# convert.py

This tool can convert files from mp4, mkv or webw to mp3.

It use ffmpeg for the conversion.

# How to use

## Usage

convert.py [-n|-y] [SOURCE] [DESTINATION]

## Options

- `-n` <- Does't overwrite output files, and go to next file to be converted 
if the specified output file already exists. It's the default option.
- `-y` <- Overwrite output files.

## Exemple

./convert.py video_folder_input audio_folder_output

Where `video_input` is a folder who contain some video files and `audio_output`
is the folder where the files converted are stored.

# Why ?

For fun and learn. And also because I use it for convert some video clip from 
youtube to mp3 files for listen on my local server and on my mobile.