#!/usr/bin/env python3 import struct import time import math import glob import uinput import pyudev import os # Wait and find devices def read_and_emulate_mouse(deviceFound): with open(deviceFound, 'rb') as f: print("Read buffer") device = uinput.Device([ uinput.BTN_LEFT, uinput.BTN_RIGHT, uinput.ABS_X, uinput.ABS_Y, ]) clicked = False rightClicked = False (lastX, lastY) = (0, 0) startTime = time.time() while True: try: b = f.read(25) (tag, btnLeft, x, y) = struct.unpack_from('>c?HH', b) print(btnLeft, x, y) except: print('failed to read from deviceFound' + str(deviceFound)) return time.sleep(0.01) if btnLeft: device.emit(uinput.ABS_X, x, True) device.emit(uinput.ABS_Y, y, True) if not clicked: print("Left click") device.emit(uinput.BTN_LEFT, 1) clicked = True startTime = time.time() (lastX, lastY) = (x, y) duration = time.time() - startTime movement = math.sqrt(pow(x - lastX, 2) + pow(y - lastY, 2)) if clicked and (not rightClicked) and (duration > 1) and (movement < 20): print("Right click") device.emit(uinput.BTN_RIGHT, 1) device.emit(uinput.BTN_RIGHT, 0) rightClicked = True else: print("Release") clicked = False rightClicked = False device.emit(uinput.BTN_LEFT, 0) if __name__ == "__main__": os.system("modprobe uinput") os.system("chmod 666 /dev/hidraw*") os.system("chmod 666 /dev/uinput*") while True: # try: print("Waiting device") hidrawDevices = glob.glob("/dev/hidraw*") context = pyudev.Context() deviceFound = None for hid in hidrawDevices: device = pyudev.Device.from_device_file(context, hid) if "0EEF:0005" in device.device_path: deviceFound = hid if deviceFound: print("Device found", deviceFound) read_and_emulate_mouse(deviceFound) # except: # print("Error:", sys.exc_info()) # pass # finally: # time.sleep(1)