Parrot Zik Api ======== ## Overview Parrot Zik is one of the most advanced headphones in the market. Python Parrot Zik and simple unity app indicator applet. ## Windows Usage 1. Connect Parrot Zik with standard windows GUI 2. Install Parrot Tray Zik 3. Run ParrotZikTray.exe ## Tray Indicator Applet Usage 1. Connect Parrot Zik with standard bluetooth connection 2. Copy `share/icons/zik` directory to `/usr/share/icons` 3. Run applet `./` ### Requirement Python-bluez is needed. On ubuntu based distro run ``` sudo apt-get install python-bluez python-appindicator python-beautifulsoup ``` ### Optional If you want start the manager through the menu or desktop shortcut, follow the next steps: 1. Copy the `pyParrotZik` directory or its content to `/opt` directory; 2. Create a desktop file in `/usr/share/applications` with the following content: ``` [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Name=Parrot Zik Manager GenericName=Parrot Zik Manager X-GNOME-FullName=Parrot Zik Manager Comment=Manager for Parrot Zik headphones Exec=/opt/parrot-zik-manager/ParrotZikTray Icon=/opt/parrot-zik-manager/share/icons/zik/Headphone.ico Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=AudioVideo; ``` ## Screenshots ![ScreenShot]( "Unity App Indicator Applet") ![ScreenShot]( "Windows tray utility")