# UMoSApi This is a second implementation in C++ of the [Python](https://git.neodarz.net/pro/umosapi.git/about/) version of Unity Mongo Save Api principally for speed issue. This is a simple API for save Unity object in Mongo database. In fact it was initially made for an Unity project but because of the simplicity of the API you can use with whatever you want. ;) /!\ WARNING: For the moment there is no authentifaction system! So don't use it over the internet or in an environment where unknow user can connect and also make sure your network is correctly securised. # Install ## Dependency Install: - Pistache - json-c - nlohmann/json - mongocxx ### Why two json lib ? Because json-c is more fast than nlohmann/json when I do the test, json-c lib is only used for convert bson to json and vice versa. The nlohmann/json is only used for simplicty when loading config file. # Build ``` mkdir build cd build cmake .. make ``` move `/build/umosapi` binary where you want. move `/swagger-ui` folder where you want. # Configuration You can move the [example file](https://git.neodarz.net/pro/umosapicpp.git/tree/config.txt) in `~/.config/umosapi/config.txt`. The key `swaggerui` is the path of the `swagger-ui` folder. The other keys speak by themself. # Documentation Juste launch `umosapi` and go here: [](