#!/bin/sh exec 1>&2 2>/dev/null BOOTSTRAP=$(dirname `readlink -f $0`) XRESOURCES=$BOOTSTRAP/xresources PATH="$PATH:$BOOTSTRAP/bin" export XRESOURCES PATH BOOTSTRAP # merge custom x resources xrdb -merge "${HOME}/.Xdefaults" & # custom keymappings xmodmap ~/.xmodmap # terminal emulator urxvtd -q -f -o & # compositing manager compton -b --config ~/.config/compton.conf & # configure touchpad syndaemon -i 0.8 -d & if egrep -iq 'touchpad' /proc/bus/input/devices; then synclient VertEdgeScroll=0 & synclient TapButton1=1 & synclient TapButton2=1 & synclient TapButton3=2 & synclient VertTwoFingerScroll=1 & synclient HorizTwoFingerScroll=1 & fi # keyboard settings - 250 ms delay and 25 cps (characters per second) repeat rate. xset r rate 250 25 & # disable system beep xset b off & # start the rock mpd & # wallpaper hsetroot -full ~/images/wallpaper/cyberpunk-5.png # default cursor xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr # hotkey daemon sxhkd -c ~/.sxhkdrc & # ░▒▓█ wmutis █▓▒░ ~/bin/wm & exec ~/bin/xwait