[Nel] Snowballs building problem

Cedric Valignat valignat@nevrax.com
Mon, 2 Jul 2001 18:20:56 +0200

Hi Yann,

Nel changeds a lot since we wrote Snowballs. If you want compile it, you should
compile the NeL source code provided with the Snowballs source code on
nevrax.org :


Have fun :-)

Yann Morvan wrote:
> I've managed to build nel correctly, but
> client.cpp in snowballs/client/src/ includes
> msg_socket.h and local_area.h from nel/net/
> and those files are nowhere to be found in the whole
> code tree. I've tried to comment the includes out
> but they are indeed needed. Can anybody help ?
> Thanks in advance,