#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "umosapi.h" #include "../shared.h" #include "../db/mongo_access.h" #include "../db/uobject.h" #include #include #include #include #include mongo_access mongo; using bsoncxx::builder::stream::close_array; using bsoncxx::builder::stream::close_document; using bsoncxx::builder::stream::document; using bsoncxx::builder::stream::finalize; using bsoncxx::builder::stream::open_array; using bsoncxx::builder::stream::open_document; using json = nlohmann::json; using namespace std; using namespace restbed; UmosapiService::UmosapiService() {} void UmosapiService::init() { auto uri = mongocxx::uri{config["mongoURI"]}; mongo.configure(std::move(uri)); createResource(); ofstream swagger_json; swagger_json.open(config["swaggerui"] + "/swagger.json"); swagger_json << _swagger.dump(); swagger_json.close(); } void UmosapiService::start(int port, int thr) { auto settings = make_shared< Settings >(); settings->set_port( port ); settings->set_worker_limit( thr ); settings->set_default_header("Connection", "close"); _service.start(settings); } void service_error_handler( const int, const exception& e, const shared_ptr< Session > session ) { std::string message = "Backend Service is dead: "; message += e.what(); if ( session ) { if ( session->is_open( ) ) { session->close( 500, message, { { "Content-Length", ::to_string(message.length()) } } ); } } fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: %s.\n", message.c_str() ); } void resource_error_handler( const int, const exception& e, const shared_ptr< Session > session ) { std::string message = "Backend Resource is dead: "; message += e.what(); if ( session->is_open( ) ) session->close( 500, message, { { "Content-Length", ::to_string(message.length()) } } ); fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: %s.\n", message.c_str() ); } void faulty_method_handler( const shared_ptr< Session > ) { throw SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; } void is_ready(const shared_ptr session) { session->close( OK, "1", { { "Content-Length", "1"}}); } /* * Add new route in service * service: the service pointer * route: path of the route * http_word: word http who defin REST request * callback: function to call when the route is requested * error_callback: error to show if everything is broken * tags: array of tags */ void UmosapiService::desc(std::string route, std::string http_word, const std::function< void ( const std::shared_ptr< Session > ) >& callback, const std::function< void(int, const std::exception&, std::shared_ptr) >& error_callback, tag tags[]) { auto resource = make_shared< Resource > (); resource->set_path(route); resource->set_method_handler(http_word, callback); resource->set_error_handler( error_callback ); _service.publish(resource); } void UmosapiService::description(std::string description) { _swagger["info"]["description"] = description; } void UmosapiService::title(std::string title) { _swagger["info"]["title"] = title; } void UmosapiService::version(std::string version) { _swagger["info"]["version"] = version; } void UmosapiService::basePath(std::string basePath) { _swagger["swagger"] = "2.0"; _swagger["basePath"] = basePath; } void UmosapiService::host(std::string host) { _swagger["host"] = host; } void UmosapiService::atag(std::string name, std::string description) { struct tag the_tag; the_tag.name = name; the_tag.description = description; _tags.push_back(the_tag); _swagger["tags"].push_back({ {"name",the_tag.name},{"description", the_tag.description} }); } void UmosapiService::scheme(std::string scheme) { _swagger["schemes"].push_back(scheme); } void UmosapiService::set_path(std::string route) { _resource = make_shared< Resource > (); _resource->set_path(route); std::regex parameter(":.*?}"); std::regex base_path("^/v2"); auto tmp_route = std::regex_replace (route,parameter,"}"); auto final_route = std::regex_replace (tmp_route,base_path,""); _path = Path{final_route}; _swagger["paths"][final_route] = {}; } void UmosapiService::set_method_handler(std::string http_word, const std::function< void ( const std::shared_ptr< Session > ) >& callback) { _resource->set_method_handler(http_word, callback); std::locale loc; for (auto& c : http_word) { c = tolower(c); } _path.words.push_back(HttpWord{http_word}); _swagger["paths"][_path.name][http_word]["description"] = ""; _swagger["paths"][_path.name][http_word]["operationId"] = ""; _swagger["paths"][_path.name][http_word]["summary"] = ""; } void UmosapiService::set_error_handler(const std::function< void(int, const std::exception&, std::shared_ptr) >& error_callback) { _resource->set_error_handler( error_callback ); } void UmosapiService::publish() { for (auto& http_word: _path.words) { auto responses = _swagger["paths"][_path.name][http_word.name]["responses"]; if (responses.find("200") == responses.end()) { _swagger["paths"][_path.name][http_word.name]["responses"]["200"]["description"] = "All is fine."; } } _service.publish(_resource); } void UmosapiService::definition(std::string name, std::string type) { _definition = Definition{name, type}; _definitions.defs.push_back(_definition); _swagger["definitions"][name]["type"] = type; } void UmosapiService::propertie(std::string name, std::string format, std::string type, std::string required) { _definition.props.push_back(Propertie{name, format, type, required}); _swagger["definitions"][_definition.name]["properties"][name]["format"] = format; _swagger["definitions"][_definition.name]["properties"][name]["type"] = type; if (required == "true") { _swagger["definitions"][_definition.name]["required"].push_back(name); } } void UmosapiService::consume(std::string consume) { _swagger["paths"][_path.name][_path.words.back().name]["consumes"].push_back(consume); } void UmosapiService::produce(std::string produce) { _swagger["paths"][_path.name][_path.words.back().name]["produces"].push_back(produce); } void UmosapiService::parameter(std::string name, std::string description, std::string schema = "") { json parameter; parameter["name"] = name; parameter["description"] = description; parameter["required"] = true; if (schema == "") { parameter["type"] = "string"; parameter["in"] = "path"; } else { parameter["in"] = "body"; for (auto& def: _definitions.defs) { if (def.name == schema ) { std::string schema_path = "#/definitions/"; parameter["schema"]["$ref"] = schema_path.append(schema); } } } _swagger["paths"][_path.name][_path.words.back().name]["parameters"].push_back(parameter); } void UmosapiService::response(std::string http_code, std::string description, std::string definition) { std::string schema = "#/definitions/"; _swagger["paths"][_path.name][_path.words.back().name]["responses"][http_code]["description"] = description; _swagger["paths"][_path.name][_path.words.back().name]["responses"][http_code]["schema"]["items"]["$ref"] = schema.append(definition); _swagger["paths"][_path.name][_path.words.back().name]["responses"][http_code]["schema"]["type"] = "array"; } void UmosapiService::swagger(std::string ui_path, std::string swagger_dir, std::string api_path) { _resource = make_shared< Resource > (); _resource->set_path(ui_path); _resource->set_method_handler("GET", swaggerEndpoint); _service.publish(_resource); _resource = make_shared< Resource > (); _resource->set_path(ui_path + "/{filename: .*}"); _resource->set_method_handler("GET", swaggerEndpointResources); _service.publish(_resource); _resource = make_shared< Resource > (); _resource->set_path(api_path); _resource->set_method_handler("GET", swaggerEndpointApi); _service.publish(_resource); } void UmosapiService::createResource() { basePath("/v2"); description("Umosapi rest api"); version("0.1"); title("UMOSAPI"); host(""+config["port"]); swagger("/doc", config["swaggerui"], "/api"); atag("uobject", "Everything about your UObjec"); scheme("http"); scheme("https"); definition("UObject", "object"); propertie("id", "int64", "integer", "true"); propertie("value", "string", "object", "true"); definition("UObjectSended", "object"); set_path("/v2/ready"); set_method_handler("GET", is_ready); produce("application/json"); publish(); set_path("/v2/{mcollection: .*}"); set_method_handler("GET", retrieveAll); produce("application/json"); parameter("mcollection", "Name of the collection where the uobject are located"); set_error_handler(&resource_error_handler); set_method_handler("POST", addUObject); consume("application/json"); parameter("mcollection", "Name of the collection where the uobject are located"); parameter("body", "UObject to add", "UObjectSended"); set_error_handler(&resource_error_handler); publish(); set_path("/v2/{mcollection: .*}/{oid: .*}"); set_method_handler("DELETE", deleteUObject); produce("application/json"); parameter("mcollection", "Name of the collection where the uobject are located" ); parameter("oid", "MongoDB oid of the uobject"); set_error_handler(&resource_error_handler); publish(); set_path("/v2/{mcollection: .*}/{key: .*}/{value: .*}"); set_method_handler("GET", searchUObjectByKeyValue); produce("application/json"); parameter("mcollection", "Name of the collection where the uobject are located"); parameter("key", "Key of uobject to search, ex: kill or total.kill"); parameter("value", "Value of uobject to search, ex: 42"); set_error_handler(&resource_error_handler); publish(); _service.set_error_handler( service_error_handler ); } void UmosapiService::retrieveAll( const shared_ptr session ){ auto jsonObjects = json_object_new_array(); const auto& request = session->get_request( ); auto json_string = uobject::retrieveAll(request->get_path_parameter( "mcollection" ), jsonObjects); session->close( OK, json_string, { { "Content-Length", ::to_string(json_string.length()) }, { "Content-Type", "application/json" } }); json_object_put(jsonObjects); } void UmosapiService::addUObject( const shared_ptr session ){ const auto request = session->get_request(); size_t content_length = request->get_header( "Content-Length", 0 ); session->fetch( content_length, [ request ]( const shared_ptr< Session > session, const Bytes & body ) { auto jsonObject = json_object_new_object(); char bodyData[body.size()+1]; memset(bodyData, 0, sizeof(bodyData)); snprintf(bodyData, sizeof(bodyData), "%.*s", ( int ) body.size( ), body.data()); auto json_string = uobject::add(request->get_path_parameter("mcollection"), jsonObject, bodyData); session->close( OK, json_string, { { "Content-Length", ::to_string(json_string.length()) }, { "Content-Type", "application/json" } }); json_object_put(jsonObject); } ); } void UmosapiService::deleteUObject( const shared_ptr session ){ auto jsonObject = json_object_new_object(); const auto request = session->get_request(); auto json_string = uobject::remove(request->get_path_parameter("mcollection"), request->get_path_parameter("oid"), jsonObject); session->close( OK, json_string, { { "Content-Length", ::to_string(json_string.length()) }, { "Content-Type", "application/json" } }); json_object_put(jsonObject); } void UmosapiService::searchUObjectByKeyValue( const shared_ptr session ){ auto jsonObject = json_object_new_array(); const auto request = session->get_request(); auto json_string = uobject::searchKeyValue(request->get_path_parameter("mcollection"), request->get_path_parameter("key"), request->get_path_parameter("value"), jsonObject); session->close( OK, json_string, { { "Content-Length", ::to_string(json_string.length()) }, { "Content-Type", "application/json" } }); json_object_put(jsonObject); } void UmosapiService::swaggerEndpoint( const shared_ptr session ){ const auto request = session->get_request(); ifstream stream(config["swaggerui"] + "/index.html", ifstream::in ); if ( stream.is_open() ) { const string body = string( istreambuf_iterator< char >(stream), istreambuf_iterator< char>()); const multimap< string, string> headers { { "Content-Type", "text/html" }, { "Content-Length", ::to_string( body.length() ) } }; session->close(OK, body, headers); } else { session->close( NOT_FOUND ); } } void UmosapiService::swaggerEndpointResources( const shared_ptr< Session > session ) { const auto request = session->get_request( ); const string filename = request->get_path_parameter( "filename" ); ifstream stream( config["swaggerui"] + "/" + filename, ifstream::in ); if ( stream.is_open( ) ) { const string body = string( istreambuf_iterator< char >( stream ), istreambuf_iterator< char >( ) ); const multimap< string, string > headers { { "Content-Length", ::to_string( body.length( ) ) } }; session->close( OK, body, headers ); } else { session->close( NOT_FOUND ); } } void UmosapiService::swaggerEndpointApi( const shared_ptr< Session > session ) { const auto request = session->get_request( ); const string filename = request->get_path_parameter( "filename" ); const string path = request->get_path(); ifstream stream( config["swaggerui"] + "/swagger.json", ifstream::in ); if ( stream.is_open( ) ) { const string body = string( istreambuf_iterator< char >( stream ), istreambuf_iterator< char >( ) ); const multimap< string, string > headers { { "Content-Type", "application/json" }, { "Content-Length", ::to_string( body.length( ) ) } }; session->close( OK, body, headers ); } else { session->close( NOT_FOUND ); } }