[Nel] Computer Arts Lab

Carl Vilbrandt root@cal05.u-aizu.ac.jp
Fri, 09 Feb 2001 10:32:44 +0900

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To all

I have created in AutoCAD's extended entity data structure a Quake
entity.   Each
AutoCAD  / Quake entity as  a unique name so I have a link between
data and Quake data such that I can manipulate the precise CAD data with
the real
time Quake entities.   I plan to create a CAD  system that uses a real
time  simulation
for visualization.

I have been looking at other game 3D engines.  Jet3D, Crystal 3D

I have created very precise highly computational base 3D models of
temples in  the
Aizu region of Japan for digital archival, historical purposes.  I
studied with a master
temple builder of this region that has no apprentices and he is the last
temple builder
in this region.

I want to setup historical server sites that allow users to visit the
historical sites
in this area via the internet.

I would like to start a dev group in the Computer Arts Lab an join and
open source
3D real time  dev group.  I am not quite sure where to begin.  Does
anyone have any
suggestions or could offer some advice on where to start.


Carl Vilbrandt, MFA, Associate Professor
University of Aizu________________________________Computer Arts Lab
Tsuruga, lkki-machi, Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Fukushima, 965-8580 JAPAN
phone 81-242-37-2792 / fax 81-242-37-2772 / email vilb@u-aizu.ac.jp

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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
To all

I have created in AutoCAD's extended entity data structure a Quake entity.   Each
AutoCAD  / Quake entity as  a unique name so I have a link between AutoCAD
data and Quake data such that I can manipulate the precise CAD data with the real
time Quake entities.   I plan to create a CAD  system that uses a real time  simulation
for visualization.

I have been looking at other game 3D engines.  Jet3D, Crystal 3D

I have created very precise highly computational base 3D models of temples in  the
Aizu region of Japan for digital archival, historical purposes.  I studied with a master
temple builder of this region that has no apprentices and he is the last temple builder
in this region.

I want to setup historical server sites that allow users to visit the historical sites
in this area via the internet.

I would like to start a dev group in the Computer Arts Lab an join and open source
3D real time  dev group.  I am not quite sure where to begin.  Does anyone have any
suggestions or could offer some advice on where to start.


Carl Vilbrandt, MFA, Associate Professor
University of Aizu________________________________Computer Arts Lab
Tsuruga, lkki-machi, Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Fukushima, 965-8580 JAPAN
phone 81-242-37-2792 / fax 81-242-37-2772 / email vilb@u-aizu.ac.jp
  --------------EBECAA46486F223BD6B21E67-- --------------979DCFF70EA83EB1B5008E6C Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii; name="vilb.html" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="vilb.html" Content-Base: "http://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/~vilb/vilb.htm l" Content-Location: "http://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/~vilb/vilb.htm l" Computer Arts Lab  
CARL VILBRANDT University of Aizu        Department of Software - Computer Arts Lab
Tsuruga, Ikki-machi, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima, JAPAN 965-8580
Curriculum Vitae email: vilb@u-aizu.ac.jp     Office 327-B
tel no: +81-242-37-2792     FAX +81-242-37-2772
Classes:  Computer Graphics
             Literacy 2
             Operating Systems
Research: GNUbook.org
               Aizu History Project
