#!/bin/python3 import os import sys import tempfile import re import bs4 import dateutil import io import subprocess import lxml.etree as ET from config.config import * from utils import utils def generate_menu(): """Generate menu.""" sys.stderr.write("generating menu\n") fd, tmppath = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) # Put in a list the pages where the menu will be written html_fileList = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(BUILDDIR): for name in files: if name.endswith(".html"): try: html_fileList.append(os.path.join(root.split('build/')[1], name)) except IndexError: html_fileList.append(name) # Generate the string who contain the links of the menu htmly_website_page = "" # Writing the menu in all pages contained in the variable in place of the -- generate menu here -- for html_file in html_fileList: with open(tmppath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as tmpfile: if os.path.exists("build/"+html_file): with open("build/"+html_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as indexmd: lines = indexmd.readlines() with open("build/"+html_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as indexmd: for line in lines: indexmd.write(re.sub(r'-- generate menu here --', htmly_website_page, line)) os.remove(tmppath) def generate_table(): """Generate table.""" first_comp = 1 first_pr = 1 tr_class = "odd" documents_fileList = [] documents_fileList.append("/website/bts-sio.html") fd, tmppath = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) htmly_website_page = "" if os.path.exists(BUILDDIR+"/website/bts-sio.html"): sys.stderr.write("generating table\n") # Put in a list the pages where the menu will be written #for root, dirs, files in os.walk(BUILDDIR+"/website/Documents/Situation2"): # for name in files: # if name.endswith(".html"): # try: # documents_fileList.append(os.path.join(root.split('build')[1], name)) # except IndexError: # documents_fileList.append(name) # Generate the string who contain the links of the menu #htmly_website_page = "" # Writing the menu in all pages contained in the variable in place of the -- generate submenu here -- for document_file in documents_fileList: with open(tmppath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as tmpfile: if os.path.exists("build"+document_file): with open("build"+document_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as indexmd: lines = indexmd.readlines() with open("build"+document_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as indexmd: for line in lines: indexmd.write(re.sub(r'
-- table --', '', line))
                with open("build"+document_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as indexmd:
                    lines = indexmd.readlines()
                    with open("build"+document_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as indexmd:
                        for line in lines:
                            if (re.match('^\$.*', line) and first_pr == 1):
                                indexmd.write(re.sub(r'^\$.*', line_edited, line))
                                first_pr = 0
                                first_comp = 1
                            elif (re.match('^\$.*', line)):
                                if (tr_class == "odd"):
                                    tr_class = "even"
                                    tr_class = "odd"
                                indexmd.write(re.sub(r'^\$.*', line_edited, line))
                with open("build"+document_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as indexmd:
                    lines = indexmd.readlines()
                    with open("build"+document_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as indexmd:
                        for line in lines:

                            if (re.match('^    \$.*\$$', line)):
                                indexmd.write(re.sub(r'^    \$.*\$$', "
  • "+line.split("$")[1]+'
  • ', line)) first_comp = 1 elif (re.match('^ \$.*[^\$]$', line)): if first_comp == 1: indexmd.write(re.sub(r'^ \$.*[^\$]$', "", line)) else: indexmd.write(re.sub(r'^ \$.*', "", line)) with open("build"+document_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as indexmd: lines = indexmd.readlines() with open("build"+document_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as indexmd: for line in lines: indexmd.write(re.sub(r"-- end table --", "
    • "+line.split("$")[1]+'
    • ', line)) first_comp = 0 else: indexmd.write(re.sub(r'^ \$.*[^\$]$', "
    • "+line.split("$")[1]+'
    • ', line)) else: indexmd.write(line) with open("build"+document_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as indexmd: lines = indexmd.readlines() with open("build"+document_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as indexmd: for line in lines: if (re.match('^ \$.*', line)): indexmd.write(re.sub(r'^ \$.*', "
    • "+line.split("$")[1]+"
    • "+line+"
    ", line)) os.remove(tmppath) def generate_blog_list(feed): """"Generate blog list """ sys.stderr.write("generating blog list\n") html_fileList = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(BUILDDIR): for name in files: if re.search(r'blog',root): if name.endswith(".html"): try: html_fileList.append(os.path.join(root.split('blog/')[1], name)) except IndexError: html_fileList.append(name) # generate TOC for html_file in html_fileList: div_blog_list = u'
    \n\n' year = 10000 # will be larger than the latest year for quite a while # recall that entries are in reverse chronological order table_opened = False for entry in feed.entries: date = entry.updated_datetime if date.year < year: # close the previous table if there is one if table_opened: div_blog_list += u'\n' # write a new

    tag with the smaller year year = date.year div_blog_list += u'\n


    \n\n'.format(year) div_blog_list += u'\n' table_opened = True # write a new table row entry in Markdown, in the format: # # # # # monthday = date.strftime("%b %d") div_blog_list += (u'' '\n' % (date.isoformat(), monthday, entry.relpath, entry.title_text)) if table_opened: div_blog_list += u'
    [Blah blah](/blog/2015-05-04-blah-blah.html)
    \n' div_blog_list += u'
    ' fd, tmppath = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) with open(tmppath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as tmpfile: if os.path.exists("build/blog/index.html"): with open("build/blog/index.html", 'r', encoding='utf-8') as indexmd: lines = indexmd.readlines() with open("build/blog/index.html", 'w', encoding='utf-8') as indexmd: for line in lines: indexmd.write(re.sub(r'{% generate blog_list here %}', div_blog_list, line)) def generate_notes_list(): """"Generate notes list """ sys.stderr.write("generating notes list\n") html_fileList = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(BUILDDIR): for name in files: if re.search(r'notes',root): if name.endswith(".html"): try: html_fileList.append(os.path.join(root.split('notes/')[1], name)) except IndexError: html_fileList.append(name) div_notes_list = u'
    \n\n' year = 10000 # will be larger than the latest year for quite a while # recall that entries are in reverse chronological order table_opened = False for name in list(reversed(sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(BUILDDIR, "notes"))))): if re.match(r"^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}.*\.html", name): htmlpath = os.path.join(BUILDDIR, "notes", name) #tentry = AtomEntry() #item = RssItem() try: with open(htmlpath, encoding="utf-8") as htmlfile: soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(htmlfile.read(), "lxml") # generate atom entry #entry.author = copy.deepcopy(feed.author) # assume it's always the same author #entry_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(BLOG_HOME, "blog/%s" % name) #entry.id_text = entry_url #entry.id = ET.Element("id") #entry.id.text = entry_url relpath = "/notes/%s" % name #entry.link = ET.Element("link", href=entry_url) title_text = soup.title.text #entry.title = ET.Element("title", type="html") #entry.title.text = entry.title_text post_date = soup.find("meta", attrs={"name": "date"})["content"] updated_datetime = dateutil.parser.parse(post_date) date = updated_datetime if date.year < year: # close the previous table if there is one if table_opened: div_notes_list += u'\n' # write a new

    tag with the smaller year year = date.year div_notes_list += u'\n


    \n\n'.format(year) div_notes_list += u'\n' table_opened = True # write a new table row entry in Markdown, in the format: # # # # # monthday = date.strftime("%b %d") div_notes_list += (u'' '\n' % (date.isoformat(), monthday, relpath, title_text)) except Exception: sys.stderr.write("error: failed to generate feed entry from %s\n" % name) with open(htmlpath, encoding="utf-8") as htmlfile: sys.stderr.write("dumping HTML:%s\n\n" % htmlfile.read()) raise if table_opened: div_notes_list += u'
    [Blah blah](/blog/2015-05-04-blah-blah.html)
    \n' div_notes_list += u'
    ' fd, tmppath = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) with open(tmppath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as tmpfile: if os.path.exists("build/notes/index.html"): with open("build/notes/index.html", 'r', encoding='utf-8') as indexmd: lines = indexmd.readlines() with open("build/notes/index.html", 'w', encoding='utf-8') as indexmd: for line in lines: indexmd.write(re.sub(r'{% generate notes_list here %}', div_notes_list, line)) def generate_index(feed): """Generate index.html from index.md and a TOC.""" sys.stderr.write("generating index.html\n") # generate TOC tocbuff = io.StringIO() tocbuff.write('
    ') year = 10000 # will be larger than the latest year for quite a while # recall that entries are in reverse chronological order table_opened = False for entry in feed.entries: date = entry.updated_datetime if date.year < year: # close the previous table if there is one if table_opened: tocbuff.write(u'\n') # write a new

    tag with the smaller year year = date.year tocbuff.write(u'\n


    \n\n'.format(year)) tocbuff.write(u'\n') table_opened = True # write a new table row entry in Markdown, in the format: # # # # # monthday = date.strftime("%b %d") tocbuff.write(u'' '\n' % (date.isoformat(), monthday, entry.title_text, entry.relpath)) if table_opened: tocbuff.write(u'
    [Blah blah](/blog/2015-05-04-blah-blah.html)
    \n') tocbuff.write('
    ') # create tempfile with index.md and the TOC concatenated, and generate index.html from that # pylint: disable=invalid-name fd, tmppath = tempfile.mkstemp() os.close(fd) with open(tmppath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as tmpfile: if os.path.exists(INDEXMD): with open(INDEXMD, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as indexmd: tmpfile.write(u"%s\n\n
    \n\n" % indexmd.read()) tmpfile.write("%s\n" % tocbuff.getvalue()) tocbuff.close() pandoc_args = [ "pandoc", tmppath, "--template", HTMLTEMPLATE, "--highlight-style=pygments", "-o", INDEXHTML, ] try: subprocess.check_call(pandoc_args) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: sys.stderr.write("error: failed to generate index.html\n") os.remove(tmppath) def generate_sitemap(feed): """Generate sitemap.xml.""" sitemap = ET.Element("urlset", xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9") # index sitemap.append(utils.make_sitemap_url_element(BLOG_HOME, feed.updated, "daily", 1.0)) # other top level pages for name in os.listdir(BUILDDIR): if (not name.endswith(".html") or name == "index.html" or re.match("google[a-z0-9]+\.html", name)): # exclude Google's site ownership verification file continue link = urllib.parse.urljoin(BLOG_HOME, name) fullpath = os.path.join(BUILDDIR, name) # try to extract updated time updated = None with open(fullpath, encoding="utf-8") as htmlobj: soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(htmlobj.read(), "lxml") if soup.footer is not None: updated_tag = soup.footer.find(attrs={"class": "updated"}) if updated_tag is not None: updated = dateutil.parser.parse(updated_tag.text) sitemap.append(utils.make_sitemap_url_element(link, updated, "monthly", 0.9)) # blog entries for entry in feed.entries: sitemap.append(utils.make_sitemap_url_element(entry.link, entry.updated, "monthly", 0.9)) sitemappath = os.path.join(BUILDDIR, "sitemap.xml") with open(sitemappath, "w", encoding="utf-8") as sitemapfile: sitemapfile.write('\n%s\n' % ET.tostring(sitemap).decode('utf-8')) sys.stderr.write("wrote sitemap.xml\n")