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00006 /* Copyright, 2000 Nevrax Ltd.
00007  *
00008  * This file is part of NEVRAX NEL.
00009  * NEVRAX NEL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00010  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00011  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
00012  * any later version.
00014  * NEVRAX NEL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
00015  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00017  * General Public License for more details.
00019  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00020  * along with NEVRAX NEL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
00021  * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
00022  * MA 02111-1307, USA.
00023  */
00024 #include "nel/ai/script/compilateur.h"
00025 #include "nel/ai/script/constraint.h"
00026 #include "nel/ai/script/type_def.h"
00027 #include "nel/ai/script/constraint_stack_component.h"
00028 #include "nel/ai/script/object_unknown.h"
00029 #include "nel/ai/agent/performative.h"
00030 #include "nel/ai/script/param_container.h"
00032 namespace NLAISCRIPT
00033 {
00034         bool CCompilateur::caseRunMsg()
00035         {
00036                 if(isRunMsg && !haveReturn)
00037                 {
00038                         isRunMsg = false;
00039                         char text[4096];
00040                         strcpy(text,"run message methode must return an message value");
00041                         yyerror(text);                  
00042                         return false;
00043                 }
00044                 isRunMsg = false;
00045                 haveReturn = false;
00046                 return true;
00047         }
00049         bool CCompilateur::classIsAnOperator()
00050         {               
00051                 return true;
00052         }
00054         sint32 CCompilateur::castVariable(const NLAIAGENT::CStringVarName &v,NLAIAGENT::CStringVarName &t)
00055         {
00056                 NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA *var = getVar(v.getString());
00057                 if(var != NULL)
00058                 {
00059                         try
00060                         {
00061                                 NLAIC::CIdentType id(t.getString());
00062                                 IOpType * c= new COperandSimple(new NLAIC::CIdentType(id));
00063                                 CObjectUnknown *o = (CObjectUnknown *)((CVarPStackParam *)var)->getObject();                            
00064                                 o->setBaseType(c);
00065                                 return true;
00066                         }
00067                         catch(NLAIE::IException &)
00068                         {
00069                                 std::string text;
00070                                 text = NLAIC::stringGetBuild("can't find %s object in the class factory",t.getString());
00071                                 yyerror((char *)text.c_str());
00072                                 return false;
00073                         }
00075                 }
00076                 else
00077                 {
00078                         yyerror("cast service is reseved to the local variable");
00079                         return false;
00080                 }               
00081         }
00082         sint32 CCompilateur::processingVar()
00083         {
00084                 if(_LasVarStr.size() >= 1)
00085                 {
00086                         NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA *var;
00087                         var = getVar(_LasVarStr.front().data());
00088                         if(_LasVarStr.size() == 1)
00089                         {
00090                                 if(var == NULL)
00091                                 {
00092                                         sint32 i = ((IClassInterpret *)_SelfClass.get())->getStaticMemberIndex(NLAIAGENT::CStringVarName(_LasVarStr.front().data()));
00093                                         if(i >= 0)
00094                                         {
00095                                                 _LastFact.Member.clear();
00096                                                 _LastFact.Member.push_back(i /*+ getCompementShift((IClassInterpret *)_SelfClass.get())*/);
00097                                                 _LastFact.ValueVar = NULL;                                              
00098                                                 _LastFact.VarType = varTypeMember;
00099                                                 _LastFact.IsUsed = false;                                               
00100                                                 try
00101                                                 {                                                       
00102                                                         if(_FlotingExpressionType != NULL) delete _FlotingExpressionType;
00103                                                         _FlotingExpressionType = new COperandSimple(new NLAIC::CIdentType ((_SelfClass.get())->getStaticMember(i)->getType()));
00104                                                 }
00105                                                 catch(NLAIE::IException &a)
00106                                                 {                                                       
00107                                                         yyerror((char *)a.what());
00108                                                         return 0;
00109                                                 }
00110                                         }
00111                                         else
00112                                         {
00113                                                 if(_TypeList.size())
00114                                                 {
00115                                                         IOpType *type = _TypeList.back();
00116                                                         _TypeList.pop_back();
00117                                                         _LastFact.Member.clear();
00118                                                         _LastFact.MemberName.clear();
00120                                                         if(_FlotingExpressionType != NULL) _FlotingExpressionType->release();
00123                                                         if(type->satisfied())
00124                                                         {
00125                                                                 NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA *c = (NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA *)((NLAIC::IClassFactory *)type->getConstraintTypeOf()->getFactory())->getClass();
00126                                                                 sint32 i = c->getStaticMemberIndex(NLAIAGENT::CStringVarName(_LasVarStr.front().data()));
00127                                                                 if(i >= 0)
00128                                                                 {       
00129                                                                         /*if(((const NLAIC::CTypeOfObject &)*c->getType()) & NLAIC::CTypeOfObject::tAgentInterpret)
00130                                                                         {
00131                                                                                 _LastFact.Member.push_back(i + getCompementShift((IClassInterpret *)c));
00132                                                                         }
00133                                                                         else*/
00134                                                                         {
00135                                                                                 _LastFact.Member.push_back(i);
00136                                                                         }
00138                                                                 }
00139                                                                 else
00140                                                                 {
00141                                                                         type->release();                                                                        
00142                                                                         yyerror("attribut is not define");
00143                                                                         return 0;
00144                                                                 }                                                                       
00145                                                                 NLAIC::CIdentType *id = new NLAIC::CIdentType (c->getType());
00146                                                                 _FlotingExpressionType = new COperandSimple(id);                                                                                                                                
00147                                                                 type->release();
00148                                                         }
00149                                                         else
00150                                                         {
00151                                                                 _LastFact.MemberName = _LasVarStr;
00152                                                                 type->incRef();
00153                                                                 IOpType *constr = (IOpType *)getMethodConstraint(CConstraintStackComp(CConstraintStackComp::stackCall,0,_LastFact.MemberName ,type,0,0));
00154                                                                 if(constr == NULL)
00155                                                                 {
00156                                                                         constr = new CConstraintStackComp(CConstraintStackComp::stackCall,0,_LastFact.MemberName,type,yyLine,yyColone);                                                                 
00157                                                                 }
00158                                                                 _FlotingExpressionType = constr;
00159                                                         }                                                       
00161                                                         if(_LastFact.TypeStack) _LastFact.TypeStack->release();
00162                                                         _LastFact.TypeStack = _FlotingExpressionType;
00163                                                         _LastFact.TypeStack->incRef();
00164                                                         _LastFact.ValueVar = NULL;      
00165                                                         _LastFact.VarType = varTypeStackMember;
00166                                                         _LastFact.IsUsed = false;
00168                                                 }
00169                                                 else 
00170                                                 {
00171                                                         yyerror("variable used but never declared");                                            
00172                                                         return 0;
00173                                                 }
00174                                         }
00175                                 }
00176                                 else
00177                                 {
00178                                         _LastFact.ValueVar = var;
00179                                         _LastFact.VarType = varTypeLocal;
00180                                         _LastFact.IsUsed = false;
00181                                         _LasVarStr.clear();                                     
00182                                         if(var->getType() == CVarPStackParam::IdVarPStackParam)
00183                                         {       
00184                                                 if(_FlotingExpressionType != NULL) _FlotingExpressionType->release();
00185                                                 try
00186                                                 {
00187                                                         _FlotingExpressionType = new COperandSimple(new NLAIC::CIdentType(((CVarPStackParam *)var)->getVarType()));
00188                                                 }       
00189                                                 catch(NLAIE::CExceptionUnReference &)
00190                                                 {
00191                                                         _FlotingExpressionType = (IOpType *)((const CObjectUnknown *)((CVarPStackParam *)var)->getObject())->getClassType();
00192                                                         _FlotingExpressionType->incRef();
00193                                                 }                                               
00194                                         }
00195                                         else
00196                                         {                                                                                                       
00197                                                 if(_FlotingExpressionType != NULL) _FlotingExpressionType->release();
00198                                                 _FlotingExpressionType = new COperandSimple(new NLAIC::CIdentType(var->getType()));                                             
00199                                         }                                       
00200                                 }
00201                         }
00202                         else
00203                         {
00205                                 CConstraintStackComp::OpCodeType opCodeType = CConstraintStackComp::stackCall;
00206                                 sint32 posStack = 0;                            
00207                                 NLAIAGENT::CStringVarName varName(_LasVarStr.back().data());
00208                                 if(var != NULL)
00209                                 {
00210                                         _LasVarStr.pop_front();
00211                                         IOpType *cont = (IOpType *)((const CObjectUnknown *)((CVarPStackParam *)var)->getObject())->getBaseType();
00212                                         if(cont->satisfied())
00213                                         {
00214                                                 const NLAIC::CIdentType &id = *cont->getConstraintTypeOf();
00215                                                 IClassInterpret *cl;
00217                                                 if(strcmp((const char *)id,((IClassInterpret *)_SelfClass.get())->getClassName()->getString()) == 0)
00218                                                 {
00219                                                         cl = (IClassInterpret *)_SelfClass.get();
00220                                                 }
00221                                                 else cl = (IClassInterpret *)((CClassInterpretFactory *)id.getFactory())->getClass();
00222                                                 IOpType *c;                             
00223                                                 _LastFact.Member.clear();
00224                                                 if(!isValidateVarName(cl,_LastFact.Member,_LasVarStr,c))
00225                                                 {
00226                                                         if(c) c->release();
00227                                                         std::string text;
00228                                                         text = NLAIC::stringGetBuild("var '%s' is not define",varName.getString());
00229                                                         yyerror((char *)text.c_str());
00230                                                         return false;
00231                                                 }                                               
00232                                                 _FlotingExpressionType = c;
00233                                                 if(_LastFact.TypeStack) _LastFact.TypeStack->release();
00234                                                 _LastFact.TypeStack = _FlotingExpressionType;
00235                                                 _LastFact.TypeStack->incRef();
00236                                                 _LastFact.ValueVar = var;       
00237                                                 _LastFact.VarType = varTypeHeapMember;
00238                                                 _LastFact.IsUsed = false;
00239 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00240         std::list<sint32>::iterator i_dbg = _LastFact.Member.begin();
00241         while(i_dbg != _LastFact.Member.end())
00242         {
00243                 int k = *i_dbg++; 
00244         }
00246 #endif
00247                                                 return true;                                            
00248                                         }
00249                                         else
00250                                         {
00251                                                 opCodeType = CConstraintStackComp::heapCall;
00252                                                 posStack = ((CVarPStackParam *)var)->getIndex();
00253                                                 cont->incRef();
00254                                                 _TypeList.push_back(cont);
00255                                         }
00257                                 }
00259                                 if(!_TypeList.size())
00260                                 {                               
00261                                         _LastFact.Member.clear();
00262                                         IOpType *c;                                     
00263                                         if(!isValidateVarName(_LastFact.Member,_LasVarStr,c))
00264                                         {
00265                                                 if(c) c->release();
00266                                                 std::string text;
00267                                                 text = NLAIC::stringGetBuild("var '%s' is not define",varName.getString());
00268                                                 yyerror((char *)text.c_str());
00269                                                 return false;
00270                                         }
00271                                         _LastFact.ValueVar = NULL;                                              
00272                                         _LastFact.VarType = varTypeMember;
00273                                         _LastFact.IsUsed = false;
00274                                         if(_FlotingExpressionType != NULL) _FlotingExpressionType->release();
00275                                         _FlotingExpressionType = (IOpType *)c;
00276                                 }
00277                                 else
00278                                 {
00279                                         IOpType *type = _TypeList.back();
00280                                         _TypeList.pop_back();
00281                                         _LastFact.Member.clear();
00282                                         _LastFact.MemberName.clear();
00284                                         if(_FlotingExpressionType != NULL) _FlotingExpressionType->release();
00286                                         if(type->satisfied())
00287                                         {
00288                                                 IClassInterpret *cl = (IClassInterpret *)type->getConstraintTypeOf()->allocClass();
00289                                                 IOpType *c;
00290                                                 if(!isValidateVarName(cl,_LastFact.Member,_LasVarStr,c))
00291                                                 {
00292                                                         if(c) c->release();
00293                                                         type->release();
00294                                                         cl->release();
00295                                                         std::string text;
00296                                                         text = NLAIC::stringGetBuild("var '%s' is not define",varName.getString());
00297                                                         yyerror((char *)text.c_str());
00298                                                         return false;
00299                                                 }                                               
00300                                                 _FlotingExpressionType = (IOpType *)c;
00301                                                 type->release();
00302                                                 cl->release();
00303                                         }
00304                                         else
00305                                         {
00306                                                 _LastFact.MemberName = _LasVarStr;
00307                                                 type->incRef();
00308                                                 IOpType *constr = (IOpType *)getMethodConstraint(CConstraintStackComp(opCodeType,posStack,_LastFact.MemberName ,type,0,0));
00309                                                 if(constr == NULL)
00310                                                 {
00311                                                         constr = new CConstraintStackComp(opCodeType,posStack,_LastFact.MemberName,type,yyLine,yyColone);                                                                       
00312                                                 }
00313                                                 else
00314                                                 {
00315                                                         constr->incRef();
00316                                                 }
00317                                                 _FlotingExpressionType = constr;                                                
00318                                         }                                       
00320                                         if(_LastFact.TypeStack) _LastFact.TypeStack->release();
00321                                         _LastFact.TypeStack = _FlotingExpressionType;
00322                                         _LastFact.TypeStack->incRef();
00323                                         _LastFact.ValueVar = NULL;      
00324                                         _LastFact.VarType = varTypeStackMember;
00325                                         _LastFact.IsUsed = false;
00326                                 }
00327                         }
00328                 }
00329                 else
00330                 {
00331                         yyerror("erreur de definition de variable");
00332                         return 0;
00333                 }
00334                 return true;
00335         }
00337         bool CCompilateur::setParamVarName()
00338         {
00339                 try
00340                 {
00341                         NLAIC::CIdentType idType = getTypeOfClass(_LastString);
00342                         NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA *i;
00344                         if(_BaseObjectDef)
00345                         {                                               
00346                                 NLAIC::CIdentType idBase = getTypeOfClass(_LastBaseObjectDef);
00347                                 COperandSimple *t = new COperandSimple(new NLAIC::CIdentType(idType));
00348                                 COperandSimple *b = new COperandSimple(new NLAIC::CIdentType(idBase));                  
00349                                 _Param.back()->push(t);
00350                                 t->incRef();                    
00351                                 i = new CObjectUnknown(t,b);
00352                         }
00353                         else
00354                         {                       
00355                                 COperandSimple *c = new COperandSimple(new NLAIC::CIdentType(idType));
00356                                 _Param.back()->push(c);
00357                                 c->incRef();
00358                                 i = new CObjectUnknown(c);//(NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA *)NLAIC::createInstance(id);
00359                         }
00361                         NLAIAGENT::IVarName *s = new NLAIAGENT::CStringVarName (LastyyText[1]);
00362                         _Attrib.push_back(pairType(s,i));
00364                         i->incRef();
00365                         _Heap[(int)_Heap] = i;
00366                         _Heap ++;
00367                 }
00368                 catch(NLAIE::IException &e)
00369                 {
00370                         std::string text;
00371                         text = NLAIC::stringGetBuild("Bad reference or class reference undefined '%s'", e.what());
00372                         yyerror((char *)text.c_str());
00373                         return 0;
00374                 }
00375                 return true;
00377         }
00379         void CCompilateur::addParamRuleCont()
00380         {
00381                 _LastBloc->addCode(new CLdbOpCode (NLAIAGENT::CGroupType()));
00382         }
00384         void CCompilateur::addParamCont()
00385         {
00386                 _LastBloc->addCode(new CLdbOpCode (CPramContainer()));          
00387         }
00389         void CCompilateur::pushParamExpression()
00390         {
00391                 _LastBloc->addCode((new CAddOpCode));
00392                 _Param.back()->push(_ExpressionType);
00393                 if(!_ExpressionType->satisfied())
00394                 {
00395                         _ConstraintType.push_back(_ExpressionType);
00396                         _ExpressionType->incRef();
00397                 }
00398                 _ExpressionType = NULL;
00399         }
00401         void CCompilateur::setPerformative(NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::TPerformatif p)
00402         {
00403                 if(_LastFact.Value != NULL) 
00404                                                         _LastFact.Value->release();
00405                 switch(p)
00406                 {
00407                 case NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::PExec:
00408                         _LastFact.Value = new NLAIAGENT::CPExec();
00409                         break;
00410                 case NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::PAchieve:
00411                         _LastFact.Value = new NLAIAGENT::CPAchieve();
00412                         break;
00413                 case NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::PAsk:
00414                         _LastFact.Value = new NLAIAGENT::CPAsk();
00415                         break;
00416                 case NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::PBreak:
00417                         _LastFact.Value = new NLAIAGENT::CPBreak();
00418                         break;
00419                 case NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::PTell:
00420                         _LastFact.Value = new NLAIAGENT::CPTell();
00421                         break;
00422                 case NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::PKill:
00423                         _LastFact.Value = new NLAIAGENT::CPKill();
00424                         break;
00425                 case NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::PError:
00426                         _LastFact.Value = new NLAIAGENT::CPError();
00427                         break;
00428                 case NLAIAGENT::IMessageBase::PEven:
00429                         _LastFact.Value = new NLAIAGENT::CPEven();
00430                         break;
00431                 default: break;
00432                 }               
00433                 _LastFact.VarType = varTypeImediate;
00434                 _LastFact.IsUsed = false;               
00435                 if(_FlotingExpressionType != NULL) _FlotingExpressionType->release();
00436                 _FlotingExpressionType = new COperandSimple(new NLAIC::CIdentType(_LastFact.Value->getType()));
00437         }
00439         void CCompilateur::setImediateVarNill()
00440         {
00441                 if(_LastFact.Value != NULL) 
00442                                                         _LastFact.Value->release();
00444                 _LastFact.Value = &NLAIAGENT::DigitalType::NullOperator;
00445                 _LastFact.Value->incRef();
00446                 _LastFact.VarType = varTypeImediate;
00447                 _LastFact.IsUsed = false;               
00448                 if(_FlotingExpressionType != NULL) _FlotingExpressionType->release();
00449                 _FlotingExpressionType = new COperandSimple(new NLAIC::CIdentType(_LastFact.Value->getType()));
00450         }
00452         void CCompilateur::setImediateVar()
00453         {
00454                 if(_LastFact.Value != NULL) 
00455                                                         _LastFact.Value->release();
00456                 _LastFact.Value = new NLAIAGENT::DDigitalType(LastyyNum);
00457                 _LastFact.VarType = varTypeImediate;
00458                 _LastFact.IsUsed = false;               
00459                 if(_FlotingExpressionType != NULL) _FlotingExpressionType->release();
00460                 _FlotingExpressionType = new COperandSimple(new NLAIC::CIdentType(_LastFact.Value->getType()));
00461         }
00463         void CCompilateur::setListVar()
00464         {
00465                 _LastBloc->addCode(new CLdbOpCode (NLAIAGENT::CGroupType()));                                                           
00466                 NLAIAGENT::CGroupType l;
00467                 if(_FlotingExpressionType != NULL) _FlotingExpressionType->release();
00468                 _FlotingExpressionType = new COperandSimple(new NLAIC::CIdentType(l.getType()));
00469         }
00471         void CCompilateur::setChaineVar()
00472         {
00473                 if(_LastFact.Value != NULL) 
00474                                                         _LastFact.Value->release();
00475                 _LastFact.Value = new NLAIAGENT::CStringType(NLAIAGENT::CStringVarName(LastyyText[1]));         
00476                 _LastFact.VarType = varTypeImediate;
00477                 _LastFact.IsUsed = false;                                                               
00478                 if(_FlotingExpressionType != NULL) _FlotingExpressionType->release();
00479                 _FlotingExpressionType = new COperandSimple(new NLAIC::CIdentType(_LastFact.Value->getType()));
00480         }
00482         void CCompilateur::setStackVar(const NLAIC::CIdentType &type)
00483         {
00484                 if(_LastFact.Value != NULL) 
00485                                                         _LastFact.Value->release();
00486                 _LastFact.VarType = varForFunc;
00487                 _LastFact.IsUsed = false;                                                               
00488                 if(_FlotingExpressionType != NULL) _FlotingExpressionType->release();
00489                 _FlotingExpressionType = new COperandSimple(new NLAIC::CIdentType(type) );
00490         }
00492         void CCompilateur::setMethodVar()
00493         {
00495 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00496         std::string mName;
00497         std::string pName;
00498         _LastStringParam.back()->getDebugString(mName);
00499         _Param.back()->getDebugString(pName);
00500 #endif
00501                 if(_LastFact.Value != NULL) 
00502                                                         _LastFact.Value->release();
00503                 _LastFact.Value = NULL;         
00504                 _LastFact.VarType = varForFunc;
00505                 _LastFact.IsUsed = false;               
00507                 if(_FlotingExpressionType != NULL)
00508                 {
00509                         _FlotingExpressionType->release();
00510                         _FlotingExpressionType = NULL;
00511                 }
00512                 _LastStringParam.back()->incRef();
00513                 _Param.back()->incRef();
00514                 if(_LastbaseClass != NULL)_LastbaseClass->incRef();
00515                 IConstraint *c = getMethodConstraint(CConstraintMethode((CConstraintMethode::TCallTypeOpCode) _LastTypeCall,_LastPosHeap,_LastbaseClass,_LastStringParam.back(),_Param.back(),0,0));
00516                 if(c == NULL)
00517                 {
00518                         _LastStringParam.back()->incRef();
00519                         _Param.back()->incRef();
00520                         if(_LastbaseClass != NULL)_LastbaseClass->incRef();
00521                         c = new CConstraintMethode((CConstraintMethode::TCallTypeOpCode) _LastTypeCall,_LastPosHeap,_LastbaseClass,_LastStringParam.back(),_Param.back(),yyLine,yyColone);
00522                         _MethodConstraint.push_back(c);                 
00523                 }
00524                 c->incRef();            
00525                 IConstraint *cm = new CConstraintChkMethodeType(c,0,0); 
00526                 _FlotingExpressionType = new COperandUnknown(cm);                       
00528                 _LastStringParam.back()->release();
00529                 _LastStringParam.pop_back();
00530                 _Param.back()->release();
00531                 _Param.pop_back();
00532 #ifdef NL_DEBUG
00533         if(_LastStringParam.size()) _LastStringParam.back()->getDebugString(mName);
00534         if(_Param.size())_Param.back()->getDebugString(pName);
00536 #endif          
00537         }
00539         bool CCompilateur::buildObject()
00540         {                               
00541                 NLAIAGENT::CStringType *s = (NLAIAGENT::CStringType *)_LastStringParam.back()->get();
00542                 if(_LastStringParam.back()->size() == 1)
00543                 {               
00545                         try
00546                         {
00547                                 NLAIC::CIdentType id(s->getStr().getString());
00548                                 if(_FlotingExpressionType) _FlotingExpressionType->release();
00549                                 _FlotingExpressionType = new COperandSimple(new NLAIC::CIdentType (id));                                
00551                                 NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA *i = (NLAIAGENT::IObjectIA *)NLAIC::createInstance(id);
00553                                 _LastBloc->addCode( new CLdbOpCode( *i ) );
00554                                 _LastBloc->addCode(new CHaltOpCode());
00555                                 CBagOfCode *b = _LastBloc->getBagOfCode();
00558                                 NLAIAGENT::IBaseGroupType *g = new NLAIAGENT::CGroupType();
00559                                 g->cpy(NLAIAGENT::CStringType(NLAIAGENT::CStringVarName(_CONSTRUCTOR_)));
00561                                 _Param.back()->incRef();                                        
00562                                 _FlotingExpressionType->incRef();
00563                                 CConstraintMethode *cm = new CConstraintMethode(CConstraintMethode::newCall,0,_FlotingExpressionType,g,_Param.back(),0,0);
00564                                 IConstraint *c = getMethodConstraint(*cm);                                      
00565                                 if(c == NULL)
00566                                 {
00567                                         c = cm;
00568                                         _MethodConstraint.push_back(c);                                         
00569                                 }
00570                                 else
00571                                 {
00572                                         cm->release();
00573                                 }
00574                                 b->addConstraint(c);
00575                                 i->release();                           
00576                                 _LastStringParam.back()->release();
00577                                 _LastStringParam.pop_back();
00578                                 _Param.back()->release();
00579                                 _Param.pop_back();              
00580                         }
00581                         catch(NLAIE::IException &)
00582                         {
00583                                 std::string text;
00584                                 text = NLAIC::stringGetBuild("can't find '%s'",s->getStr().getString());
00585                                 yyerror((char *)text.c_str());  
00586                                 return false;                                   
00587                         }
00588                         return true;
00589                 }
00590                 return false;
00591         }
00593         void CCompilateur::setTypeExpression()
00594         {
00595                 if(_ExpressionType)
00596                 {                                                               
00597                         COperandUnknown *gd = new COperandUnknown(_ExpressionType);
00598                         _ExpressionType = gd;
00599                 }
00600                 else
00601                 {
00602                         _ExpressionType = new COperandUnknown(_FlotingExpressionType);
00603                         _FlotingExpressionType = NULL;
00604                 }
00605         }
00607         void CCompilateur::setTypeExpression(NLAIC::CTypeOfOperator::TTypeOp op,const char *txtOp)
00608         {
00609                 if ( _ExpressionType )
00610                 {                                       
00611                         COperationType *gd = new COperationType;
00612                         gd->setOperand(_ExpressionType);
00613                         gd->setOp(op);
00614                         _ExpressionType = gd;
00615                 }
00616                 else
00617                 {
00618                         _ExpressionType = new COperationType;           
00619                         ((COperationType *)_ExpressionType)->setOperand(_FlotingExpressionType);
00620                         ((COperationType *)_ExpressionType)->setOp(op);
00621                         _FlotingExpressionType = NULL;
00622                 }
00623         }
00625         void CCompilateur::setTypeExpressionG()
00626         {               
00627                 if(_ExpressionType)
00628                 {                                       
00629                         COperationTypeGD *gd = new COperationTypeGD;
00630                         gd->setOperationG(_ExpressionType);
00631                         _ExpressionType = gd;
00632                 }
00633                 else
00634                 {
00635                         _ExpressionType = new COperationTypeGD;
00636                         ((COperationTypeGD *)_ExpressionType)->setOperationG(_FlotingExpressionType);
00637                         _FlotingExpressionType = NULL;
00638                 }
00639                 _ExpressionOp.push_back(_ExpressionType);
00640                 _ExpressionType = NULL;
00641         }
00643         void CCompilateur::setTypeExpressionD(NLAIC::CTypeOfOperator::TTypeOp op,const char *txtOp)
00644         {
00645                 if(_ExpressionType != NULL && _FlotingExpressionType == NULL) _FlotingExpressionType = _ExpressionType;
00646                 //else if(_ExpressionType == NULL && _FlotingExpressionType != NULL) _FlotingExpressionType = _ExpressionType;
00647                 _ExpressionType = _ExpressionOp.back();
00648                 _ExpressionOp.pop_back();
00650                 ((COperationTypeGD *)_ExpressionType)->setOperationD(_FlotingExpressionType);
00651                 ((COperationTypeGD *)_ExpressionType)->setOp(op);
00652                 _FlotingExpressionType = NULL;
00653         }
00654 }