NL3D::UPSSoundServer Struct Reference

#include <u_ps_sound_interface.h>

Inheritance diagram for NL3D::UPSSoundServer:


Detailed Description

This class is an interface which allow the particle system to create a sound. When a sound is created, the system get an interface on a sound instance. The interface must be registered to the particle system. when it has been created.
Nicolas Vizerie

Nevrax France


Definition at line 52 of file u_ps_sound_interface.h.

Public Member Functions

virtual UPSSoundInstancecreateSound (const NLMISC::TStringId &soundName, bool spawn=false)=0

Member Function Documentation

virtual UPSSoundInstance* NL3D::UPSSoundServer::createSound const NLMISC::TStringId soundName,
bool  spawn = false
[pure virtual]

Querry the implementer to create a sound instance, and retrieve an interface to it. NULL means that the server can't create the sound, so it is ignored

soundName the name of the sound in the sound bank
spawn true if the sound must be spawned e.g it continues after this interface is removed
cb useful only for spawned sound, it tells when a spawned sound has been removed

Implemented in NL3D::CPSSoundServImpl.

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Generated on Tue Mar 16 08:48:53 2004 for NeL by doxygen 1.3.6