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+ <H1>[Nel] Greetings! And some questions / comments</H1>
+ <B>Sal</B>
+ <A HREF="mailto:sferro%40wojo.com"
+ TITLE="[Nel] Greetings! And some questions / comments">sferro@wojo.com</A><BR>
+ <I>Sat, 11 Nov 2000 16:18:21 -0500</I>
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+First a little rant to explain my being here: :-)
+ I am also a Worldforge developer, like Bryce. Though not nearly as
+famous ;-) I stumbled upon Nevrax the other day and am very interested in
+its development. My goal a few years back was to help create a free,
+massively multiplayer online RPG system, one that I could enjoy myself and
+that others could build from to make their own persistant online worlds.
+And a commercial effort such as Nevrax could be a powerful force in helping
+to achieve such a goal.
+ Most opensource projects that start up have caught my eye, the first
+being the Ultima online emulator scene which I was a part of for a long
+time, coding admin tools, NPC ai, network code, etc. Whatever seemed the
+most challenging task. I got soon fed up with having to deal with the idea
+that all the hard work might not even turn out to be legal, and all the
+problems that OSI provided for the emu scene I didnt care for. So I then
+came across Worldforge, and that is where I am. Finally a totally free
+opensource project that met, if not exceeded my own standards for an online
+gaming system.
+ So I took on the responsibility of developer XClient, a 3d client. The
+root of its homepage is here, if anyone's interested:
+<A HREF="http://www.worldforge.org/website/clients/xclient/">http://www.worldforge.org/website/clients/xclient/</A>
+ Some shots of its recent developments (a terrain engine) are here:
+<A HREF="http://www.worldforge.org/images/screenshots/terrain1.jpg">http://www.worldforge.org/images/screenshots/terrain1.jpg</A>
+<A HREF="http://www.worldforge.org/images/screenshots/terrain2.jpg">http://www.worldforge.org/images/screenshots/terrain2.jpg</A>
+ (Its very early in development)
+ Some old out of date client shots:
+<A HREF="http://www.worldforge.org/website/clients/xclient/screenshots/">http://www.worldforge.org/website/clients/xclient/screenshots/</A>
+ And lastly, a goals paper that I've recently written to illustrate what
+the goals are in XClient development. This one I recommend reading above
+the others.
+<A HREF="http://www.worldforge.org/website/clients/xclient/developer/goals">http://www.worldforge.org/website/clients/xclient/developer/goals</A>
+ I've also created a Map editor (XEdit) a UDP networking library based
+off of the GPLd quake code (XUDP) and a simple test server (XServer). All
+of this and XClient are in Worldforge cvs for those interested. If there
+are questions about any of these things, please ask!
+ Anyhow, yes there is a point to all this. It seems that a lot of
+Worldforge's goals and development are in tandem with Nevrax's. So, I
+thought it would be worth it to see 1) how compatible our projects are and
+2) if we might be able to help each other out in any form, whether it be
+artwork, code, or knowledge. 3) how much interest, if any, there is in
+sharing efforts.
+ So if I could ask a few questions. I tried finding out some information
+through the website, but some questions remain:
+1) I understand that Nel will be a library to create games, but is this
+project also developing a specific game that uses the library? If so what
+details of it are known? As far as ruleset... gameplay...
+2) What is the development strategy? For example Worldforge will be
+developing several smaller diverse games in succession (Acorn, Mason... etc.
+etc.) until we reach the final goal, entitled 'BelchFire'. Will you guys be
+doing a similar thing?
+3) What features/goals are there for the 3d engine? What's being targeted
+(high end/low end hardware)? What rendering APIs? Software mode?
+4) I get this question a lot :-) Why develop a 3d engine from scratch? Why
+not use/build from an existing engine, such as Crystal Space?
+5) What are the capabilities of the current codebase?
+6) Is development open to outside influence? Or are you following an
+internal-only plan, and just opensourcing the results?
+7) Was there knowledge of Worldforge when this project was started? And if
+so, why was it deemed necessary to start another, independant effort with
+the same goals?
+8) Would it be possible to get a brief description of what Nevrax will use
+in the following areas:
+ - Protocol (UDP? TCP/IP?)
+ - Mapfile format (Custom? XML? Binary? Database-Driven?)
+ - Mapfile editors (What existing tools will be used, if
+ - Model format(s)
+ - Texture format(s)
+9) How the heck do you guys manage to pay a full development team off of
+free software? :-)
+ Thats about all I have for now. I'm sure more will come up in the
+future. You might want to put a few of those in the FAQ, I've noticed its
+in need of some fulfilling... and other people may have similair questions.
+ Anyhow, thanks in advance, and Congratulations and Good Luck in your
+efforts. Its a challenging and rewarding goal that we are working towards.
+I look forward to exchanging thoughts and ideas in the near future!
+- Sal
+<A HREF="mailto:sferro@wojo.com">sferro@wojo.com</A>
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