[Nel] NeL Network Engine

Zane zane@supernova.org
Wed, 28 Feb 2001 11:08:22 -0800

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nicolas Hognon" <cblt@cblt.org>
Subject: Re: [Nel] NeL Network Engine

> but the design of a web server or a ftpserver is another
> thing than the design of a server for a MMORPG.
> i think for a web server
> the browser connect to the server when it need something
> but in a game like the one developped by nevrax
> you're client is always connected to the server
> it's not exactly the same things.

If nothing else this simply means that it has spent a great deal of time
optimizing opening and closing connections (and waiting on incoming
connections).  Perhaps combining their opening/closing optimizations with
the optimizations Jabber has made for always-on connections would give us
the best of both worlds.  I'd be willing to bet that Jabber has already
borrowed a lot of code from projects like Apache.

Anyway, at this point I don't think I have anything else usefull to add to
the discussion since I doubt I'll get around to doing the research myself so
back into lurker mode. :)

-E.J. Wilburn