[Nel] Some "heavy" perturbations...

Vincent Archer archer@nevrax.com
Thu, 8 Feb 2001 16:48:46 +0100

You might have noticed the sluggish feel of the site, and the lack of
prompt response by the mailing list (well maybe not).

For those who didn't pay attention to the warnings earlier, we got
referenced on Slashdot, which means about 1,000 people trying to click
simultaneously on the link leading... well here.

We don't have the infrastructure in place to handle this. Usually, no one
has (it's kinda hard to justify putting enormous ressources to sustain a
spike in traffic that will be mostly gone next week, once everyone had a
look here).

We've got however a bunch of new people coming here, so I'd like to say
hello to all of you. I do hope you've browsed quickly thru the mail
archives on the www.nevrax.org web site, and found it interesting. The
list has gone mainly silent, with the odd compile problem cropping here
and there, but that doesn't need to remain so.

So, what do you think about NeL so far?
Vincent Archer                                         Email: archer@nevrax.com

Nevrax France.                              Off on the yellow brick road we go!