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+Revision <B>1.2</B>, <i>Thu Oct 4 15:49:12 2001 UTC</i> (9 months, 3 weeks ago) by <i>lecroart</i>
+<BR>Branch: <b>MAIN</b>
+<BR>CVS Tags: <b>HEAD</b><BR>Changes since <b>1.1: +3 -5
+ lines</b><PRE>
+CHANGED: must be updated again
+</td></tr></table><HR noshade><PRE>NEVRAX NeL Network Services Howto
+23/01/2001 <A HREF="mailto:cado@nevrax.com">cado@nevrax.com</A>
+$Id: HOWTO,v 1.2 2001/10/04 15:49:12 lecroart Exp $
+The NEVRAX NeL Network Services is made up of one unique login service, one or
+several shards (aka game servers), and a few utility services.
+In this document, we'll assume you want to run your login service
+and one shard on the same machine.
+You can't launch more than one shard on a computer.
+Services are compiled in debug mode by default.
+Once you have compiled the servers, you should have the following files
+(shown in Unix naming scheme, for Windows add &quot;.exe&quot;) in a single
+directory (let's call it homedir/bin):
+naming_service &nbsp;-&gt; used to find a specific service by its name
+time_service &nbsp; &nbsp;-&gt; centralized time reference manager
+login_service &nbsp; -&gt; centralized user account manager for all shards
+(admin_executor_service -&gt; collects system stats
+(agent_service &nbsp;-&gt; agent message router
+1. In the working directory (e.g. homedir), create the following files
+(don't type the lines beginning with &quot;-&quot;)
+-- ns.cfg --
+Host = &quot;hostname_of_your_machine_where_naming_service_will_run&quot;;
+Port = 50000;
+(This file is used by all services)
+-- ls.txt --
+Shards = {
+ &quot;hostname_of_your_machine_where_game_service_will_run&quot;, &quot;Name of the shard as it will appear on the client&quot;
+(This file is used by login_service)
+2. Launch the servers.
+Here is a sample batch file, where you can find the right ordering :
+-- starts --
+nohup ~/bin/naming_service &gt;/dev/null
+nohup ~/bin/time_service &gt;/dev/null
+nohup ~/bin/login_service &gt;/dev/null
+echo &quot;Active services:&quot;
+ps -edf | grep _service | grep -v grep
+echo &quot;End services&quot;
+3. To connect a client to your new shard, set
+LSHost = &quot;hostname_of_your_machine_where_login_service_runs&quot;;
+in its client.cfg
+and create ns.cfg with the same contents as for the servers.
+Then launch the client and enjoy :-)
+4. The services create/modify the following config or log files:
+- unitime.cfg (time_service)
+ &nbsp;Contains the time reference
+- ls.txt (login_service)
+ &nbsp;Every time a new user (not registered before) logs in, its login
+ &nbsp;and password are saved into ls.txt
+- ls.log (login_service)
+ &nbsp;Every time someone logs in, its configuration information is
+ &nbsp;saved into ls.log
+- log.log (very big especially if you have compiled the servers
+ &nbsp;with NL_DEBUG defined)
+ &nbsp;Contains all debug information sent by the services.
+5. How to shutdown the services
+Here is a sample batch file:
+-- kills --
+kill -INT `ps -edf | grep bin/login_service | grep -v grep &nbsp;| tr -s &quot; &quot; | cut -d' ' -f2`
+sleep 1
+kill -INT `ps -edf | grep bin/time_service | grep -v grep &nbsp;| tr -s &quot; &quot; | cut -d' ' -f2`
+sleep 1
+kill -INT `ps -edf | grep bin/log_service | grep -v grep &nbsp;| tr -s &quot; &quot; | cut -d' ' -f2`
+sleep 1
+kill -INT `ps -edf | grep bin/naming_service | grep -v grep &nbsp;| tr -s &quot; &quot; | cut -d' ' -f2`
+-- kills --
+</PRE> \ No newline at end of file