[Nel] NeL Network Engine

Bernard Hugueney nevrax@bernard-hugueney.org
Wed, 28 Feb 2001 23:13:12 +0100

* Zane <zane@supernova.org> [010228 19:17]:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Vincent Caron" <v.caron@zerodeux.net>
> Subject: Re: [Nel] NeL Network Engine
> Would not the wisest choice be to research all the high performance web
> servers out there?  It seems to me that this problem has been researched
> quite extensively by a LOT of other GPL projects.  I doubt you'd be able to
> find a better solution than what Apache or other heavy duty web servers have
> already implemented.
> -E.J. Wilburn
> zane@supernova.org
Indeed, this is a MUCH debated suject. But I'm afraid Apache is not
the fastest example to follow (they have special constraints such as modules
interface) Zeus and TUX Threaded linUX webserver or BOA come to mind.
http://www.kegel.com/c10k.html seems interesting but a nit out of date ...
Anyway, there was a discussion on lkml on how to overcome select()/poll()
shortcomings with a new API. If it made it to kernel 2.4, you should be
looking that way.
