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authorneodarz <neodarz@neodarz.net>2018-08-11 20:21:34 +0200
committerneodarz <neodarz@neodarz.net>2018-08-11 20:21:34 +0200
commit0ea5fc66924303d1bf73ba283a383e2aadee02f2 (patch)
tree2568e71a7ccc44ec23b8bb3f0ff97fb6bf2ed709 /docs/doxygen/nel/log_howto.html
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+<hr><a name="log_howto"><h2>How to log information (for debugging purpose) ?</h2></a>
+ <dl compact><dt><b>
+Author: </b><dd>
+Olivier Cado </dl><dl compact><dt><b>
+Date: </b><dd>
+Updated May 4 2001</dl>This document explains how to log some information (into the screen, into a file or to a logging server), e.g. in order to debug your code.
+<a name="basic_debug"><h2>Basic usage of the debugging system</h2></a>
+ The debugging sytem allows to log information at various levels. Include the header file "<a class="el" href="debug_8h.html">nel/misc/debug.h</a>".
+The main functionalities are offered by the macros nldebug, nlinfo, nlwarning and also nlerror and nlassert, and by their variant forms (see <a class="el" href="debug_8h.html">debug.h</a>). They allow to display strings, with open arguments, using the "printf" syntax. In the default behaviour, the text passed to nldebug is displayed into stdout in NL_DEBUG mode, but not in NL_RELEASE. The logged texts are also written into a file called "log.log" in the working directory. These macros print the strings with an information header.
+Example : <div class="fragment"><pre> sint32 age = -2;
+ <a class="code" href="debug_8h.html#a0">nldebug</a>( <font class="stringliteral">"Toto is %d years old"</font>, age );
+ <font class="keywordflow">if</font> ( age &lt; 0 )
+ {
+ <a class="code" href="debug_8h.html#a3">nlerror</a>( <font class="stringliteral">"Invalid age for toto : %d"</font>, age );
+ <font class="comment">// the program will not come here because nlerror throws an exception to exit</font>
+ }
+ STDOUT (logger thread_id <a class="code" href="cf__lexical_8cpp.html#a95">file</a> line: debug_string):
+ DBG 1234 myfile.cpp 10: Toto is -2 years old
+ ERR 1234 myfile.cpp 13: Invalid age for <a class="code" href="namespaceNLMISC.html#a294">toto</a> : -2
+ Abort
+ FILE OUTPUT (date time logger debug_string):
+ 01/04/11 18:24:50 DBG: Toto is -2 years old
+ 01/04/11 18:24:50 ERR: Invalid age for <a class="code" href="namespaceNLMISC.html#a294">toto</a> : -2
+Because NeL allows to create multithreaded programs, these macros use mutual exclusions (mutex) to ensure no data is corrupted and the displayed text not interlaced.
+<a name="adv_log"><h2>Advanced usage of the logging system</h2></a>
+You may want to customize the logging system directly, for your own needs. Include "<a class="el" href="log_8h.html">nel/misc/log.h</a>".
+<a name="init_log"><h3>Initialization</h3></a>
+ If your program is not a "service" in the NeL terms (i.e. if it is not built on <a class="el" href="classNLNET_1_1IService.html">NLNET::IService</a>), first call createDebug() to create the basic global loggers <em>ErrorLog</em>, <em>WarningLog</em>, <em>InfoLog</em>, <em>DebugLog</em> and <em>AssertLog</em> (the ones that are used by the nlerror, nlwarning, nlinfo, nldebug and nlassert macros).
+Then, you can attach some displayers to the global loggers (<a class="el" href="classNLMISC_1_1CLog.html">NLMISC::CLog</a> objects).<ul>
+<li><a class="el" href="classNLMISC_1_1CStdDisplayer.html">NLMISC::CStdDisplayer</a> is for stdout (the console, the VC++ output window...). It is attached by default to all of the five logger objects mentionned above.<li><a class="el" href="classNLMISC_1_1CFileDisplayer.html">NLMISC::CFileDisplayer</a> is for a file.<li><a class="el" href="classNLMISC_1_1CMsgBoxDisplayer.html">NLMISC::CMsgBoxDisplayer</a> is for a message box.<li><a class="el" href="classNLNET_1_1CNetDisplayer.html">NLNET::CNetDisplayer</a> is for a logging server (see CLogService in the nelns documentation).<li>You can can create your own displayer, in order to print the logged text onto a new target (for example, see the class CChatDisplayer in Snowballs 0.2) or to customize the filter on the header.</ul>
+Example (we assume CNetDisplayer allows to log via the network): <div class="fragment"><pre> <a class="code" href="namespaceNLMISC.html#a247">createDebug</a>(); <font class="comment">// automatically done in a "service"</font>
+ <a class="code" href="classNLNET_1_1CNetDisplayer.html">NLNET::CNetDisplayer</a> *nd = <font class="keyword">new</font> CNetDisplayer(); <font class="comment">// the address of the Logging Server is automatically retrieved using the Naming Service</font>
+ <font class="keywordflow">if</font> ( nd-&gt;<a class="code" href="classNLNET_1_1CNetDisplayer.html#a3">connected</a>() ) <font class="comment">// this line is optional: here we don't want the displayer to attempt other connections if the first one failed</font>
+ {
+ NLMISC::DebugLog.addDisplayer( nd );
+ }
+<a name="use_log"><h3>Logging information</h3></a>
+How to log a string without repeating the header ? Use the methods of <a class="el" href="classNLMISC_1_1CLog.html">NLMISC::CLog</a>.
+Example : <div class="fragment"><pre> NLMISC::DebugLog.displayNL ( <font class="stringliteral">"Dump of Values :"</font> );
+ <font class="keywordflow">for</font> ( <font class="keywordtype">int</font> j=0; j!=<a class="code" href="driver__opengl__extension__def_8h.html#a390">height</a>; ++j )
+ {
+ <font class="keywordflow">for</font> ( <font class="keywordtype">int</font> i=0; i!=<a class="code" href="driver__opengl__extension__def_8h.html#a389">width</a>; ++i )
+ {
+ NLMISC::DebugLog.displayRaw( <font class="stringliteral">"%d "</font>, Values[j][i] );
+ }
+ NLMISC::DebugLog.displayRawNL( <font class="stringliteral">": line %d"</font>, j );
+ }
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