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+Revision <B>1.3</B>, <i>Tue Apr 16 13:54:27 2002 UTC</i> (3 months ago) by <i>lecroart</i>
+<BR>Branch: <b>MAIN</b>
+<BR>CVS Tags: <b>georges_v2, HEAD</b><BR>Changes since <b>1.2: +14 -12
+ lines</b><PRE>
+ADDED: description
+</td></tr></table><HR noshade><PRE>/**
+\page nelsamples NeL Samples
+$Id: nel_samples.dxt,v 1.3 2002/04/16 13:54:27 lecroart Exp $
+\author Olivier Cado, Vianney Lecroart
+\date 06/15/2001
+\section samisc NeL Misc Samples
+Theses samples illustrates the usage of the miscellaneous library. This is the based library used by all other Nevrax libraries.
+It contains all usefull class and features that are not specific for one or another library.
+\subsection samisccommand command
+This samples describes how to create commands and execute them using ICommand class. It's a generic system to create and execute
+command at run time (it is used in all services, snowballs client and so on).
+\subsection samiscconfigfile configfile
+This samples describes how to use NeL configuration file. (This system is used in all services, snowballs client and so on).
+\subsection samiscdebug debug
+This program shows you how to use basic debug stuffs that are used everywhere in NeL.
+\subsection samisclog log
+This sample uses the log and displayer system that is a generic way to generate output (on screen, file, network and so one).
+\section sanetwork NeL Net Samples
+Theses samples illustrate the usage of network library
+\subsection sanetlogin_system login_system
+This examples shows you how to use the login system provided by NeL to connects/check/identify clients.
+\subsection sanetservice service
+This is a very simple service example to describes the architecture to create services.
+\subsection sanetlayer3 net_layer3
+This project demonstrates the usage of layer 3 (NLNET::CCallbackClient, NLNET::CCallbackServer) and the
+service framework (NLNET::IService). It contains three programs: a client, a front-end service and a ping service.
+- The client connects to a front-end server at localhost:37000.
+It sends pings and expects pongs (ping replies).
+- The front-end server expects pings, and forward them to
+the real ping server (known as &quot;PS&quot; in the naming service).
+When the ping server sends a pong back, the front-end server forwards it to the client.
+- The ping service (PS) expects pings and sends pongs back.
+To run the front-end service and the ping service, ensure
+their config files, frontend_service.cfg and ping_service.cfg,
+are located in the directory where they are run. These files
+state the address of the naming service.
+\subsection sanetlayer4 net_layer4
+This project demonstrates the usage of layer 4 (NLNET::CNetManager), the
+service framework (NLNET::IService), and the connection and disconnection callbacks.
+It contains three programs: a client, a front-end service and a ping service.
+The functionalities are close to the ones of the previous sample.
+- The client connects to a front-end server at localhost:37000.
+It sends pings and expects pongs (ping replies).
+- This front-end server expects pings, and forward them to
+the real ping server. When the ping server sends a pong back,
+the front-end server forwards it to the client.
+Even if the connection to the ping server is broken, our
+front-end server will keep storing the ping messages and
+will forward them when the connection is restored, thanks
+to layer 4.
+- The ping service (PS) expects pings and sends pongs back.
+To run the front-end service and the ping service, ensure
+their config files, frontend_service.cfg and ping_service.cfg,
+are located in the directory where they are run. These files
+state the address of the naming service.
+\subsection sanetlayer5 net_layer5
+This project demonstrates the usage of layer 5 (NLNET::CUnifiedNetwork), the
+service framework (NLNET::IService), and the connection and disconnection callbacks.
+It contains a set of services that communicate between them.
+The functionalities are close to the ones of the previous sample but they add some
+features like unified callback array, and so on.
+\subsection sanetudp udp
+This project demonstrates the usage of a client/server architecture for
+benching an UDP connection. The server listen on TCP port and UDP port
+for new incoming client. When a client is connected, it communicates on
+the TCP port to set the bench and after it uses the UDP port to bench the
+connection. The server log information on text file and send some info on
+the client using the TCP connection.
+\subsection sanetclasstransport class_transport
+This project demonstrates the usage of the CTransportClass class.
+This class allows services to send easily some class to another service.
+It manages different class version (For example, the sender class can have
+different variables than the receiver class)
+\section sa3d NeL 3D Samples
+\e Document \e under \e construction
+\subsection sa3dfont font
+\e Document \e under \e construction
+\section sapacs NeL PACS Samples
+\e Document \e under \e construction
+\section saai NeL AI Samples
+\e Document \e under \e construction
+*/</PRE> \ No newline at end of file