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+<p>Default branch: MAIN<BR>
+<HR size=1 NOSHADE><P><a NAME="rev1.2"></a><a NAME="HEAD"></a><a NAME="MAIN"></a>
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+, <i>Wed Apr 18 08:59:58 2001 UTC</i> (13 months, 3 weeks ago) by <i>valignat</i>
+<BR>Branch: <b><A HREF="README?only_with_tag=MAIN">MAIN</A>
+<BR>CVS Tags: <b><A HREF="README?only_with_tag=HEAD">HEAD</A>
+</b><BR>Changes since <b>1.1: +15 -4
+ lines</b><BR>Diff to previous <A HREF="/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/code/snowballs/README.diff?r1=1.1&amp;r2=1.2">1.1</A>
+# FIXED some insformations ...
+<HR size=1 NOSHADE><P><a NAME="rev1.1"></a>
+ Revision <A HREF="README?rev=1.1&amp;content-type=text/x-cvsweb-markup"><b>1.1</b></A> / (<A HREF="/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs/README?rev=1.1&amp;content-type=text/plain" target="cvs_checkout" onClick="window.open('/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs/README?rev=1.1&amp;content-type=text/plain','cvs_checkout','resizeable,scrollbars');"><b>download</b></A>) - <a href="/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/code/snowballs/README?annotate=1.1">annotate</a> - <A HREF="/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/code/snowballs/README?r1=1.1">[select for diffs]</A>
+, <i>Tue Apr 17 13:00:32 2001 UTC</i> (13 months, 3 weeks ago) by <i>valignat</i>
+<BR>Branch: <b><A HREF="README?only_with_tag=MAIN">MAIN</A>
+MOVED: client directory to snowballs/client and server/moves_servive to snowballs/server/moves_servive
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+Revision <B>1.2</B>, <i>Wed Apr 18 08:59:58 2001 UTC</i> (13 months, 1 week ago) by <i>valignat</i>
+<BR>Branch: <b>MAIN</b>
+<BR>CVS Tags: <b>HEAD</b><BR>Changes since <b>1.1: +15 -4
+ lines</b><PRE>
+# FIXED some insformations ...
+</td></tr></table><HR noshade><PRE>
+1. What's this document about?
+ &nbsp; ---------------------------
+This document contains useful information about SNOWBALLS, NeL, Nevrax,
+technical requirements, and caveats about compilation and installation.
+It also includes a short &quot;user manual&quot; for the programs provided. It is
+highly recommended reading.
+2. What are NeL and Nevrax
+ &nbsp; -----------------------
+You should really take a look at the <A HREF="http://www.nevrax.org/">http://www.nevrax.org/</A> (for NeL)
+and <A HREF="http://www.nevrax.com/">http://www.nevrax.com/</A> (for Nevrax). NeL is a free software
+framework developped and maintained by Nevrax Ltd, for the purpose of
+building internet multiuser entertainment.
+Nevrax is a company dedicated to Free Software, which is why our
+tools are covered by the GPL. See the attached license file.
+3. What's in the package?
+ &nbsp; ----------------------
+The package contains:
+ &nbsp; - The latest source code for the NeL client and server frameworks
+ &nbsp; - The source code and data for a sample NeL game called 'SNOWBALLS'
+If you have a source distribution, you need to compile the source to
+produce the various executables. If you have a binary distribution,
+you have a pre-built exe client for Snowballs, but no source.
+The source code is provided as is, and reflects the state of the NeL
+framework at the release date. We have done our best to insure that the
+snapshot you are using now compiles and works correctly. However, we
+only test on a limited range of configurations, and the vagaries of
+OS and hardware means we cannot guarantee it compiles and executes
+correctly on your system at the time.
+If you are using CVS, you can keep in synch with the NeL Development Team
+as we have included the required CVS information. An update will give you
+current source. We do not guarantee that the source in CVS will compile
+and work correctly at all time as it includes the latest work in progress.
+4. Caveat
+ &nbsp; ------
+The sample client, server and data files provided do not accurately reflect
+our game currently in production. We do not intend penguins and gnus to appear
+in the final game, and most of the gameplay you will see does not reflect
+what we will implement later.
+5. Compiling NeL and SNOWBALLS
+ &nbsp; ---------------------------
+You will need a C++ compiler to properly compile and execute the NeL
+framework. The program compiles reasonably under a Unix/GCC environment,
+but it has been chiefly tested under a Linux environment.
+The server has been compiled and executed on a Windows machine, but it
+is highly recommended that you run it on a separate Linux machine. The
+client has been compiled and executed on a Linux machine, but will
+probably not work on other unix systems (yet).
+The client and server require an operating TCP/IP stack to communicate.
+The data files for the client and server should be in the ./data child
+directories of the directory in which the executables are located.
+See the INSTALL file for the requirements and installation instructions.
+6. Running SNOWBALLS
+ &nbsp; -----------------
+It is highly recommended that you run the client on a PC with plenty of
+main memory (128Megs+) and a 3D card that supports T&amp;L in hardware and
+has 32Mb of memory. Lesser configurations will probably give you very
+poor framerates.
+If you want to run your own server, start the naming service on the
+machine that you want to use as a server. The binary is named,
+appropriately, naming_service. Otherwise, you may use the default server
+itsalive.nevrax.org, which is hosted here at Nevrax.
+The client starts normally. Once started, you'll be asked to select
+your langage. You then fill in a name and password (which must be
+alpha-numeric), and you'll be able to enter the test area. If you enter
+a user name that has never been used before on the server that you are
+connected to then a new account will be created with the password that
+you enter at the 'PASSWORD' prompt. You'll need to remeber this password
+as you'll need each time you login in the future.
+Select now your character type and server to play on, and you're set.
+You're now a penguin on an artic snowfield. You have snowballs which you
+can throw at other people. When you throw a snowball, you have a few
+seconds during which you gather more snow before you can throw the next
+one. If you hit someone, your score increases, and the snowed opponent
+becomes immune to further snowing (he flashes on the screen) for 5s. He
+cannot retaliate while invulnerable.
+If you get stuck somehow, remove the client.CFG file from your client
+directory, and restart. Good luck. If you find a penguin named TMS on
+the server, it's me, throw me a low one :)
+7. The controls in SNOWBALLS
+ &nbsp; -------------------------
+Use the mouse to look around.
+Use arrow keys to move forward, backward, strafe left and strafe right.
+F1: switch on/off informations
+F2: switch on/off the chat text full height
+SHIFT-F2: clear the chat
+F3: switch on/off the wireframe mode
+F4: change movement speed
+F5: dump client and server information to the log file
+F6: switch on/off the radar
+F7: zoom out the radar
+F8: zoom in the radar
+F9: capture or uncapture the mouse
+F10: Windows menu
+F12: take a screenshot
+PgUp/PgDw: Zoom in/out
+TAB: display scores
+ESC: quit
+Left Mouse Button: throw a snowball
+Type text followed by ENTER to broadcast messages
+8. Contacting us
+ &nbsp; -------------
+For comments and problems relating to SNOWBALLS contact us at <A HREF="mailto:snowballs@nevrax.com">snowballs@nevrax.com</A>
+For comments, bugs and suggestions relating to NeL contact us at <A HREF="mailto:nel@nevrax.com">nel@nevrax.com</A>
+</PRE> \ No newline at end of file
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+ CVS log</b> <IMG SRC="http://www.nevrax.org/inc/img/picto-news.gif" ALT="[TXT]" BORDER="0" WIDTH="13" HEIGHT="15"></td><td align=right><IMG SRC="http://www.nevrax.org/inc/img/picto-dir.gif" ALT="[DIR]" BORDER="0" WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="13"> <b>Up to <a href="/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/">Nevrax</a> / <a href="/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/code/">code</a> / <a href="/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/code/snowballs/">snowballs</a></b></td></tr></table><HR noshade><table width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff">File: <a href="/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/">Nevrax</a> / <a href="/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/code/">code</a> / <a href="/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/code/snowballs/">snowballs</a> / <a href="/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/code/snowballs/README">README</a>&nbsp;(<A HREF="/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs/README?rev=1.2" target="cvs_checkout" onClick="window.open('/cvs/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/code/snowballs/README?rev=1.2','cvs_checkout','resizeable,scrollbars');"><b>download</b></A>)<BR>
+Revision <B>1.2</B>, <i>Wed Apr 18 08:59:58 2001 UTC</i> (13 months, 3 weeks ago) by <i>valignat</i>
+<BR>Branch: <b>MAIN</b>
+<BR>CVS Tags: <b>HEAD</b><BR>Changes since <b>1.1: +15 -4
+ lines</b><PRE>
+# FIXED some insformations ...
+</td></tr></table><HR noshade><PRE>
+1. What's this document about?
+ &nbsp; ---------------------------
+This document contains useful information about SNOWBALLS, NeL, Nevrax,
+technical requirements, and caveats about compilation and installation.
+It also includes a short &quot;user manual&quot; for the programs provided. It is
+highly recommended reading.
+2. What are NeL and Nevrax
+ &nbsp; -----------------------
+You should really take a look at the <A HREF="http://www.nevrax.org/">http://www.nevrax.org/</A> (for NeL)
+and <A HREF="http://www.nevrax.com/">http://www.nevrax.com/</A> (for Nevrax). NeL is a free software
+framework developped and maintained by Nevrax Ltd, for the purpose of
+building internet multiuser entertainment.
+Nevrax is a company dedicated to Free Software, which is why our
+tools are covered by the GPL. See the attached license file.
+3. What's in the package?
+ &nbsp; ----------------------
+The package contains:
+ &nbsp; - The latest source code for the NeL client and server frameworks
+ &nbsp; - The source code and data for a sample NeL game called 'SNOWBALLS'
+If you have a source distribution, you need to compile the source to
+produce the various executables. If you have a binary distribution,
+you have a pre-built exe client for Snowballs, but no source.
+The source code is provided as is, and reflects the state of the NeL
+framework at the release date. We have done our best to insure that the
+snapshot you are using now compiles and works correctly. However, we
+only test on a limited range of configurations, and the vagaries of
+OS and hardware means we cannot guarantee it compiles and executes
+correctly on your system at the time.
+If you are using CVS, you can keep in synch with the NeL Development Team
+as we have included the required CVS information. An update will give you
+current source. We do not guarantee that the source in CVS will compile
+and work correctly at all time as it includes the latest work in progress.
+4. Caveat
+ &nbsp; ------
+The sample client, server and data files provided do not accurately reflect
+our game currently in production. We do not intend penguins and gnus to appear
+in the final game, and most of the gameplay you will see does not reflect
+what we will implement later.
+5. Compiling NeL and SNOWBALLS
+ &nbsp; ---------------------------
+You will need a C++ compiler to properly compile and execute the NeL
+framework. The program compiles reasonably under a Unix/GCC environment,
+but it has been chiefly tested under a Linux environment.
+The server has been compiled and executed on a Windows machine, but it
+is highly recommended that you run it on a separate Linux machine. The
+client has been compiled and executed on a Linux machine, but will
+probably not work on other unix systems (yet).
+The client and server require an operating TCP/IP stack to communicate.
+The data files for the client and server should be in the ./data child
+directories of the directory in which the executables are located.
+See the INSTALL file for the requirements and installation instructions.
+6. Running SNOWBALLS
+ &nbsp; -----------------
+It is highly recommended that you run the client on a PC with plenty of
+main memory (128Megs+) and a 3D card that supports T&amp;L in hardware and
+has 32Mb of memory. Lesser configurations will probably give you very
+poor framerates.
+If you want to run your own server, start the naming service on the
+machine that you want to use as a server. The binary is named,
+appropriately, naming_service. Otherwise, you may use the default server
+itsalive.nevrax.org, which is hosted here at Nevrax.
+The client starts normally. Once started, you'll be asked to select
+your langage. You then fill in a name and password (which must be
+alpha-numeric), and you'll be able to enter the test area. If you enter
+a user name that has never been used before on the server that you are
+connected to then a new account will be created with the password that
+you enter at the 'PASSWORD' prompt. You'll need to remeber this password
+as you'll need each time you login in the future.
+Select now your character type and server to play on, and you're set.
+You're now a penguin on an artic snowfield. You have snowballs which you
+can throw at other people. When you throw a snowball, you have a few
+seconds during which you gather more snow before you can throw the next
+one. If you hit someone, your score increases, and the snowed opponent
+becomes immune to further snowing (he flashes on the screen) for 5s. He
+cannot retaliate while invulnerable.
+If you get stuck somehow, remove the client.CFG file from your client
+directory, and restart. Good luck. If you find a penguin named TMS on
+the server, it's me, throw me a low one :)
+7. The controls in SNOWBALLS
+ &nbsp; -------------------------
+Use the mouse to look around.
+Use arrow keys to move forward, backward, strafe left and strafe right.
+F1: switch on/off informations
+F2: switch on/off the chat text full height
+SHIFT-F2: clear the chat
+F3: switch on/off the wireframe mode
+F4: change movement speed
+F5: dump client and server information to the log file
+F6: switch on/off the radar
+F7: zoom out the radar
+F8: zoom in the radar
+F9: capture or uncapture the mouse
+F10: Windows menu
+F12: take a screenshot
+PgUp/PgDw: Zoom in/out
+TAB: display scores
+ESC: quit
+Left Mouse Button: throw a snowball
+Type text followed by ENTER to broadcast messages
+8. Contacting us
+ &nbsp; -------------
+For comments and problems relating to SNOWBALLS contact us at <A HREF="mailto:snowballs@nevrax.com">snowballs@nevrax.com</A>
+For comments, bugs and suggestions relating to NeL contact us at <A HREF="mailto:nel@nevrax.com">nel@nevrax.com</A>
+</PRE> \ No newline at end of file