#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "clara.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace Pistache; using namespace clara; namespace Generic { void handleReady(const Rest::Request&, Http::ResponseWriter response) { response.send(Http::Code::Ok, "1"); } } class UmosapiService { public: UmosapiService(Address addr) : httpEndpoint(std::make_shared(addr)) , desc("Unity Mongo Save API", "0.1") { } void init(size_t thr = 2) { auto opts = Http::Endpoint::options() .threads(thr); httpEndpoint->init(opts); createDescription(); } void start(std::string swaggerui) { router.initFromDescription(desc); Rest::Swagger swagger(desc); swagger .uiPath("/doc") .uiDirectory(swaggerui) .apiPath("/api") .serializer(&Rest::Serializer::rapidJson) .install(router); httpEndpoint->setHandler(router.handler()); httpEndpoint->serve(); } private: void createDescription() { desc .info() .license("Apache", "https://neodarz.net"); auto backendErrorResponse = desc.response(Http::Code::Internal_Server_Error, "Backend is dead, it's the end of the world"); desc .schemes(Rest::Scheme::Http) .basePath("/v1") .produces(MIME(Application, Json)) .consumes(MIME(Application, Json)); desc .route(desc.get("/ready")) .bind(&Generic::handleReady) .response(Http::Code::Ok, "Api started") .response(backendErrorResponse); auto versionPath = desc.path("/v1"); versionPath .route(desc.get("/:collections")) .bind(&UmosapiService::retrieveAll, this) .produces(MIME(Application, Json)) .parameter("collection", "Name of the collection where the uobjects are located") .response(Http::Code::Ok, "List of uobjects") .response(backendErrorResponse); } void retrieveAll(const Rest::Request&, Http::ResponseWriter response) { response.send(Http::Code::Ok, "No fucking objects"); } std::shared_ptr httpEndpoint; Rest::Description desc; Rest::Router router; }; std::string get_value(struct json_object *jobj, const char *key) { struct json_object *tmp; json_object_object_get_ex(jobj, key, &tmp); if (jobj == NULL) { cout << "get_value: Json object is null" << endl; return ""; } else { return json_object_get_string(tmp); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { string config_path = ""; const char *homedir; if ((homedir = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME")) == NULL || (homedir = getenv("HOME")) == NULL) { homedir = getpwuid(getuid())->pw_dir; } config_path.append(homedir); config_path.append("/.config/umosapi/config.json"); bool showHelp = false; int config_port = 9080; int thr = 2; auto cli = clara::detail::Help(showHelp) | clara::detail::Opt( config_path, "config" )["-c"]["--config"]("Config file path. Default ") | clara::detail::Opt( config_port, "port" )["-p"]["--port"]("Port to listen.") | clara::detail::Opt( thr, "treads" )["-t"]["--threads"]("Number of threads."); auto result = cli.parse( clara::detail::Args( argc, argv ) ); if( !result ) { std::cerr << "Error in command line: " << result.errorMessage() << std::endl; std::cerr << cli << std::endl; exit(1); } if ( showHelp ) { std::cerr << cli << std::endl; exit(1); } Address addr(Ipv4::any(), Port(config_port)); cout << "Using " << hardware_concurrency() << " cores"; cout << " - " << thr << " threads" << endl; cout << "Listen on" << config_port << endl; cout << "Using config file '" << config_path << "'" << endl; if (!std::filesystem::exists(config_path)) { cout << "Error fatal : config file '" << config_path << "' not found" << endl; cout << "config.json is search here: ~/.config/umosapi/config.json" << endl; exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } auto config = json_object_from_file(config_path.c_str()); //cout << get_value(config, "swaggerui") << endl; UmosapiService umosapi(addr); umosapi.init(thr); umosapi.start(get_value(config, "swaggerui")); }