[Nel] Linux compilation pb

Thierry Mallard thierry@mallard.com
Mon, 12 Feb 2001 15:28:32 +0100

On Thu, Feb 08, 2001 at 10:39:43AM +0100, Vianney Lecroart wrote:
> Thank you a lot for this bug correction.
> It's really strange because it compiles well on our linux system without any
> modifications,
> but I already heard about this problem, I'll correct it right now.

Just a quick word to say that the problem just appeared here. The proposed
correction seems to work.

Larger report when compilation ends.. :-)


Thierry Mallard              |              
GnuPG key on wwwkeys.pgp.net |
key 0xA3D021CB               |
http://thierry.mallard.com   |