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NL3D::CMaterial Class ReferenceA material represent ALL the states relatives to the aspect of a primitive.
#include <material.h>
Inheritance diagram for NL3D::CMaterial
[legend]Collaboration diagram for NL3D::CMaterial:
[legend]List of all members.
Public Types |
enum | ZFunc {
always = 0,
} |
enum | TBlend {
one = 0,
} |
enum | TShader {
Normal = 0,
} |
| Normal shader: use simple multitexturing. More...
enum | TTexOperator {
Replace = 0,
} |
| Environements operators: Replace: out= arg0 Modulate: out= arg0 * arg1 Add: out= arg0 + arg1 AddSigned: out= arg0 + arg1 -0.5 Interpolate*: out= arg0*As + arg1*(1-As), where As is taken from the SrcAlpha of Texture/Previous/Diffuse/Constant, respectively if operator is InterpolateTexture/InterpolatePrevious/InterpolateDiffuse/InterpolateConstant. More...
enum | TTexSource {
} |
| Source argument. More...
enum | TTexOperand {
SrcColor = 0,
} |
| Operand for the argument. More...
Public Methods |
| CMaterial () |
| ctor. More...
| CMaterial (const CMaterial &mat) |
| see operator=. More...
| ~CMaterial () |
| dtor. More...
CMaterial& | operator= (const CMaterial &mat) |
| Do not copy DrvInfos, copy all infos and set IDRV_TOUCHED_ALL. More...
void | setShader (TShader val) |
| Set the shader for this material. More...
TShader | getShader () const |
| get the current material shadertype. More...
void | setTexture (uint8 stage, ITexture* ptex) |
| set a texture for a special stage. More...
ITexture* | getTexture (uint8 stage) const |
bool | texturePresent (uint8 stage) const |
void | setBlend (bool active) |
void | setBlendFunc (TBlend src, TBlend dst) |
void | setSrcBlend (TBlend val) |
void | setDstBlend (TBlend val) |
bool | getBlend () const |
TBlend | getSrcBlend (void) const |
TBlend | getDstBlend (void) const |
void | setDoubleSided (bool active) |
bool | detDoubleSided () const |
void | setZFunc (ZFunc val) |
void | setZWrite (bool active) |
void | setZBias (float val) |
ZFunc | getZFunc (void) const |
bool | getZWrite (void) const |
float | getZBias (void) const |
void | setColor (CRGBA rgba) |
| The Color is used only if lighting is disabled. Also, color is replaced by per vertex color (if any). More...
void | setLighting ( bool active, bool DefMat=true, CRGBA emissive=CRGBA(0,0,0), CRGBA ambient=CRGBA(0,0,0), CRGBA diffuse=CRGBA(0,0,0), CRGBA specular=CRGBA(0,0,0), float shininess= 10) |
| Batch setup lighting. Opacity is in diffuse.A. More...
void | setEmissive ( CRGBA emissive=CRGBA(0,0,0) ) |
| Set the emissive part ot material. Usefull only if setLighting(true, false) has been done. More...
void | setAmbient ( CRGBA ambient=CRGBA(0,0,0) ) |
| Set the Ambient part ot material. Usefull only if setLighting(true, false) has been done. More...
void | setDiffuse ( CRGBA diffuse=CRGBA(0,0,0) ) |
| Set the Diffuse part ot material. Usefull only if setLighting(true, false) has been done. NB: opacity is NOT copied from diffuse.A. More...
void | setOpacity ( uint8 opa ) |
| Set the Opacity part ot material. Usefull only if setLighting(true, false) has been done. More...
void | setSpecular ( CRGBA specular=CRGBA(0,0,0) ) |
| Set the specular part ot material. Usefull only if setLighting(true, false) has been done. More...
void | setShininess ( float shininess ) |
| Set the shininess part ot material. Usefull only if setLighting(true, false) has been done. More...
bool | isLighted () const |
CRGBA | getColor (void) const |
CRGBA | getEmissive () const |
CRGBA | getAmbient () const |
CRGBA | getDiffuse () const |
| return diffuse part. NB: A==opacity. More...
uint8 | getOpacity () const |
CRGBA | getSpecular () const |
float | getShininess () const |
void | texEnvOpRGB (uint stage, TTexOperator ope) |
| This part is valid for Normal shaders (nlassert). More...
void | texEnvArg0RGB (uint stage, TTexSource src, TTexOperand oper) |
void | texEnvArg1RGB (uint stage, TTexSource src, TTexOperand oper) |
void | texEnvOpAlpha (uint stage, TTexOperator ope) |
void | texEnvArg0Alpha (uint stage, TTexSource src, TTexOperand oper) |
void | texEnvArg1Alpha (uint stage, TTexSource src, TTexOperand oper) |
void | texConstantColor (uint stage, CRGBA color) |
| Setup the constant color for a stage. Used for the TTexSource:Constant. More...
uint32 | getTexEnvMode (uint stage) |
| For push/pop only, get the packed version of the environnment mode. More...
void | setTexEnvMode (uint stage, uint32 packed) |
| For push/pop only, set the packed version of the environnment mode. More...
CRGBA | getTexConstantColor (uint stage) |
void | setUserColor (CRGBA userColor) |
| This part is valid for Normal shaders (nlassert). More...
CRGBA | getUserColor () const |
void | initUnlit () |
| Init the material as unlit. More...
void | initLighted () |
| Init the material as default white lighted material. More...
void | serial (NLMISC::IStream &f) |
uint32 | getFlags () const |
uint32 | getTouched (void) const |
void | clearTouched (uint32 flag) |
Public Attributes |
CRefPtr<IShader> | pShader |
Private Attributes |
TShader | _ShaderType |
uint32 | _Flags |
TBlend | _SrcBlend |
TBlend | _DstBlend |
ZFunc | _ZFunction |
float | _ZBias |
CRGBA | _Color |
CRGBA | _Emissive |
CRGBA | _Ambient |
CRGBA | _Diffuse |
CRGBA | _Specular |
float | _Shininess |
uint32 | _Touched |
CSmartPtr<ITexture> | _Textures [IDRV_MAT_MAXTEXTURES] |
Detailed Description
A material represent ALL the states relatives to the aspect of a primitive.
Definition at line 82 of file material.h.
Member Enumeration Documentation
enum NL3D::CMaterial::TBlend
Enumeration values:
Definition at line 87 of file material.h. |
enum NL3D::CMaterial::TShader
Normal shader: use simple multitexturing.
- see texEnv*() methods. Bump:
- not implemented yet. UserColor:
- UserColor (see setUserColor()) is blended with precomputed texture/textureAlpha.
- Alpha Blending ignore Alpha of texture (of course :) ), but use Alpha diffuse (vertex/material color).
Enumeration values:
Definition at line 97 of file material.h. |
enum NL3D::CMaterial::TTexOperand
Operand for the argument.
For Alpha arguments, only SrcAlpha and InvSrcAlpha are Valid!!
SrcColor: arg= ColorSource. InvSrcColor: arg= 1-ColorSource. SrcAlpha: arg= AlphaSource. InvSrcAlpha: arg= 1-AlphaSource. -
Enumeration values:
Definition at line 128 of file material.h. |
enum NL3D::CMaterial::TTexOperator
Environements operators: Replace: out= arg0 Modulate: out= arg0 * arg1 Add: out= arg0 + arg1 AddSigned: out= arg0 + arg1 -0.5 Interpolate*: out= arg0*As + arg1*(1-As), where As is taken from the SrcAlpha of Texture/Previous/Diffuse/Constant, respectively if operator is InterpolateTexture/InterpolatePrevious/InterpolateDiffuse/InterpolateConstant.
Enumeration values:
Definition at line 110 of file material.h. |
enum NL3D::CMaterial::TTexSource
Source argument.
Texture: the arg is taken from the current texture of the stage. Previous: the arg is taken from the previous enabled stage. If stage 0, Previous==Diffuse. Diffuse: the arg is taken from the primary color vertex. Constant: the arg is taken from the constant color setuped for this texture stage. -
Enumeration values:
Definition at line 119 of file material.h. |
enum NL3D::CMaterial::ZFunc
Enumeration values:
Definition at line 86 of file material.h. |
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
NL3D::CMaterial::CMaterial (
By default, shader is normal, SrcBlend is srcalpha, dstblend is invsrcalpha, ZFunction is lessequal, ZBias is 0, Color is White: (255,255,255,255), not double sided.
Definition at line 38 of file material.cpp. |
NL3D::CMaterial::CMaterial (
const CMaterial & mat ) [inline]
NL3D::CMaterial::~CMaterial (
Member Function Documentation
void NL3D::CMaterial::clearTouched (
uint32 flag ) [inline]
bool NL3D::CMaterial::detDoubleSided (
) const [inline]
CRGBA NL3D::CMaterial::getAmbient (
) const [inline]
bool NL3D::CMaterial::getBlend (
) const [inline]
CRGBA NL3D::CMaterial::getColor (
void ) const [inline]
CRGBA NL3D::CMaterial::getDiffuse (
) const [inline]
return diffuse part. NB: A==opacity.
Definition at line 235 of file material.h. |
TBlend NL3D::CMaterial::getDstBlend (
void ) const [inline]
CRGBA NL3D::CMaterial::getEmissive (
) const [inline]
uint32 NL3D::CMaterial::getFlags (
) const [inline]
uint8 NL3D::CMaterial::getOpacity (
) const [inline]
TShader NL3D::CMaterial::getShader (
) const [inline]
get the current material shadertype.
Definition at line 153 of file material.h. |
float NL3D::CMaterial::getShininess (
) const [inline]
CRGBA NL3D::CMaterial::getSpecular (
) const [inline]
TBlend NL3D::CMaterial::getSrcBlend (
void ) const [inline]
CRGBA NL3D::CMaterial::getTexConstantColor (
uint stage ) [inline]
uint32 NL3D::CMaterial::getTexEnvMode (
uint stage ) [inline]
ITexture * NL3D::CMaterial::getTexture (
uint8 n ) const [inline]
uint32 NL3D::CMaterial::getTouched (
void ) const [inline]
CRGBA NL3D::CMaterial::getUserColor (
) const [inline]
float NL3D::CMaterial::getZBias (
void ) const [inline]
ZFunc NL3D::CMaterial::getZFunc (
void ) const [inline]
bool NL3D::CMaterial::getZWrite (
void ) const [inline]
void NL3D::CMaterial::initLighted (
Init the material as default white lighted material.
normal shader, lighting .... Default to: normal shader, lighting to default material, no texture, ZBias=0, ZFunc= lessequal, ZWrite==true, no blend. All other states are undefined (such as blend function, since blend is disabled).
Definition at line 68 of file material.cpp. |
void NL3D::CMaterial::initUnlit (
Init the material as unlit.
normal shader, no lighting .... Default to: normal shader, no lighting, color to White(1,1,1,1), no texture, ZBias=0, ZFunc= lessequal, ZWrite==true, no blend. All other states are undefined (such as blend function, since blend is disabled).
Definition at line 53 of file material.cpp. |
bool NL3D::CMaterial::isLighted (
) const [inline]
CMaterial & NL3D::CMaterial::operator= (
const CMaterial & mat )
Do not copy DrvInfos, copy all infos and set IDRV_TOUCHED_ALL.
Definition at line 76 of file material.cpp. |
void NL3D::CMaterial::setAmbient (
CRGBA ambient = CRGBA(0,0,0) ) [inline]
Set the Ambient part ot material. Usefull only if setLighting(true, false) has been done.
Definition at line 150 of file driver_material_inline.h. |
void NL3D::CMaterial::setBlend (
bool active ) [inline]
void NL3D::CMaterial::setBlendFunc (
TBlend src,
TBlend dst ) [inline]
The Color is used only if lighting is disabled. Also, color is replaced by per vertex color (if any).
Definition at line 105 of file driver_material_inline.h. |
void NL3D::CMaterial::setDiffuse (
CRGBA diffuse = CRGBA(0,0,0) ) [inline]
Set the Diffuse part ot material. Usefull only if setLighting(true, false) has been done. NB: opacity is NOT copied from diffuse.A.
Definition at line 156 of file driver_material_inline.h. |
void NL3D::CMaterial::setDoubleSided (
bool active ) [inline]
void NL3D::CMaterial::setDstBlend (
TBlend val ) [inline]
void NL3D::CMaterial::setEmissive (
CRGBA emissive = CRGBA(0,0,0) ) [inline]
Set the emissive part ot material. Usefull only if setLighting(true, false) has been done.
Definition at line 144 of file driver_material_inline.h. |
void NL3D::CMaterial::setLighting (
bool active,
bool DefMat = true,
NLMISC::CRGBA emissive = CRGBA(0,0,0),
NLMISC::CRGBA ambient = CRGBA(0,0,0),
NLMISC::CRGBA diffuse = CRGBA(0,0,0),
NLMISC::CRGBA specular = CRGBA(0,0,0),
float shininess = 10 ) [inline]
void NL3D::CMaterial::setOpacity (
uint8 opa ) [inline]
Set the Opacity part ot material. Usefull only if setLighting(true, false) has been done.
Definition at line 165 of file driver_material_inline.h. |
void NL3D::CMaterial::setShader (
TShader val )
Set the shader for this material.
All textures are reseted!!
Definition at line 179 of file material.cpp. |
void NL3D::CMaterial::setShininess (
float shininess ) [inline]
Set the shininess part ot material. Usefull only if setLighting(true, false) has been done.
Definition at line 177 of file driver_material_inline.h. |
void NL3D::CMaterial::setSpecular (
CRGBA specular = CRGBA(0,0,0) ) [inline]
Set the specular part ot material. Usefull only if setLighting(true, false) has been done.
Definition at line 171 of file driver_material_inline.h. |
void NL3D::CMaterial::setSrcBlend (
TBlend val ) [inline]
void NL3D::CMaterial::setTexEnvMode (
uint stage,
uint32 packed ) [inline]
set a texture for a special stage.
Different usage according to shader:
- Normal shader do multitexturing (see texEnv*() methods).
- UserColor assert if stage!=0. (NB: internal only: UserColor setup texture to stage 0 and 1).
Definition at line 214 of file material.cpp. |
void NL3D::CMaterial::setUserColor (
CRGBA userColor ) [inline]
void NL3D::CMaterial::setZBias (
float val ) [inline]
void NL3D::CMaterial::setZFunc (
ZFunc val ) [inline]
void NL3D::CMaterial::setZWrite (
bool active ) [inline]
void NL3D::CMaterial::texConstantColor (
uint stage,
CRGBA color ) [inline]
This part is valid for Normal shaders (nlassert).
It maps the EXT_texture_env_combine opengl extension. A stage is enabled iff his texture is !=NULL. By default, all stages are setup to Modulate style: AlphaOp=RGBOp= Modulate, RGBArg0= TextureSrcColor, RGBArg1= PreviousSrcColor, AlphaArg0= TextureSrcAlpha, AlphaArg1= PreviousSrcAlpha. ConstantColor default to White(255,255,255,255).
For compatibility problems:
- no scaling is allowed (some cards do not implement this well).
- Texture can be the source only for Arg0 (DirectX restriction). nlassert...
NB: for Alpha Aguments, only operands SrcAlpha and InvSrcAlpha are valid (nlassert..).
Definition at line 191 of file driver_material_inline.h. |
bool NL3D::CMaterial::texturePresent (
uint8 n ) const [inline]
Member Data Documentation
CRGBA NL3D::CMaterial::_Ambient [private]
CRGBA NL3D::CMaterial::_Color [private]
CRGBA NL3D::CMaterial::_Diffuse [private]
TBlend NL3D::CMaterial::_DstBlend [private]
CRGBA NL3D::CMaterial::_Emissive [private]
uint32 NL3D::CMaterial::_Flags [private]
TShader NL3D::CMaterial::_ShaderType [private]
float NL3D::CMaterial::_Shininess [private]
CRGBA NL3D::CMaterial::_Specular [private]
TBlend NL3D::CMaterial::_SrcBlend [private]
uint32 NL3D::CMaterial::_Touched [private]
float NL3D::CMaterial::_ZBias [private]
ZFunc NL3D::CMaterial::_ZFunction [private]
CRefPtr< IShader > NL3D::CMaterial::pShader
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