[Nel] Announce: NeL 0.1 is officially out

Vianney Lecroart lecroart@nevrax.com
Thu, 18 Jan 2001 10:41:37 +0100

> *** STLPort ***
> First  problem  is  building  STLPort.
> (first big problem is the size - You  should  have  a  plenty  of  free
space on
> hard drive. After building, STLPORT occupies 377946112 bytes)
> For some reasons or other nmake
> doesn't  work for me as expected (could be what Win32 also hate me as I
> hate Win32 ;)) It reports a lot of errors and exit.
> To  solve  this problem you can do File->Open STLport-4.0\src\vc6.mak and
> then do Build->build  stlport.exe
> Finally, after 30 minutes of hard work (PIII500/256), you'll have .lib &
.dll & .pdb
> files   located   at  STLport-4.0\lib  Manually copy .lib (and I think
> .pdb  too)  to  VC default \lib location and don't forget to copy .dll
> files to some place where they could be found at runtime.


> *** FreeType 2 ***
> You need GNU Make 3.77 Link at FreeType site is broken
> Grab it from
> or any other place you want
> You   should  have both path to GNU make and path to VC++ binaries as well
> to be included into your PATH environment variable
> next do:
> make setup visualc
> make
> copy freetype-2.0\obj\freetype.lib to VC++ default \lib location
> and  also  copy  freetype-2.0\include\freetype directory itself  to VC
> directory (just to save some clicks and typing while building NeL)

yes too...

In fact, I put in the INSTALL all things that you have to do to compile
freetype, stlport and so on.
But, I had to remove these information because, some people in Nevrax think
that it s not our job
to explain how to compile others external libraries.

Thanks for all these informations and we hope that they helps everybody to
compile more easily.
