NL3D::CQuadEffect Class Reference

#include <quad_effect.h>

Detailed Description

This class allow to create a sequence of small quads that tesselate a poly.
Nicolas Vizerie

Nevrax France


Definition at line 46 of file quad_effect.h.

Public Types

typedef std::vector< NLMISC::CVector2fTPoint2DVect
 a vector of 2d points

typedef std::vector< std::pair<
float, float > > 

Static Public Member Functions

void makeRasters (const TPoint2DVect &poly, float quadWidth, float quadHeight, TRasters &dest, float &startY)
void processPoly (const TPoint2DVect &poly, float quadWidth, float quadHeight, TPoint2DVect &dest)

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector<NLMISC::CVector2f> NL3D::CQuadEffect::TPoint2DVect

a vector of 2d points

Definition at line 50 of file quad_effect.h.

typedef std::vector< std::pair< float, float> > NL3D::CQuadEffect::TRasters

Definition at line 53 of file quad_effect.h.

Referenced by makeRasters(), and processPoly().

Member Function Documentation

void NL3D::CQuadEffect::makeRasters const TPoint2DVect poly,
float  quadWidth,
float  quadHeight,
TRasters dest,
float &  startY

Make raters from the given clipped polygon.

poly a polygon that describe the area where datas are taken from.
quadWidth width of the quad
quadHeight height of the quad
dest a vector that will be filled with the given rasters
startY will be filled with the start y position on screen

edge is in scope. compute its extreme positions so we need to intersect it with the y = currY and y = currY + quadHeight lines

Definition at line 61 of file quad_effect.cpp.

References min, sint, size, NL3D::TEdgeList, TRasters, and uint.

Referenced by processPoly().

00065 {
00067         dest.clear();
00068     const float epsilon = 10E-5f;
00070         sint size = poly.size();
00071         uint aelSize = 0; // size of active edge list
00073         sint k; // loop counter
00077         dest.clear();
00079         if (!size) return;
00081         static TEdgeList lel, ael; // the left edge list, and the active edge list
00082         float highest = poly[0].y;
00083         lel.clear();
00084         ael.clear();
00088         for (k = 0; k < size; ++k)
00089         {
00091                 lel.push_front(
00092                                                 CEdge(poly[k], poly[k == (size - 1) ? 0 : k + 1])
00093                                   );
00094                 if (poly[k].y < highest) { highest = poly[k].y; }               
00095         }
00098         std::sort(lel.begin(), lel.end());
00100         bool  borderFound;
00101         float left, right, inter, diff;
00102         float currY = highest;
00103         startY = highest;
00105         TEdgeList::iterator elIt; 
00107         do
00108         {               
00110                 while (size 
00111                            && lel.begin()->P1.y < (currY +  quadHeight)
00112                           )
00113                 {
00114                         ael.push_front(lel.front());
00115                         lel.pop_front();
00116                         --size;
00117                         ++ aelSize;
00118                 }
00120                 if (aelSize)
00121                 {
00123                         borderFound = false;
00125                         for (elIt = ael.begin(); elIt != ael.end();)
00126                         {
00127                                 if (elIt->P2.y <= currY)
00128                                 {
00129                                         // edge has gone out of active edge list
00130                                         elIt = ael.erase(elIt);
00131                                         if (! --aelSize) return;
00132                                         continue;
00133                                 }
00134                                 else
00135                                 {
00142                                         if (elIt->P1.y >= currY) 
00143                                         {                                               
00144                                                 if (!borderFound)
00145                                                 {
00146                                                         left = right = elIt->P1.x;
00147                                                         borderFound = true;
00148                                                 }
00149                                                 else
00150                                                 {
00151                                                         left = std::min(left, elIt->P1.x);
00152                                                         right = std::max(right, elIt->P1.x);
00153                                                 }
00154                                         }
00155                                         else
00156                                         {
00157                                                 // compute intersection
00158                                                 diff = elIt->P2.y - elIt->P1.y;
00159                                                 if (diff > epsilon)
00160                                                 {
00161                                                         inter = elIt->P1.x + (elIt->P2.x - elIt->P1.x) * (currY - elIt->P1.y) / diff;
00162                                                 }
00163                                                 else
00164                                                 {
00165                                                         inter = elIt->P2.x;
00166                                                 }
00168                                                 if (!borderFound)
00169                                                 {
00170                                                         left = right = inter;
00171                                                         borderFound = true;
00172                                                 }
00173                                                 else
00174                                                 {
00175                                                         left = std::min(left, inter);
00176                                                         right = std::max(right, inter);
00177                                                 }
00178                                         }
00182                                         if (elIt->P2.y <= currY + quadHeight) 
00183                                         {                                               
00184                                                 if (!borderFound)
00185                                                 {
00186                                                         left = right = elIt->P2.x;
00187                                                         borderFound = true;
00188                                                 }
00189                                                 else
00190                                                 {
00191                                                         left = std::min(left, elIt->P2.x);
00192                                                         right = std::max(right, elIt->P2.x);
00193                                                 }
00194                                         }
00195                                         else
00196                                         {
00197                                                 // compute intersection
00198                                                 diff = elIt->P2.y - elIt->P1.y;
00199                                                 if (diff > epsilon)
00200                                                 {
00201                                                         inter = elIt->P1.x + (elIt->P2.x - elIt->P1.x) * (currY + quadHeight - elIt->P1.y) / diff;
00202                                                 }
00203                                                 else
00204                                                 {
00205                                                         inter = elIt->P2.x;
00206                                                 }
00208                                                 if (!borderFound)
00209                                                 {
00210                                                         left = right = inter;
00211                                                         borderFound = true;
00212                                                 }
00213                                                 else
00214                                                 {
00215                                                         left = std::min(left, inter);
00216                                                         right = std::max(right, inter);
00217                                                 }
00218                                         }
00220                                 }
00221                                 ++ elIt;                                
00222                         }               
00224                         dest.push_back(std::make_pair(left, right));
00225                 }
00227                 currY += quadHeight;
00229         } while (size || aelSize);      
00230 }

void NL3D::CQuadEffect::processPoly const TPoint2DVect poly,
float  quadWidth,
float  quadHeight,
TPoint2DVect dest

Tesselate the given clipped polygon , by using the given quad dimensions The coordinates of the poly are given in screen coordinate.

poly a polygon that describe the area where datas are taken from.
quadWidth width of the quad
quadHeight height of the quad
dest a vector that will contains the pos of all the quads that cover the poly

Definition at line 234 of file quad_effect.cpp.

References makeRasters(), sint, and TRasters.

00238 {
00239         static TRasters rDest;
00240         float currY;
00241         makeRasters(poly, quadWidth, quadHeight, rDest, currY);
00242         if (dest.size())
00243         {
00244                 TRasters::const_iterator it, endIt = rDest.end();
00245                 for (it = rDest.begin(); it != endIt; ++it)
00246                 {
00247                         const sint nbQuad = (sint) ceilf( (it->second - it->first) / quadWidth);
00248                         float currX = it->first;
00249                         for (sint k = 0; k < nbQuad; ++k)
00250                         {
00251                                 dest.push_back(NLMISC::CVector2f(currX, currY));                                                                                  
00252                                 currX += quadWidth;
00253                         }
00254                         currY += quadHeight;
00255                 }
00256         }
00257 }

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