The icon and favicon files are generated via the following commands: :: cd source/img xelatex icon.tex xelatex icon-square.tex for size in 100 150 200 300 400 2048; do convert icon.pdf -density 400 -resize $sizex$size icon-$size.png; done for size in 16 32 48 144; do convert icon.pdf -density 400 -resize $sizex$size favicon-$size.png; done convert icon-square.pdf -density 400 -resize 152x152 apple-touch-icon-152.png optipng favicon-*.png icon-*.png apple-touch-icon-152.png convert favicon-16.png favicon-32.png favicon-48.png ../favicon.ico rm favicon-16.png favicon-32.png favicon-48.png Credit to `audreyr/favicon-cheat-sheet `_ for favicon handling tips. The feed icon isn't so easy to create with TikZ (I don't know the necessary parameters), so I downloaed one (256x256) from `IconFinder `_. The original PNG can be found `here `_. Then I processed the PNG with ``optipng``, the result of which is ``feed-256.png``. The smaller ``feed-14.png`` is generated through:: convert feed-256.png -resize 14x14 feed-14.png optipng feed-14.png Next, the horizontal mirror ``rss-14.png`` is generated through:: convert feed-14.png -flop rss-14.png optipng rss-14.png The CreativeCommons icon ``cc.svg`` is pulled from `the official downloads page `_ and converted to 16x16 PNG through:: convert cc.svg -resize 16x16 cc-16.png optipng cc-16.png