
usage () {
  echo "Usage:"
  echo "      tdone <option> <date>"
  echo "Date list:"
  echo "      today       - Show the tasks done today"
  echo "      yesterday   - Show the tasks done yesterday"
  echo "      week        - Show the tasks done this week"
  echo "      month       - Show the tasks done this month"
  echo "Option list:"
  echo "      -h view this help message"

if [[ $1 == "today" ]]; then
  task end.after:today completed
elif [[ $1 == "yesterday" ]]; then
  task end.after:today-1d completed
elif [[ $1 == "month" ]]; then
  task end.after:socm completed
elif [[ $1 == "week" ]]; then
  task end.after:socw completed
elif [[ $@ =~ ^[[:digit:][:space:]]*$  ]]; then
  task modify -next $@; task done $@
elif [[ $1 == "-h" ]]; then
  echo "Wrong option/date"
  echo "Write 'tdone -h' for help"