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+Revision <B>1.17</B>, <i>Thu Apr 11 07:29:48 2002 UTC</i> (3 months ago) by <i>lecroart</i>
+<BR>Branch: <b>MAIN</b>
+<BR>CVS Tags: <b>georges_v2, HEAD</b><BR>Changes since <b>1.16: +1 -1
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+CHANGED: using .png instead of .gif
+</td></tr></table><HR noshade><PRE>/**
+\page general NeL Whitepaper
+\author Vincent Archer
+The purpose of this document is to present a general overview of the whole of the
+NeL infrastructure. After reading this document, you should have a good understanding
+of how NeL is structured, what parts compose it, why these parts are there, and how
+they are intended to be used for the building of a finished product.
+This is not an interface description or a programming manual. These interface
+descriptions are generated using the Doxygen documentation tool, and separate
+general interface description documents for each component are provided. There is also a
+separate global programming manual, describing exactly how to code for a complete product
+using NeL components.
+The NeL library is further divided into a few libraries: network, ai, 3d and misc. If you want
+to use ai, 3d or network you also need to use the misc part of the library. Ai, 3d and network are
+totally independant from each other so you can use only the parts you really need in your project.
+A good example is the platform Nevrax intends to use NeL for. That platform uses the
+following architecture:
+\image html architect.png
+\section build Building system
+Building systems are very different, depending on whether you work on a Windows/Visual
+C++ environment, or a Unix/g++ environment (the two development environments currently
+supported in the official NeL system).
+The building system reflects this and thus consists of two different subsystems:
+\subsection unixbuild Unix build
+Building the NeL system in a Unix-based environment uses the auto-configure system
+that is pretty much a standard in GNU tools and other environment-portable packages. The
+NeL library top level thus has a configure.in, which autoconf/autoheader turns into
+the classic configure script.
+That directory, and all its subdirectories, has a Makefile.am, which automake uses to
+generate a set of Makefile.in. All modifications (notably adding source files) are made
+into the Makefile.am files themselves, and never to Makefile.in or Makefile. The .am
+template is stored in the CVS tree, but not the rest. A full regeneration of the files
+must be done after a checkout.
+\subsection winbuild Windows build
+First, you need to have visual c++ (VC++) version 6 and at least VC++ service pack 4.
+Only .dsp (project) files and .dsw (workspace) are stored in the CVS tree. All
+other specific visual c++ files are automatically created in the build process.
+To build NeL, you have to start vc++ and load the nel workspace and compile
+all projects contained in the workspace. Each project create a .lib (library) file in
+the lib directory.
+Other compilation environments on a Windows system may be possible, but are not currently
+\section components Components
+\subsection component3d 3D library
+The purpose of the 3D Library is to provide a graphical view of a full 3D Universe. It
+is not based on a pre-existing high-level library because of specific constraints on the
+final environment to render, which consists of large landscapes with smooth natural
+features and lots of objects.
+To achieve this objective, the library implements several techniques:
+- Geometry:
+ &nbsp;- The ROAM algorithm, which provides an adaptative subdivision of the landscape base
+ &nbsp; &nbsp;depending on various parameters like distance, steepness of the landscape, etc.
+ &nbsp;- Use of Bezier Patches to create smooth-looking landscapes
+ &nbsp;- Multi-Resolution Meshes, to provide a smooth reduction in polygon count as objects
+ &nbsp; &nbsp;retreat further in distance, details degree and so on
+ &nbsp;- Object Interfaces, which allows the correct assembly of multiple &quot;parts&quot; of objects
+ &nbsp; &nbsp;into a single mesh without leaving unconnected parts or holes
+- Rendering:
+ &nbsp;- Bump Mapping of surfaces for more natural-looking textures
+ &nbsp;- Environment Map for metal like surface
+ &nbsp;- Support of User Colors (specific areas in textures tagged for replacement with a
+ &nbsp; &nbsp;program-defined color upon rendering)
+ &nbsp;- Full hardware Transform and Lighting support
+ &nbsp;- Hardware Pixel Shaders and Vertex Shaders
+- Animation:
+ &nbsp;- Skinning, using a base skeleton for animations
+ &nbsp;- Blended Shapes, to provide lip-sync style animations
+ &nbsp;- Inverse kinematics
+ &nbsp;- Blend of animations to provide smooth transitions between various animations
+- Low level services:
+ &nbsp;- Object streaming, to provide a transparent load-on-demand, including the multi-
+ &nbsp; &nbsp;resolution meshes
+ &nbsp;- Object Picking in a scene
+The 3d library works best with a set of 3DSMax plug-ins to generate data for use with the
+The 3d library itself is organised in three successive layers:
+- Layer 1, or driver layer, which implements the effective 3D operations. This is
+ &nbsp;highly API and platform-dependent. Right now, an OpenGL driver is provided, but a
+ &nbsp;directX would not require much effort.
+- Layer 2, or object layer, which implements the various objects (landscapes, meshes
+ &nbsp;light and so on) and rendering.
+- Layer 3, or high level layer, which provide the spatial manipulation and the
+ &nbsp;necessary interfaces to create the whole scene, and modify it according to the model
+ &nbsp;of your universe. It manages the scene graph depending of the needs of the environment.
+Modification of the layer 1 should be very rare, as it is the most stable part of the
+NeL 3D library. New extensions to OpenGL or new drivers will require intervention in
+that layer.
+Modification of the layer 2 occurs only if you create new object types, such as special
+smooth surfaces not based on Bezier Patches, different styles of animations, and so on.
+Modification of the layer 3 is reserved to changes in the whole predicate on which the
+NeL library is based, as it is where objects are created and removed, their properties
+altered, according to the necessities of the 3D universe.
+\subsection componentai Artificial Intelligence
+The purpose of the AI library is to provide a pragmatic approach to creating a distributed
+agents platform. Its focus is agents; individual entities that communicate regardless of
+location, using an action-reaction model.
+The ai library provide three different categories of concepts:
+- Autonomous agents
+ &nbsp;- Basic components that can be assembled to build an agent
+ &nbsp;- Messages that can be sent between agents
+ &nbsp;- Triggers
+- A dedicated scripting language
+ &nbsp;- Based on a virtual machine approach (similar to Java)
+ &nbsp;- Object oriented, with a strong agent flavor
+ &nbsp;- Declarative rather than procedural (allows to define sets of actions, then select
+ &nbsp; &nbsp;among them which one to take)
+- Basic AI techniques
+ &nbsp;- Pathfinding in a 3D universe (animated objects may have different paths depending on
+ &nbsp; &nbsp;their physical abilities)
+ &nbsp;- Basic expert system framework
+ &nbsp;- Order-1 logic
+ &nbsp;- Fuzzy logic operations
+ &nbsp;- Evolutive algorithms
+The ai library offers three different layers of code:
+- Layer 1, or base classes layer, which implements the basic classes, and all the basic
+ &nbsp;AI techniques available to agents
+- Layer 2, or agent layer, which provides the base agent, and the components used to
+ &nbsp;build an agent
+- Layer 3, or scripting layer, which defines the scripting language, the virtual machine,
+ &nbsp;and allows the programmer to create, assemble and define agent behaviours. This is where
+ &nbsp;the AI programmer acts to create specific agents.
+Modification of the layer 1 should be very infrequent, and occur only if someone wants
+to add new AI techniques, or alter the communication layers between agents.
+Modification of the layer 2 occurs only if you want to create different agent types. In
+general, this is not necessary; the set of agents implemented in the layer 2 is assumed
+to be adequate to cover all bases.
+Modification of the layer 3 is where one may add new functionalities to the scripting
+language, such as allowing to call other scripts (in Python, Perl, or whatever langage)
+or external compiled code.
+\subsection componentdb Database &amp; File
+The storage library provides access to hard drive files. It provides an API for general
+use based on a serialize class. All class can be serializable by inheriting a base class.
+Doing this enable the class to be serialized on every type of streams, which could be memory streams,
+file streams, network streams and so on. It is a full extensible system that allow NeL to
+add new complex streams like compressed file stream or distributed file stream.
+The database is managed by a third party library. It could be either an object oriented
+database (OODBMS) that support transparent object storage and access, security and backup
+system, or a classical relational database. The decision to orient the architecture toward
+one or the other isn't yet set in stone.
+The NeL database interface merely provides access to that specific database,
+but NeL does not require any specific kind of database to be useable.
+\subsection componentnet Network
+The network library serves a twofold purpose. It provides inter-process communication,
+and service system.
+In purely network terms, the library offers 4 layers:
+- An abstraction of the network API and links (IPC may be across a network, or local
+ &nbsp;messaging)
+- Handling of asynchronous message passing, and callbacks
+- An abstraction of destination (you address a service, not an IP/Port)
+- A buffering and structuring of messages with generic serialization system
+These network layers are reused to build distributed services. The network library
+presents both a generic service skeleton, which includes the base functions of the
+distributed service:
+- Initialisation (reading configuration file, reading command line parameters)
+- Creation and registration of callbacks for network layer 2
+- Registration to the naming service for the layer 3
+The library will also provide pre-existing services:
+- Naming service (1 per logical cluster)
+ &nbsp;- This service handles the association between a service and the process or processes
+ &nbsp; &nbsp;that execute code to provide the service. Each service is registered with an ip and
+ &nbsp; &nbsp;a port
+ &nbsp;- Handles load balancing
+ &nbsp;- Manage all the cluster connections
+- Logging service (1 per logical cluster)
+ &nbsp;- Centralizing all log messages and statistics needed by the Naming service and
+ &nbsp; &nbsp;Admin service
+- Admin service (1 per logical cluster)
+ &nbsp;- The entry point for the cluster administrator. Enable the control all the cluster like
+ &nbsp; &nbsp;adding new service, close services, get cluster states, logging informations and so on.
+- Admin Executor service (1 per physical computer)
+ &nbsp;- These services get statistics of the computer and send them for the Admin service via
+ &nbsp; &nbsp;the Logging service. They also executes all Admin service requests.
+- World service (n per logial cluster)
+ &nbsp;- Manages agents and all the game systems created by AI.
+Finally, the network library also proposes some basic function that are required to
+build a service able to &quot;run&quot; a 3D Universe, such as:
+- Fast communication across unreliable long-delay networks
+- Dead reckoning that enable smooth moves on a slow Internet connection
+The purely network library is typically self-contained, and not much subject to
+modification, unless one wants to change the entire paradigm around which the platform
+runs. Addition of a specific and non-standard network or network API would be the only
+reason one would change layer 1.
+The service system provides an easy way to add new specifical service needed by
+the universe.
+The structure of distributed services is the point that requires the most attention,
+as these define the logical structure of a cluster.
+Fine-tuning the basic network services is probably the place where most modifications can
+be made.
+\subsection componentpython Python scripting
+Python is currently considered as the tool that will bind all the components from NeL
+and the client or server together.
+\subsection componentsys System
+This library section deals with all the system-dependent aspects of the NeL library.
+It handles interfaces with the system functions, such as starting processes, managing
+system resources, thread class, sound management, keyboard and mouse inputs and so on.
+\subsection componentmisc Miscellaneous
+This contains all the various utility functions, classes and objects that are not
+complex and large enough to warrant their own separate component, yet are fundamental
+to the function of the NeL platform.
+It contains, for example, debug features, smart pointers, internationalization system,
+math classes, generic streaming system, and so on.
+\section externals External components
+The following external components are used to build the NeL system. These components
+are either included directly in the NeL system and are available immediately when
+extracting the NeL source tree, while others are kept separate, and require you to
+obtain them separately prior to building NeL.
+- Autoconfig &amp; Automake : The GNU standard configuration tools for Open Source development.
+- STLPorts (www.stlport.org)
+- FreeType2 (www.freetype.org)
+ */</PRE> \ No newline at end of file