# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Sébastien Helleu # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # # WeeChat theme manager. # (this script requires WeeChat 0.3.7 or newer) # # History: # # 2015-07-13, Sébastien Helleu : # version 0.1: dev snapshot # 2011-02-22, Sébastien Helleu : # start dev # SCRIPT_NAME = 'theme' SCRIPT_AUTHOR = 'Sébastien Helleu ' SCRIPT_VERSION = '0.1-dev' SCRIPT_LICENSE = 'GPL3' SCRIPT_DESC = 'WeeChat theme manager' SCRIPT_COMMAND = 'theme' import_weechat_ok = True import_other_ok = True try: import weechat except ImportError: import_weechat_ok = False try: import sys import os import re import datetime import time import cgi import tarfile import traceback import xml.dom.minidom except ImportError as e: print('Missing package(s) for {0}: {1}'.format(SCRIPT_NAME, e)) import_other_ok = False THEME_CONFIG_FILENAME = 'theme' THEME_URL = 'https://weechat.org/files/themes.tar.bz2' # color attributes (in weechat color options) COLOR_ATTRIBUTES = ('*', '_', '/', '!') # timeout for download of themes.tar.bz2 TIMEOUT_UPDATE = 120 * 1000 # hook process and stdout theme_hook_process = '' theme_stdout = '' # themes read from themes.xml theme_themes = {} # config file and options theme_cfg_file = '' theme_cfg = {} theme_bars = 'input|nicklist|status|title' theme_plugins = 'weechat|alias|aspell|charset|fifo|irc|logger|relay|'\ 'rmodifier|xfer' theme_options_include_re = ( r'^weechat\.bar\.({0})\.color.*'.format(theme_bars), r'^weechat\.look\.buffer_time_format$', r'^({0})\.color\..*'.format(theme_plugins), r'^({0})\.look\..*color.*'.format(theme_plugins), ) theme_options_exclude_re = ( r'^weechat.look.color_pairs_auto_reset$', r'^weechat.look.color_real_white$', r'^weechat.look.color_basic_force_bold$', r'^irc\.look\.', ) # =================================[ config ]================================= def theme_config_init(): """Initialization of configuration file. Sections: color, themes.""" global theme_cfg_file, theme_cfg theme_cfg_file = weechat.config_new(THEME_CONFIG_FILENAME, 'theme_config_reload_cb', '') # section "color" section = weechat.config_new_section( theme_cfg_file, 'color', 0, 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '') theme_cfg['color_script'] = weechat.config_new_option( theme_cfg_file, section, 'script', 'color', 'Color for script names', '', 0, 0, 'cyan', 'cyan', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '') theme_cfg['color_installed'] = weechat.config_new_option( theme_cfg_file, section, 'installed', 'color', 'Color for "installed" indicator', '', 0, 0, 'yellow', 'yellow', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '') theme_cfg['color_running'] = weechat.config_new_option( theme_cfg_file, section, 'running', 'color', 'Color for "running" indicator', '', 0, 0, 'lightgreen', 'lightgreen', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '') theme_cfg['color_obsolete'] = weechat.config_new_option( theme_cfg_file, section, 'obsolete', 'color', 'Color for "obsolete" indicator', '', 0, 0, 'lightmagenta', 'lightmagenta', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '') theme_cfg['color_unknown'] = weechat.config_new_option( theme_cfg_file, section, 'unknown', 'color', 'Color for "unknown status" indicator', '', 0, 0, 'lightred', 'lightred', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '') theme_cfg['color_language'] = weechat.config_new_option( theme_cfg_file, section, 'language', 'color', 'Color for language names', '', 0, 0, 'lightblue', 'lightblue', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '') # section "themes" section = weechat.config_new_section( theme_cfg_file, 'themes', 0, 0, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '') theme_cfg['themes_url'] = weechat.config_new_option( theme_cfg_file, section, 'url', 'string', 'URL for file with themes (.tar.bz2 file)', '', 0, 0, THEME_URL, THEME_URL, 0, '', '', '', '', '', '') theme_cfg['themes_cache_expire'] = weechat.config_new_option( theme_cfg_file, section, 'cache_expire', 'integer', 'Local cache expiration time, in minutes ' '(-1 = never expires, 0 = always expires)', '', -1, 60 * 24 * 365, '60', '60', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '') theme_cfg['themes_dir'] = weechat.config_new_option( theme_cfg_file, section, 'dir', 'string', 'Local directory for themes', '', 0, 0, '%h/themes', '%h/themes', 0, '', '', '', '', '', '') def theme_config_reload_cb(data, config_file): """Reload configuration file.""" return weechat.config_read(config_file) def theme_config_read(): """Read configuration file.""" return weechat.config_read(theme_cfg_file) def theme_config_write(): """Write configuration file.""" return weechat.config_write(theme_cfg_file) def theme_config_color(color): """Get a color from configuration.""" option = theme_cfg.get('color_' + color, '') if not option: return '' return weechat.color(weechat.config_string(option)) def theme_config_get_dir(): """Return themes directory, with expanded WeeChat home dir.""" return weechat.config_string( theme_cfg['themes_dir']).replace('%h', weechat.info_get('weechat_dir', '')) def theme_config_get_backup(): """ Return name of backup theme (by default "~/.weechat/themes/_backup.theme"). """ return theme_config_get_dir() + '/_backup.theme' def theme_config_get_undo(): """ Return name of undo file (by default "~/.weechat/themes/_undo.theme"). """ return theme_config_get_dir() + '/_undo.theme' def theme_config_create_dir(): """Create "themes" directory.""" directory = theme_config_get_dir() if not os.path.isdir(directory): os.makedirs(directory, mode=0o700) def theme_config_get_tarball_filename(): """Get local tarball filename, based on URL.""" return theme_config_get_dir() + '/' + \ os.path.basename(weechat.config_string(theme_cfg['themes_url'])) def theme_config_get_xml_filename(): """Get XML filename.""" return theme_config_get_dir() + '/themes.xml' # =================================[ themes ]================================= class Theme: def __init__(self, filename=None): self.filename = filename self.props = {} self.listprops = [] self.options = {} self.theme_ok = True if self.filename: self.theme_ok = self.load(self.filename) else: self.init_weechat() self.nick_prefixes = self._get_nick_prefixes() def isok(self): return self.theme_ok def _option_is_used(self, option): global theme_options_include_re, theme_options_exclude_re for regex in theme_options_exclude_re: if re.search(regex, option): return False for regex in theme_options_include_re: if re.search(regex, option): return True return False def _get_nick_prefixes(self): """Get dict with nick prefixes.""" prefixes = {} nick_prefixes = self.options.get('irc.color.nick_prefixes', '') for prefix in nick_prefixes.split(';'): values = prefix.split(':', 1) if len(values) == 2: prefixes[values[0]] = values[1] return prefixes def _get_attr_color(self, color): """Return tuple with attributes and color.""" m = re.match('([*_!]*)(.*)', color) if m: return m.group(1), m.group(2) return '', color def _get_color_without_alias(self, color): """ Return color without alias (color can be "fg", "fg,bg" or "fg:bg"). """ pos = color.find(',') if pos < 0: pos = color.find(':') if pos > 0: fg = color[0:pos] bg = color[pos + 1:] else: fg = color bg = '' attr, col = self._get_attr_color(fg) fg = attr + self.palette.get(col, col) attr, col = self._get_attr_color(bg) bg = attr + self.palette.get(col, col) if bg: return fg + color[pos:pos + 1] + bg return fg def _replace_color_alias(self, match): value = match.group()[8:-1] if value in self.palette: value = self.palette[value] return '${color:' + value + '}' def init_weechat(self): """ Initialize theme using current WeeChat options (aliases are replaced with their values from palette). """ # get palette options self.palette = {} infolist = weechat.infolist_get('option', '', 'weechat.palette.*') while weechat.infolist_next(infolist): option_name = weechat.infolist_string(infolist, 'option_name') value = weechat.infolist_string(infolist, 'value') self.palette[value] = option_name weechat.infolist_free(infolist) # get color options (replace aliases by values from palette) self.options = {} infolist = weechat.infolist_get('option', '', '') while weechat.infolist_next(infolist): full_name = weechat.infolist_string(infolist, 'full_name') if self._option_is_used(full_name): value = weechat.infolist_string(infolist, 'value') self.options[full_name] = self._get_color_without_alias(value) weechat.infolist_free(infolist) # replace aliases in chat_nick_colors option = 'weechat.color.chat_nick_colors' colors = [] for color in self.options.get(option, '').split(','): colors.append(self._get_color_without_alias(color)) if colors: self.options[option] = ','.join(colors) # replace aliases in buffer_time_format option = 'weechat.look.buffer_time_format' if option in self.options: value = re.compile(r'\$\{color:[^\}]+\}').sub( self._replace_color_alias, self.options[option]) if value: self.options[option] = value # build dict with nick prefixes (and replace alisases) prefixes = [] option = 'irc.color.nick_prefixes' for prefix in self.options.get(option, '').split(';'): values = prefix.split(':', 1) if len(values) == 2: prefixes.append(values[0] + ':' + self._get_color_without_alias(values[1])) if prefixes: self.options[option] = ';'.join(prefixes) # delete palette del self.palette def prnt(self, message): try: weechat.prnt('', message) except: print(message) def prnt_error(self, message): try: weechat.prnt('', weechat.prefix('error') + message) except: print(message) def load(self, filename): self.options = {} try: lines = open(filename, 'rb').readlines() for line in lines: line = str(line.strip().decode('utf-8')) if line.startswith('#'): m = re.match('^# \\$([A-Za-z]+): (.*)', line) if m: self.props[m.group(1)] = m.group(2) self.listprops.append(m.group(1)) else: items = line.split('=', 1) if len(items) == 2: value = items[1].strip() if value.startswith('"') and value.endswith('"'): value = value[1:-1] self.options[items[0].strip()] = value return True except: self.prnt('Error loading theme "{0}"'.format(filename)) return False def save(self, filename): names = sorted(self.options) try: f = open(filename, 'w') version = weechat.info_get('version', '') pos = version.find('-') if pos > 0: version = version[0:pos] header = ('#', '# -- WeeChat theme --', '# $name: {0}'.format(os.path.basename(filename)), '# $date: {0}'.format(datetime.date.today()), '# $weechat: {0}'.format(version), '# $script: {0}.py {1}'.format(SCRIPT_NAME, SCRIPT_VERSION), '#\n') f.write('\n'.join(header)) for option in names: f.write('{0} = "{1}"\n'.format(option, self.options[option])) f.close() self.prnt('Theme saved to "{0}"'.format(filename)) except: self.prnt_error('Error writing theme to "{0}"'.format(filename)) raise def show(self, header): """Display content of theme.""" names = sorted(self.options) self.prnt('') self.prnt(header) for name in names: self.prnt(' {0} {1}= {2}{3}' ''.format(name, weechat.color('chat_delimiters'), weechat.color('chat_value'), self.options[name])) def info(self, header): """Display info about theme.""" self.prnt('') self.prnt(header) for prop in self.listprops: self.prnt(' {0}: {1}{2}' ''.format(prop, weechat.color('chat_value'), self.props[prop])) numerrors = 0 for name in self.options: if not weechat.config_get(name): numerrors += 1 if numerrors == 0: text = 'all OK' else: text = ('WARNING: {0} option(s) not found in your WeeChat' ''.format(numerrors)) self.prnt(' options: {0}{1}{2} ({3})' ''.format(weechat.color('chat_value'), len(self.options), weechat.color('reset'), text)) def install(self): try: numset = 0 numerrors = 0 for name in self.options: option = weechat.config_get(name) if option: rc = weechat.config_option_set(option, self.options[name], 1) if rc == weechat.WEECHAT_CONFIG_OPTION_SET_ERROR: self.prnt_error('Error setting option "{0}" to value ' '"{1}" (running an old WeeChat?)' ''.format(name, self.options[name])) numerrors += 1 else: numset += 1 else: self.prnt('Warning: option not found: "{0}" ' '(running an old WeeChat?)'.format(name)) numerrors += 1 errors = '' if numerrors > 0: errors = ', {0} error(s)'.format(numerrors) if self.filename: self.prnt('Theme "{0}" installed ({1} options set{2})' ''.format(self.filename, numset, errors)) else: self.prnt('Theme installed ({0} options set{1})' ''.format(numset, errors)) except: if self.filename: self.prnt_error('Failed to install theme "{0}"' ''.format(self.filename)) else: self.prnt_error('Failed to install theme') def nick_prefix_color(self, prefix): """Get color for a nick prefix.""" modes = 'qaohv' prefixes = '~&@%+' pos = prefixes.find(prefix) if pos < 0: return '' while pos < len(modes): if modes[pos] in self.nick_prefixes: return self.nick_prefixes[modes[pos]] pos += 1 return self.nick_prefixes.get('*', '') # =============================[ themes / html ]============================== class HtmlTheme(Theme): def __init__(self, filename=None, chat_width=85, chat_height=25, prefix_width=10, nicklist_width=10): Theme.__init__(self, filename) self.chat_width = chat_width self.chat_height = chat_height self.prefix_width = prefix_width self.nicklist_width = nicklist_width def html_color(self, index): """Return HTML color with index in table of 256 colors.""" terminal_colors = ( '000000cd000000cd00cdcd000000cdcd00cd00cdcde5e5e54d4d4dff0000' '00ff00ffff000000ffff00ff00ffffffffff00000000002a000055000080' '0000aa0000d4002a00002a2a002a55002a80002aaa002ad400550000552a' '0055550055800055aa0055d400800000802a0080550080800080aa0080d4' '00aa0000aa2a00aa5500aa8000aaaa00aad400d40000d42a00d45500d480' '00d4aa00d4d42a00002a002a2a00552a00802a00aa2a00d42a2a002a2a2a' '2a2a552a2a802a2aaa2a2ad42a55002a552a2a55552a55802a55aa2a55d4' '2a80002a802a2a80552a80802a80aa2a80d42aaa002aaa2a2aaa552aaa80' '2aaaaa2aaad42ad4002ad42a2ad4552ad4802ad4aa2ad4d455000055002a' '5500555500805500aa5500d4552a00552a2a552a55552a80552aaa552ad4' '55550055552a5555555555805555aa5555d455800055802a558055558080' '5580aa5580d455aa0055aa2a55aa5555aa8055aaaa55aad455d40055d42a' '55d45555d48055d4aa55d4d480000080002a8000558000808000aa8000d4' '802a00802a2a802a55802a80802aaa802ad480550080552a805555805580' '8055aa8055d480800080802a8080558080808080aa8080d480aa0080aa2a' '80aa5580aa8080aaaa80aad480d40080d42a80d45580d48080d4aa80d4d4' 'aa0000aa002aaa0055aa0080aa00aaaa00d4aa2a00aa2a2aaa2a55aa2a80' 'aa2aaaaa2ad4aa5500aa552aaa5555aa5580aa55aaaa55d4aa8000aa802a' 'aa8055aa8080aa80aaaa80d4aaaa00aaaa2aaaaa55aaaa80aaaaaaaaaad4' 'aad400aad42aaad455aad480aad4aaaad4d4d40000d4002ad40055d40080' 'd400aad400d4d42a00d42a2ad42a55d42a80d42aaad42ad4d45500d4552a' 'd45555d45580d455aad455d4d48000d4802ad48055d48080d480aad480d4' 'd4aa00d4aa2ad4aa55d4aa80d4aaaad4aad4d4d400d4d42ad4d455d4d480' 'd4d4aad4d4d40808081212121c1c1c2626263030303a3a3a4444444e4e4e' '5858586262626c6c6c7676768080808a8a8a9494949e9e9ea8a8a8b2b2b2' 'bcbcbcc6c6c6d0d0d0dadadae4e4e4eeeeee') color = terminal_colors[index * 6:(index * 6) + 6] #if color in ('000000', 'e5e5e5'): # keep black or 'default' (gray) # return color r = int(color[0:2], 16) g = int(color[2:4], 16) b = int(color[4:6], 16) r = int(min(r * (1.5 - (r / 510.0)), 255)) g = int(min(g * (1.5 - (r / 510.0)), 255)) b = int(min(b * (1.5 - (r / 510.0)), 255)) return '{0:02x}{1:02x}{2:02x}'.format(r, g, b) def html_style(self, fg, bg): """Return HTML style with WeeChat fg and bg colors.""" weechat_basic_colors = { 'default': 7, 'black': 0, 'darkgray': 8, 'red': 1, 'lightred': 9, 'green': 2, 'lightgreen': 10, 'brown': 3, 'yellow': 11, 'blue': 4, 'lightblue': 12, 'magenta': 5, 'lightmagenta': 13, 'cyan': 6, 'lightcyan': 14, 'gray': 7, 'white': 15} delim = max(fg.find(','), fg.find(':')) if delim > 0: bg = fg[delim + 1:] fg = fg[0:delim] bold = '' underline = '' reverse = False while fg[0] in COLOR_ATTRIBUTES: if fg[0] == '*': bold = '; font-weight: bold' elif fg[0] == '_': underline = '; text-decoration: underline' elif fg[0] == '!': reverse = True fg = fg[1:] while bg[0] in COLOR_ATTRIBUTES: bg = bg[1:] if fg == 'default': fg = self.options['fg'] if bg == 'default': bg = self.options['bg'] if bold and fg in ('black', '0'): fg = 'darkgray' reverse = '' if reverse: fg2 = bg bg = fg fg = fg2 if fg == 'white' and self.whitebg: fg = 'black' num_fg = 0 num_bg = 0 if fg in weechat_basic_colors: num_fg = weechat_basic_colors[fg] else: try: num_fg = int(fg) except: self.prnt('Warning: unknown fg color "{0}", ' 'using "default" instead'.format(fg)) num_fg = weechat_basic_colors['default'] if bg in weechat_basic_colors: num_bg = weechat_basic_colors[bg] else: try: num_bg = int(bg) except: self.prnt('Warning: unknown bg color "{0}", ' 'using "default" instead'.format(bg)) num_bg = weechat_basic_colors['default'] style = ('color: #{0}; background-color: #{1}{2}{3}' ''.format(self.html_color(num_fg), self.html_color(num_bg), bold, underline)) return style def html_string(self, string, maxlen, optfg='fg', optbg='bg', escape=True): """Write html string using fg/bg colors.""" fg = optfg bg = optbg if fg in self.options: fg = self.options[optfg] if bg in self.options: bg = self.options[optbg] if maxlen >= 0: string = string.ljust(maxlen) else: string = string.rjust(maxlen * -1) if escape: string = cgi.escape(string) return '{1}'.format(self.html_style(fg, bg), string) def html_nick(self, nicks, index, prefix, usecolor, highlight, maxlen, optfg='fg', optbg='bg'): """Print a nick.""" nick = nicks[index] nickfg = optfg if usecolor and optfg != 'weechat.color.nicklist_away': nick_colors = \ self.options['weechat.color.chat_nick_colors'].split(',') nickfg = nick_colors[index % len(nick_colors)] if usecolor and nick == self.html_nick_self: nickfg = 'weechat.color.chat_nick_self' if nick[0] in ('@', '%', '+'): color = self.nick_prefix_color(nick[0]) or optfg str_prefix = self.html_string(nick[0], 1, color, optbg) nick = nick[1:] else: str_prefix = self.html_string(' ', 1, optfg, optbg) length = 1 + len(nick) if not prefix: str_prefix = '' maxlen += 1 length -= 1 padding = '' if length < abs(maxlen): padding = self.html_string('', abs(maxlen) - length, optfg, optbg) if highlight: nickfg = 'weechat.color.chat_highlight' optbg = 'weechat.color.chat_highlight_bg' string = str_prefix + self.html_string(nick, 0, nickfg, optbg) if maxlen < 0: return padding + string return string + padding def html_concat(self, messages, width, optfg, optbg): """Concatenate some messages with colors.""" string = '' remaining = width for msg in messages: if msg[0] != '': string += self.html_string(msg[1], 0, msg[0], optbg) remaining -= len(msg[1]) else: string += self.html_nick((msg[1],), 0, False, True, False, 0, optfg, optbg) remaining -= len(msg[1]) if msg[1][0] in ('@', '%', '+'): remaining += 1 string += self.html_string('', remaining, optfg, optbg) return string def _html_apply_colors(self, match): string = match.group() end = string.find('}') if end < 0: return string color = string[8:end] text = string[end + 1:] return self.html_string(text, 0, color) def _html_apply_color_chat_time_delimiters(self, match): return self.html_string(match.group(), 0, 'weechat.color.chat_time_delimiters') def html_chat_time(self, msgtime): """Return formatted time with colors.""" option = 'weechat.look.buffer_time_format' if self.options[option].find('${') >= 0: str_without_colors = re.sub(r'\$\{color:[^\}]+\}', '', self.options[option]) length = len(time.strftime(str_without_colors, msgtime)) value = re.compile(r'\$\{color:[^\}]+\}[^\$]*').sub( self._html_apply_colors, self.options[option]) else: value = time.strftime(self.options[option], msgtime) length = len(value) value = re.compile(r'[^0-9]+').sub( self._html_apply_color_chat_time_delimiters, value) value = self.html_string(value, 0, 'weechat.color.chat_time', escape=False) return (time.strftime(value, msgtime), length) def html_chat(self, hhmmss, prefix, messages): """Print a message in chat area.""" delimiter = self.html_string(':', 0, 'weechat.color.chat_time_delimiters', 'weechat.color.chat_bg') str_datetime = ('2010-12-25 {0:02d}:{1:02d}:{2:02d}' ''.format(hhmmss[0], hhmmss[1], hhmmss[2])) t = time.strptime(str_datetime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') (str_time, length_time) = self.html_chat_time(t) return (str_time + prefix + self.html_string(' │ ', 0, 'weechat.color.chat_prefix_suffix', 'weechat.color.chat_bg', escape=False) + self.html_concat(messages, self.chat_width - length_time - self.prefix_width - 3, 'weechat.color.chat', 'weechat.color.chat_bg')) def to_html(self): """Print HTML version of theme.""" self.html_nick_self = 'mario' channel = '#weechat' oldtopic = 'Welcome' newtopic = 'Welcome to ' + channel + ' - help channel for WeeChat' nicks = ('@carl', '@jessika', '@louise', '%Diego', '%Melody', '+Max', 'celia', 'Eva', 'freddy', 'Harold^', 'henry4', 'jimmy17', 'jodie', 'lee', 'madeleine', self.html_nick_self, 'mark', 'peter', 'Rachel', 'richard', 'sheryl', 'Vince', 'warren', 'zack') nicks_hosts = ('test@foo.com', 'something@host.com') chat_msgs = ('Hello!', 'hi mario, I just tested your patch', 'I would like to ask something', 'just ask!', 'WeeChat is great?', 'yes', 'indeed', 'sure', 'of course!', 'affirmative', 'all right', 'obviously...', 'certainly!') html = [] #html.append('
        width = self.chat_width + 1 + self.nicklist_width

        # title bar
        html.append(self.html_string(newtopic, width,

        # chat
        chat = []
        str_prefix_join = self.html_string(
            '-->', self.prefix_width * -1,
            'weechat.color.chat_prefix_join', 'weechat.color.chat_bg')
        str_prefix_quit = self.html_string(
            '<--', self.prefix_width * -1,
            'weechat.color.chat_prefix_quit', 'weechat.color.chat_bg')
        str_prefix_network = self.html_string(
            '--', self.prefix_width * -1,
            'weechat.color.chat_prefix_network', 'weechat.color.chat_bg')
        str_prefix_empty = self.html_string(
            '', self.prefix_width * -1,
            'weechat.color.chat', 'weechat.color.chat_bg')
                (9, 10, 00),
                (('', self.html_nick_self),
                 ('weechat.color.chat_delimiters', ' ('),
                 ('weechat.color.chat_host', nicks_hosts[0]),
                 ('weechat.color.chat_delimiters', ')'),
                 ('irc.color.message_join', ' has joined '),
                 ('weechat.color.chat_channel', channel))))
                (9, 10, 25),
                self.html_nick(nicks, 8, True, True, False,
                               self.prefix_width * -1),
                (('weechat.color.chat', chat_msgs[0]),)))
                (9, 11, 2),
                (('', nicks[0]),
                 ('weechat.color.chat', ' has changed topic for '),
                 ('weechat.color.chat_channel', channel),
                 ('weechat.color.chat', ' from "'),
                 ('irc.color.topic_old', oldtopic),
                 ('weechat.color.chat', '"'))))
                (9, 11, 2),
                (('weechat.color.chat', 'to "'),
                 ('irc.color.topic_new', newtopic),
                 ('weechat.color.chat', '"'))))
                (9, 11, 36),
                self.html_nick(nicks, 16, True, True, True,
                               self.prefix_width * -1),
                (('weechat.color.chat', chat_msgs[1]),)))
                (9, 12, 4),
                (('', 'joe'),
                 ('weechat.color.chat_delimiters', ' ('),
                 ('weechat.color.chat_host', nicks_hosts[1]),
                 ('weechat.color.chat_delimiters', ')'),
                 ('irc.color.message_quit', ' has left '),
                 ('weechat.color.chat_channel', channel),
                 ('weechat.color.chat_delimiters', ' ('),
                 ('irc.color.reason_quit', 'bye!'),
                 ('weechat.color.chat_delimiters', ')'))))
                (9, 15, 58),
                self.html_nick(nicks, 12, True, True, False,
                               self.prefix_width * -1),
                (('weechat.color.chat', chat_msgs[2]),)))
                (9, 16, 12),
                self.html_nick(nicks, 0, True, True, False,
                               self.prefix_width * -1),
                (('weechat.color.chat', chat_msgs[3]),)))
                (9, 16, 27),
                self.html_nick(nicks, 12, True, True, False,
                               self.prefix_width * -1),
                (('weechat.color.chat', chat_msgs[4]),)))
        for i in range(5, len(chat_msgs)):
                    (9, 17, (i - 5) * 4),
                    self.html_nick(nicks, i - 2, True, True,
                                   False, self.prefix_width * -1),
                    (('weechat.color.chat', chat_msgs[i]),)))
        chat_empty = self.html_string(' ', self.chat_width,

        # separator (between chat and nicklist)
        str_separator = self.html_string(
            '│', 0, 'weechat.color.separator', 'weechat.color.chat_bg',

        # nicklist
        nicklist = []
        for index in range(0, len(nicks)):
            fg = 'weechat.bar.nicklist.color_fg'
            if nicks[index].endswith('a'):
                fg = 'weechat.color.nicklist_away'
            nicklist.append(self.html_nick(nicks, index, True, True, False,
                                           self.nicklist_width, fg,
        nicklist_empty = self.html_string('', self.nicklist_width,

        # print chat + nicklist
        for i in range(0, self.chat_height):
            if i < len(chat):
                str1 = chat[i]
                str1 = chat_empty
            if i < len(nicklist):
                str2 = nicklist[i]
                str2 = nicklist_empty
            html.append(str1 + str_separator + str2)

        # status
                (('weechat.bar.status.color_delim', '['),
                 ('weechat.color.status_time', '12:34'),
                 ('weechat.bar.status.color_delim', '] ['),
                 ('weechat.bar.status.color_fg', '18'),
                 ('weechat.bar.status.color_delim', '] ['),
                 ('weechat.bar.status.color_fg', 'irc'),
                 ('weechat.bar.status.color_delim', '/'),
                 ('weechat.bar.status.color_fg', 'freenode'),
                 ('weechat.bar.status.color_delim', '] '),
                 ('weechat.color.status_number', '2'),
                 ('weechat.bar.status.color_delim', ':'),
                 ('weechat.color.status_name', '#weechat'),
                 ('weechat.bar.status.color_delim', '('),
                 ('irc.color.item_channel_modes', '+nt'),
                 ('weechat.bar.status.color_delim', '){'),
                 ('weechat.bar.status.color_fg', str(len(nicks))),
                 ('weechat.bar.status.color_delim', '} ['),
                 ('weechat.bar.status.color_fg', 'Act: '),
                 ('weechat.color.status_data_highlight', '3'),
                 ('weechat.bar.status.color_delim', ':'),
                 ('weechat.bar.status.color_fg', '#linux'),
                 ('weechat.bar.status.color_delim', ','),
                 ('weechat.color.status_data_private', '18'),
                 ('weechat.bar.status.color_delim', ','),
                 ('weechat.color.status_data_msg', '4'),
                 ('weechat.bar.status.color_delim', ','),
                 ('weechat.color.status_data_other', '5'),
                 ('weechat.bar.status.color_delim', ','),
                 ('weechat.color.status_data_other', '6'),
                 ('weechat.bar.status.color_delim', ']')),
                width, 'weechat.bar.status.color_fg',

        # input
                (('weechat.bar.input.color_delim', '['),
                 (self.nick_prefix_color('+'), '+'),
                 ('irc.color.input_nick', self.html_nick_self),
                 ('weechat.bar.input.color_delim', '('),
                 ('weechat.bar.input.color_fg', 'i'),
                 ('weechat.bar.input.color_delim', ')] '),
                 ('weechat.bar.input.color_fg', 'this is misspelled '),
                 ('aspell.color.misspelled', 'woord'),
                 ('weechat.bar.input.color_fg', ' '),
                 ('cursor', ' ')),
                width, 'weechat.bar.input.color_fg',

        # end
') del self.html_nick_self return '\n'.join(html) def get_html(self, whitebg=False): if whitebg: self.options['fg'] = 'black' self.options['bg'] = 'white' self.options['cursor'] = '!black' else: self.options['fg'] = '250' self.options['bg'] = 'black' self.options['cursor'] = '!yellow' self.whitebg = whitebg html = self.to_html() del self.whitebg del self.options['fg'] del self.options['bg'] del self.options['cursor'] return html def save_html(self, filename, whitebg=False): html = self.get_html(whitebg) try: f = open(filename, 'w') f.write(html) f.close() self.prnt('Theme exported as HTML to "{0}"'.format(filename)) except: self.prnt_error('Error writing HTML to "{0}"'.format(filename)) raise # =============================[ themes package ]============================= def theme_parse_xml(): """ Parse XML themes list and return dictionary with list, with key 'id'. Example of item return in dictionary : '15': { 'name': 'flashcode.theme', 'version': '0.4.0', 'url': 'http://www.weechat.org/files/themes/flashcode.theme', 'md5sum': '172d3b9c99e3a8720e8a40abd768092a', 'desc': 'My theme.', 'author': 'FlashCode', 'mail': 'flashcode [at] flashtux [dot] org', 'added': '2011-09-27 18:12:57', 'updated': '2012-12-11 14:28:17' } """ global theme_themes theme_themes = {} try: f = open(theme_config_get_xml_filename(), 'rb') string = f.read() f.close() except: weechat.prnt('', '{0}{1}: unable to read xml file' ''.format(weechat.prefix('error'), SCRIPT_NAME)) else: try: dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(string) except: weechat.prnt('', '{0}{1}: unable to parse xml list of themes: {2}' ''.format(weechat.prefix('error'), SCRIPT_NAME, traceback.format_exc())) else: for scriptNode in dom.getElementsByTagName('theme'): id = scriptNode.getAttribute('id') themedata = {} for node in scriptNode.childNodes: if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE: if node.firstChild is not None: nodename = node.nodeName.encode('utf-8') value = node.firstChild.data.encode('utf-8') themedata[nodename] = value theme_themes[id] = themedata def theme_unpack(): """Unpack theme file (themes.tar.bz2).""" filename = theme_config_get_tarball_filename() if not os.path.isfile(filename): weechat.prnt('', '{0}{1}: file not found: {1}' ''.format(weechat.prefix('error'), SCRIPT_NAME, filename)) return False try: tar = tarfile.open(filename, 'r:bz2') tar.extractall(path=theme_config_get_dir()) tar.close() except (tarfile.ReadError, tarfile.CompressionError, IOError): weechat.prnt('', '{0}{1}: invalid file (format .tar.bz2 expected): {2}' ''.format(weechat.prefix('error'), SCRIPT_NAME, filename)) weechat.prnt('', '{0}{1}: try /unset theme.themes.url' ''.format(weechat.prefix('error'), SCRIPT_NAME)) return False return True def theme_process_update_cb(data, command, rc, stdout, stderr): """Callback when reading themes.tar.bz2 from website.""" global theme_hook_process, theme_stdout, theme_themes if stdout: theme_stdout += stdout if stderr: theme_stdout += stderr if int(rc) >= 0: if theme_stdout.startswith('error:'): weechat.prnt('', '{0}{1}: error downloading themes ({2})' ''.format(weechat.prefix('error'), SCRIPT_NAME, theme_stdout[6:].strip())) else: if theme_unpack(): theme_parse_xml() weechat.prnt('', '{0}: {1} themes loaded' ''.format(SCRIPT_NAME, len(theme_themes))) theme_hook_process = '' return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK def theme_update(): """Download themes (themes.tar.bz2).""" global theme_hook_process, theme_stdout # get data from website, via hook_process if theme_hook_process: weechat.unhook(theme_hook_process) theme_hook_process = '' weechat.prnt('', SCRIPT_NAME + ': downloading themes...') theme_config_create_dir() theme_stdout = '' theme_hook_process = ( weechat.hook_process_hashtable( 'url:' + weechat.config_string(theme_cfg['themes_url']), {'file_out': theme_config_get_tarball_filename()}, TIMEOUT_UPDATE, 'theme_process_update_cb', '')) def theme_list(search): """List themes.""" global theme_themes if (len(theme_themes) > 0): weechat.prnt('', '') weechat.prnt('', '{0} themes:'.format(len(theme_themes))) for idtheme, theme in theme_themes.items(): weechat.prnt('', ' ' + theme['name']) else: weechat.prnt('', 'No theme loaded') # ================================[ command ]================================= def theme_cmd(data, buffer, args): """Callback for /theme command.""" if args == '': weechat.command('', '/help ' + SCRIPT_COMMAND) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK argv = args.strip().split(' ', 1) if len(argv) == 0: return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK if argv[0] in ('install',): weechat.prnt('', '{0}: action "{1}" not developed' ''.format(SCRIPT_NAME, argv[0])) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK # check arguments if len(argv) < 2: if argv[0] in ('install', 'installfile', 'save', 'export'): weechat.prnt('', '{0}: too few arguments for action "{1}"' ''.format(SCRIPT_NAME, argv[0])) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK # execute asked action if argv[0] == 'list': theme_list(argv[1] if len(argv) >= 2 else '') elif argv[0] == 'info': filename = None if len(argv) >= 2: filename = argv[1] theme = Theme(filename) if filename: theme.info('Info about theme "{0}":'.format(filename)) else: theme.info('Info about current theme:') elif argv[0] == 'show': filename = None if len(argv) >= 2: filename = argv[1] theme = Theme(filename) if filename: theme.show('Content of theme "{0}":'.format(filename)) else: theme.show('Content of current theme:') elif argv[0] == 'installfile': theme = Theme() theme.save(theme_config_get_undo()) theme = Theme(argv[1]) if theme.isok(): theme.install() elif argv[0] == 'update': theme_update() elif argv[0] == 'undo': theme = Theme(theme_config_get_undo()) if theme.isok(): theme.install() elif argv[0] == 'save': theme = Theme() theme.save(argv[1]) elif argv[0] == 'backup': theme = Theme() theme.save(theme_config_get_backup()) elif argv[0] == 'restore': theme = Theme(theme_config_get_backup()) if theme.isok(): theme.install() elif argv[0] == 'export': htheme = HtmlTheme() whitebg = False htmlfile = argv[1] argv2 = args.strip().split(' ', 2) if len(argv2) >= 3 and argv2[1] == 'white': whitebg = True htmlfile = argv2[2] htheme.save_html(htmlfile, whitebg) return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK # ==================================[ main ]================================== def theme_init(): """Called when script is loaded.""" theme_config_create_dir() filename = theme_config_get_backup() if not os.path.isfile(filename): theme = Theme() theme.save(filename) def main_weechat(): """Main function, called only in WeeChat.""" if not weechat.register(SCRIPT_NAME, SCRIPT_AUTHOR, SCRIPT_VERSION, SCRIPT_LICENSE, SCRIPT_DESC, '', ''): return theme_config_init() theme_config_read() theme_init() weechat.hook_command( SCRIPT_COMMAND, 'WeeChat theme manager', 'list [] || info|show [] || install ' ' || installfile || update || undo || backup || save ' ' || restore || export [-white] ', ' list: list themes (search text if given)\n' ' info: show info about theme (without argument: for current ' 'theme)\n' ' show: show all options in theme (without argument: for ' 'current theme)\n' ' install: install a theme from repository\n' 'installfile: load theme from a file\n' ' update: download and unpack themes in themes directory\n' ' undo: undo last theme install\n' ' backup: backup current theme (by default in ' '~/.weechat/themes/_backup.theme); this is done the first time script ' 'is loaded\n' ' save: save current theme in a file\n' ' restore: restore theme backuped by script\n' ' export: save current theme as HTML in a file (with "-white": ' 'use white background in HTML)\n\n' 'Examples:\n' ' /' + SCRIPT_COMMAND + ' save /tmp/flashcode.theme => save current ' 'theme', 'list' ' || info %(filename)' ' || show %(filename)' ' || install %(themes)' ' || installfile %(filename)' ' || update' ' || undo' ' || save %(filename)' ' || backup' ' || restore' ' || export -white|%(filename) %(filename)', 'theme_cmd', '') def theme_usage(): """Display usage.""" padding = ' ' * len(sys.argv[0]) print('') print('Usage: {0} --export [white]' ''.format(sys.argv[0])) print(' {0} --info '.format(padding)) print(' {0} --help'.format(padding)) print('') print(' -e, --export export a theme file to HTML') print(' -i, --info display info about a theme') print(' -h, --help display this help') print('') sys.exit(0) def main_cmdline(): """Main function, called only outside WeeChat.""" if len(sys.argv) < 2 or sys.argv[1] in ('-h', '--help'): theme_usage() elif len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] in ('-e', '--export'): if len(sys.argv) < 4: theme_usage() whitebg = 'white' in sys.argv[4:] htheme = HtmlTheme(sys.argv[2]) htheme.save_html(sys.argv[3], whitebg) elif sys.argv[1] in ('-i', '--info'): if len(sys.argv) < 3: theme_usage() theme = Theme(sys.argv[2]) theme.info('Info about theme "{0}":'.format(sys.argv[2])) else: theme_usage() if __name__ == '__main__' and import_other_ok: if import_weechat_ok: main_weechat() else: main_cmdline()