... to all these Free Software projects without which we would have had a
hard time to build our platform. This section is dedicated to all these
projects, and gives them due credit for their contribution.
GNU/Linux |
Our servers are mostly running under the GNU/Linux operating system. We
won't provide a link, there are too many Linux pages out there.
FreeBSD |
You may wonder why use a FreeBSD
operating system when you already run
GNU/Linux. Simply put, for security reasons. Not because GNU/Linux
distributions are specially insecure, but because of the precaution
principle: putting two different systems in a row to control an access
means that any failing of one might be caught by another.
Apache |
As a majority of the sites out there on the WWW, we use
Apache to run
our web servers, both internally and externally.
Perl |
Some parts of the WWW sites run using Perl
scripts. Perl is a wildly
succesful scripting language, and typically runs as a module to Apache.
Another scripting language used to generate our WWW pages,
PHP makes up
the majority of the pages you access on our site.
Python |
The Python language is used in two
different places within Nevrax. As
a major component of Mailman (see below), it runs our publicly accessible
mailing list. It is also the glue to tie our platform together.
Mailman |
The typical GNU
mailing list manager (under a slightly different
presentation) also runs our mailing lists.
Fenris/Bugzilla |
The Fenris
bug reporting system, itself a derivative of the
system, is used for internal and public bug tracking.
CVS is one of the easiest to use software management tools available.
is where all our sources are stored, and will also be used internally
to keep track of all our in-game static data as it is generated.
Doxygen |
We use the Doxygen
documentation tool for our internal documentation. Some
of the files you may browse are hand-written, but most are generated directly
from the source code itself, making it very easy to make a reference manual
for the NeL.
CVSWeb |
Another tool used to quickly access the source and see what's been done
and when,
cvsweb is
used both internally and on the www.nevrax.org web site.
FreeType |
We have selected Freetype as the
best font rendered available. Font rendering is something the 3D engine will
have to do for the user interface, and in-game information.