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Programmer's Guide to NeL
What is NeL

Roughly speaking, NeL is a platform for the creation of multiplayer entertainment on the Internet.


NeL is released as a Free Software project, under the GNU General Public License. If you are not familiar with it, check the GPL text here, or go directly to the Free Software Foundation site.

NeL uses the GNU GPL to provide as many guarantees as possible for everyone involved. Meaning the original authors, the casual user, and all possible contributors. The GPL makes NeL an open platform and ensures that will stay so.

What's in it for me?

There are many potential benefits for you. As it is free software, you have full control over what it does for you. You are not dependent on anyone for support or adaptation. You may port NeL to any obscure environment that no one but you knows about. You may fix the nagging bug that affects only your computer. You may add the latest technology you've stumbled upon, without having to wait for anybody to be convinced that it is an important project. You may customize NeL to do exactly what you want.

The fact that everyone can read the NeL source also offers a guarantee of quality. A source that anyone can read will have to be readable by anyone, and a source that is easy to read is a source that is hard to bug.

What's in it for Nevrax?

First and foremost, at Nevrax, we believe software should be Free.

In practice, we gain exactly the same things you do. Nevrax does not and cannot have the level of manpower that a free software community built around a project has; no one can. So, while Nevrax will work on its own priorities, it will maintain the NeL reference platform to the best interest of the community.

As people add, enhance and debug NeL, the code will grow, in terms of quality and functionality, faster than any single organisation could do on its own. Nevrax is commited to integrate the best of the enhancements, ports and other useful modifications into the reference platform.

How can I participate?

There are many tools used to make easier the whole process. This site is dedicated to fostering the kind of community NeL needs, and has all levels of activity.

A community needs communication, and thus, the first step is to subscribe to the NeL mailing List. Download the source tree (preferably using CVS to stay in sync with the current version later). Eventually, register for bug tracking.

The mailing list is the place to discuss the way NeL is structured, the way its contents are written, and what to add or modify in it. If you have modifications to contribute, the mailing list is where you may post your patches, and the place where they can be reviewed by the public.

Larger patches that would be too long to post may be sent directly to the code@nevrax.org submission address for internal review.

As in all such communities, your contributions will be judged on their merit and the reputation you will build for youself. The best way to have a significant and positive input is not a magic recipe. Be courteous, be pertinent, be critical - in positive as much as negative manner - and be accurate. The quality of your contribution will ensure your rightful place in the NeL development.

Oh, and by the way, we do credit all contributors, even if they have only two lines of code in the whole source tree...