[Nel] Announce: NeL 0.1 is officially out

Dim Segebart zager@teleaction.com
Wed, 17 Jan 2001 22:17:13 +0100

Hello to all !
I just want to share some of my recent hints on building NeL for Win32
platform with MC VC++ 6.0
(Sorry  for  experienced  developers  familiar  with Win32 development
environment,  may  be someone else like me usually do work primarily under
UNIX and very seldom under Win32)

*** STLPort ***
First  problem  is  building  STLPort.
(first big problem is the size - You  should  have  a  plenty  of  free space on
hard drive. After building, STLPORT occupies 377946112 bytes)
For some reasons or other nmake
doesn't  work for me as expected (could be what Win32 also hate me as I
hate Win32 ;)) It reports a lot of errors and exit.
To  solve  this problem you can do File->Open STLport-4.0\src\vc6.mak and
then do Build->build  stlport.exe
Finally, after 30 minutes of hard work (PIII500/256), you'll have .lib & .dll & .pdb
files   located   at  STLport-4.0\lib  Manually copy .lib (and I think
.pdb  too)  to  VC default \lib location and don't forget to copy .dll
files to some place where they could be found at runtime.

*** FreeType 2 ***
You need GNU Make 3.77 Link at FreeType site is broken
Grab it from ftp://sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch/mirror/freetype/contrib/win32/gnumake-win32.zip
or any other place you want
You   should  have both path to GNU make and path to VC++ binaries as well
to be included into your PATH environment variable
next do:
make setup visualc
copy freetype-2.0\obj\freetype.lib to VC++ default \lib location
and  also  copy  freetype-2.0\include\freetype directory itself  to VC \include
directory (just to save some clicks and typing while building NeL)

To be continued ...

PS.  Many  thanks to Paul Oakenfold and his wonderful music which save
me from going madness while working under MS Windows :))
Dim Segebart                         mailto:zager@teleaction.de