a big, 
great product. From my personal experience, I could have never build such 
project as mine is without GPL.

GPL promote talents as everyone learn fasters, so yes it do a leverage, but you 
get a better level that those close source fanatic. :-/
> Great support is provided to software users , but anyway , any reliable
> company 
> protects its sources ( Nevrax Executives don ot read that ). Please note
> that I'm in no way related to MS . 
> Isn't GPL the biggest break to creativity we ever seen since communism
> died 
> out of realism ?

GPL is not about companies, but about users.
GPL means to refuse to a lot of rights so that your users can share your work.

I suppose that Nevrax is using GPL because:
1) It make faster the development.
2) The user base is also developers base
3) The open architecture means bugs are found faster and easier.
4) Port to other OS are almost automatic.
5) Personal Challenge ( 1st commercial GPL game )

Why in the hell people thing that Communism, Jew or Gay are bad things???

> Would GPL minds expect great french wine caves to make their 'elevage' 
> methods publically available - I love great wines - , but who ever
> thought 
> that we would get better wine through that way , that's not a reliable
> way of 
> thinking and only fools rush in .

Man... you have serious problems with your ethics.
If you say... "Mine is the best wine of the world", just tell me how you did, 
and I will do one better. What we have? A wine that is better than the better.
And as my way is not secret and open and free to use, someone will use it to 
create an even better one. 
That is what GPL is about, only fools don't understand.

> I don't want to minimize the brightness of people who go promoting the
> GPL concept ,
> (I 've the reputation to use my mind in very efficient ways though ) ,
> but
> since I'm tightened to realism in my comapany , I totally agree with GPL
> detractors .
> Privacy is definitively needed or the world dies out of any will .

Yes, Your world will die, because a new one will appear where there is no more 
secrets, where you won't be able to sell ideas, where you won't be allowed to 
forbid people to copy and share apps.
> I realize i might be removed from the list after that ,
> but I don't think it will happen .

GPL people is different. We tollerate different opinions.
> Back to development and implementation , lots of to do ahead (I wouldn't
> be there if not)

You are really inside... you should go back to school and learn something about 


                  Miguel Angel Blanch Lardin

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                    -- Echelon must die --