cloud_scape.cpp File Reference

Detailed Description

cloud_scape implementation

cloud_scape.cpp,v 1.7 2003/03/20 09:15:26 besson Exp

Definition in file cloud_scape.cpp.

#include "std3d.h"
#include "cloud_scape.h"
#include "3d/driver.h"
#include "nel/3d/scissor.h"
#include "nel/3d/viewport.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  NL3D


#define MAX_CLOUDS   256
#define MAX_DIST   400.0f
#define QUEUE_SIZE   512
#define SQR(x)   (x)*(x)

Define Documentation

#define MAX_CLOUDS   256

Definition at line 42 of file cloud_scape.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CCloudScape::anim(), NL3D::CCloudScape::getMemSize(), NL3D::CCloudScape::init(), NL3D::CCloudScape::makeHalfCloud(), and NL3D::CCloudScape::render().

#define MAX_DIST   400.0f

Definition at line 41 of file cloud_scape.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CCloudScape::init(), and NL3D::CCloudScape::makeHalfCloud().

#define QUEUE_SIZE   512

Definition at line 44 of file cloud_scape.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CCloudScape::init(), and NL3D::CCloudScape::makeHalfCloud().

#define SQR x   )     (x)*(x)

Definition at line 39 of file cloud_scape.cpp.

Referenced by NL3D::CCloudScape::init(), NL3D::CCloudScape::makeHalfCloud(), and NL3D::CCloudScape::render().

Generated on Tue Mar 16 06:42:19 2004 for NeL by doxygen 1.3.6