# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ### # Copyright (c) 2009-2011 by Elián Hanisch # Copyright (c) 2013 by Filip H.F. "FiXato" Slagter # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . ### ### # Prints user's country and local time information in # whois/whowas replies (for WeeChat 0.3.*) # # This script uses MaxMind's GeoLite database from # http://www.maxmind.com/app/geolitecountry # # This script depends in pytz third party module for retrieving # timezone information for a given country. Without it the local time # for a user won't be displayed. # Get it from http://pytz.sourceforge.net or from your distro packages, # python-tz in Ubuntu/Debian # # Commands: # * /country # Prints country for a given ip, uri or nick. See /help country # # Settings: # * plugins.var.python.country.show_in_whois: # If 'off' /whois or /whowas replies won't contain country information. # Valid values: on, off # * plugins.var.python.country.show_localtime: # If 'off' timezone and local time infomation won't be looked for. # Valid values: on, off # # # TODO # * Add support for IPv6 addresses # # # History: # 2013-04-28 # version 0.6: # * Improved support for target msgbuffer. Takes the following settings into account: # - irc.msgbuffer.whois # - irc.msgbuffer.$servername.whois # - irc.look.msgbuffer_fallback # # 2011-08-14 # version 0.5: # * make time format configurable. # * print to private buffer based on msgbuffer setting. # # 2011-01-09 # version 0.4.1: bug fixes # # 2010-11-15 # version 0.4: # * support for users using webchat (at least in freenode) # * enable Archlinux workaround. # # 2010-01-11 # version 0.3.1: bug fix # * irc_nick infolist wasn't freed in get_host_by_nick() # # 2009-12-12 # version 0.3: update WeeChat site. # # 2009-09-17 # version 0.2: added timezone and local time information. # # 2009-08-24 # version 0.1.1: fixed python 2.5 compatibility. # # 2009-08-21 # version 0.1: initial release. # ### SCRIPT_NAME = "country" SCRIPT_AUTHOR = "Elián Hanisch " SCRIPT_VERSION = "0.6" SCRIPT_LICENSE = "GPL3" SCRIPT_DESC = "Prints user's country and local time in whois replies" SCRIPT_COMMAND = "country" try: import weechat from weechat import WEECHAT_RC_OK, prnt import_ok = True except ImportError: print "This script must be run under WeeChat." print "Get WeeChat now at: http://www.weechat.org/" import_ok = False try: import pytz, datetime pytz_module = True except: pytz_module = False import os, re, socket ### ip database database_url = 'http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoIPCountryCSV.zip' database_file = 'GeoIPCountryWhois.csv' ### config settings = { 'time_format': '%x %X %Z', 'show_in_whois': 'on', 'show_localtime': 'on' } boolDict = {'on':True, 'off':False} def get_config_boolean(config): value = weechat.config_get_plugin(config) try: return boolDict[value] except KeyError: default = settings[config] error("Error while fetching config '%s'. Using default value '%s'." %(config, default)) error("'%s' is invalid, allowed: 'on', 'off'" %value) return boolDict[default] ### messages script_nick = SCRIPT_NAME def error(s, buffer=''): """Error msg""" prnt(buffer, '%s%s %s' % (weechat.prefix('error'), script_nick, s)) if weechat.config_get_plugin('debug'): import traceback if traceback.sys.exc_type: trace = traceback.format_exc() prnt('', trace) def say(s, buffer=''): """normal msg""" prnt(buffer, '%s\t%s' % (script_nick, s)) def whois(nick, string, buffer=''): """Message formatted like a whois reply.""" prefix_network = weechat.prefix('network') color_delimiter = weechat.color('chat_delimiters') color_nick = weechat.color('chat_nick') prnt(buffer, '%s%s[%s%s%s] %s' % (prefix_network, color_delimiter, color_nick, nick, color_delimiter, string)) def string_country(country, code): """Format for country info string.""" color_delimiter = weechat.color('chat_delimiters') color_chat = weechat.color('chat') return '%s%s %s(%s%s%s)' % (color_chat, country, color_delimiter, color_chat, code, color_delimiter) def string_time(dt): """Format for local time info string.""" if not dt: return '--' color_delimiter = weechat.color('chat_delimiters') color_chat = weechat.color('chat') date = dt.strftime(weechat.config_get_plugin("time_format")) tz = dt.strftime('UTC%z') return '%s%s %s(%s%s%s)' % (color_chat, date, color_delimiter, color_chat, tz, color_delimiter) ### functions def get_script_dir(): """Returns script's dir, creates it if needed.""" script_dir = weechat.info_get('weechat_dir', '') script_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, 'country') if not os.path.isdir(script_dir): os.makedirs(script_dir) return script_dir ip_database = '' def check_database(): """Check if there's a database already installed.""" global ip_database if not ip_database: ip_database = os.path.join(get_script_dir(), database_file) return os.path.isfile(ip_database) timeout = 1000*60*10 hook_download = '' def update_database(): """Downloads and uncompress the database.""" global hook_download, ip_database if not ip_database: check_database() if hook_download: weechat.unhook(hook_download) hook_download = '' script_dir = get_script_dir() say("Downloading IP database...") python_bin = weechat.info_get('python2_bin', '') or 'python' hook_download = weechat.hook_process( python_bin + " -c \"\n" "import urllib2, zipfile, os, sys\n" "try:\n" " temp = os.path.join('%(script_dir)s', 'temp.zip')\n" " try:\n" " zip = urllib2.urlopen('%(url)s', timeout=10)\n" " except TypeError: # python2.5\n" " import socket\n" " socket.setdefaulttimeout(10)\n" " zip = urllib2.urlopen('%(url)s')\n" " fd = open(temp, 'w')\n" " fd.write(zip.read())\n" " fd.close()\n" " print 'Download complete, uncompressing...'\n" " zip = zipfile.ZipFile(temp)\n" " try:\n" " zip.extractall(path='%(script_dir)s')\n" " except AttributeError: # python2.5\n" " fd = open('%(ip_database)s', 'w')\n" " fd.write(zip.read('%(database_file)s'))\n" " fd.close()\n" " os.remove(temp)\n" "except Exception, e:\n" " print >>sys.stderr, e\n\"" % {'url':database_url, 'script_dir':script_dir, 'ip_database':ip_database, 'database_file':database_file }, timeout, 'update_database_cb', '') process_stderr = '' def update_database_cb(data, command, rc, stdout, stderr): """callback for our database download.""" global hook_download, process_stderr #debug("%s @ stderr: '%s', stdout: '%s'" %(rc, stderr.strip('\n'), stdout.strip('\n'))) if stdout: say(stdout) if stderr: process_stderr += stderr if int(rc) >= 0: if process_stderr: error(process_stderr) process_stderr = '' else: say('Success.') hook_download = '' return WEECHAT_RC_OK hook_get_ip = '' def get_ip_process(host): """Resolves host to ip.""" # because getting the ip might take a while, we must hook a process so weechat doesn't hang. global hook_get_ip if hook_get_ip: weechat.unhook(hook_get_ip) hook_get_ip = '' python_bin = weechat.info_get('python2_bin', '') or 'python' hook_get_ip = weechat.hook_process( python_bin + " -c \"\n" "import socket, sys\n" "try:\n" " ip = socket.gethostbyname('%(host)s')\n" " print ip\n" "except Exception, e:\n" " print >>sys.stderr, e\n\"" %{'host':host}, timeout, 'get_ip_process_cb', '') def get_ip_process_cb(data, command, rc, stdout, stderr): """Called when uri resolve finished.""" global hook_get_ip, reply_wrapper #debug("%s @ stderr: '%s', stdout: '%s'" %(rc, stderr.strip('\n'), stdout.strip('\n'))) if stdout and reply_wrapper: code, country = search_in_database(stdout[:-1]) reply_wrapper(code, country) reply_wrapper = None if stderr and reply_wrapper: reply_wrapper(*unknown) reply_wrapper = None if int(rc) >= 0: hook_get_ip = '' return WEECHAT_RC_OK def is_ip(s): """Returns whether or not a given string is an IPV4 address.""" try: return bool(socket.inet_aton(s)) except socket.error: return False _valid_label = re.compile(r'^([\da-z]|[\da-z][-\da-z]*[\da-z])$', re.I) def is_domain(s): """ Checks if 's' is a valid domain.""" if not s or len(s) > 255: return False labels = s.split('.') if len(labels) < 2: return False for label in labels: if not label or len(label) > 63 \ or not _valid_label.match(label): return False return True def hex_to_ip(s): """ '7f000001' => ''""" try: ip = map(lambda n: s[n:n+2], range(0, len(s), 2)) ip = map(lambda n: int(n, 16), ip) return '.'.join(map(str, ip)) except: return '' def get_userhost_from_nick(buffer, nick): """Return host of a given nick in buffer.""" channel = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'localvar_channel') server = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'localvar_server') if channel and server: infolist = weechat.infolist_get('irc_nick', '', '%s,%s' %(server, channel)) if infolist: try: while weechat.infolist_next(infolist): name = weechat.infolist_string(infolist, 'name') if nick == name: return weechat.infolist_string(infolist, 'host') finally: weechat.infolist_free(infolist) return '' def get_ip_from_userhost(user, host): ip = get_ip_from_host(host) if ip: return ip ip = get_ip_from_user(user) if ip: return ip return host def get_ip_from_host(host): if is_domain(host): return host else: if host.startswith('gateway/web/freenode/ip.'): ip = host.split('.', 1)[1] return ip def get_ip_from_user(user): user = user[-8:] # only interested in the last 8 chars if len(user) == 8: ip = hex_to_ip(user) if ip and is_ip(ip): return ip def sum_ip(ip): """Converts the ip number from dot-decimal notation to decimal.""" L = map(int, ip.split('.')) return L[0]*16777216 + L[1]*65536 + L[2]*256 + L[3] unknown = ('--', 'unknown') def search_in_database(ip): """ search_in_database(ip_number) => (code, country) returns ('--', 'unknown') if nothing found """ import csv global ip_database if not ip or not ip_database: return unknown try: # do a binary search. n = sum_ip(ip) fd = open(ip_database) reader = csv.reader(fd) max = os.path.getsize(ip_database) last_high = last_low = min = 0 while True: mid = (max + min)/2 fd.seek(mid) fd.readline() # move cursor to next line _, _, low, high, code, country = reader.next() if low == last_low and high == last_high: break if n < long(low): max = mid elif n > long(high): min = mid elif n > long(low) and n < long(high): return (code, country) else: break last_low, last_high = low, high except StopIteration: pass return unknown def print_country(host, buffer, quiet=False, broken=False, nick=''): """ Prints country and local time for a given host, if quiet is True prints only if there's a match, if broken is True reply will be split in two messages. """ #debug('host: ' + host) def reply_country(code, country): if quiet and code == '--': return if pytz_module and get_config_boolean('show_localtime') and code != '--': dt = get_country_datetime(code) if broken: whois(nick or host, string_country(country, code), buffer) whois(nick or host, string_time(dt), buffer) else: s = '%s - %s' %(string_country(country, code), string_time(dt)) whois(nick or host, s, buffer) else: whois(nick or host, string_country(country, code), buffer) if is_ip(host): # good, got an ip code, country = search_in_database(host) elif is_domain(host): # try to resolve uri global reply_wrapper reply_wrapper = reply_country get_ip_process(host) return else: # probably a cloak or ipv6 code, country = unknown reply_country(code, country) ### timezone def get_country_datetime(code): """Get datetime object with country's timezone.""" try: tzname = pytz.country_timezones(code)[0] tz = pytz.timezone(tzname) return datetime.datetime.now(tz) except: return None ### commands def cmd_country(data, buffer, args): """Shows country and local time for a given ip, uri or nick.""" if not args: weechat.command('', '/HELP %s' %SCRIPT_COMMAND) return WEECHAT_RC_OK if ' ' in args: # picks the first argument only args = args[:args.find(' ')] if args == 'update': update_database() else: if not check_database(): error("IP database not found. You must download a database with '/country update' before " "using this script.", buffer) return WEECHAT_RC_OK #check if is a nick userhost = get_userhost_from_nick(buffer, args) if userhost: host = get_ip_from_userhost(*userhost.split('@')) else: host = get_ip_from_userhost(args, args) print_country(host, buffer) return WEECHAT_RC_OK def find_buffer(server, nick, message_type='whois'): # See if there is a target msgbuffer set for this server msgbuffer = weechat.config_string(weechat.config_get('irc.msgbuffer.%s.%s' % (server, message_type))) # No whois msgbuffer for this server; use the global setting if msgbuffer == '': msgbuffer = weechat.config_string(weechat.config_get('irc.msgbuffer.%s' % message_type)) # Use the fallback msgbuffer setting if private buffer doesn't exist if msgbuffer == 'private': buffer = weechat.buffer_search('irc', '%s.%s' %(server, nick)) if buffer != '': return buffer else: msgbuffer = weechat.config_string(weechat.config_get('irc.look.msgbuffer_fallback')) # Find the appropriate buffer if msgbuffer == "current": return weechat.current_buffer() elif msgbuffer == "weechat": return weechat.buffer_search_main() else: return weechat.buffer_search('irc', 'server.%s' % server) ### signal callbacks def whois_cb(data, signal, signal_data): """function for /WHOIS""" if not get_config_boolean('show_in_whois') or not check_database(): return WEECHAT_RC_OK nick, user, host = signal_data.split()[3:6] server = signal[:signal.find(',')] #debug('%s | %s | %s' %(data, signal, signal_data)) host = get_ip_from_userhost(user, host) print_country(host, find_buffer(server, nick), quiet=True, broken=True, nick=nick) return WEECHAT_RC_OK ### main if import_ok and weechat.register(SCRIPT_NAME, SCRIPT_AUTHOR, SCRIPT_VERSION, SCRIPT_LICENSE, SCRIPT_DESC, '', ''): # colors color_delimiter = weechat.color('chat_delimiters') color_chat_nick = weechat.color('chat_nick') color_reset = weechat.color('reset') # pretty [SCRIPT_NAME] script_nick = '%s[%s%s%s]%s' % (color_delimiter, color_chat_nick, SCRIPT_NAME, color_delimiter, color_reset) weechat.hook_signal('*,irc_in2_311', 'whois_cb', '') # /whois weechat.hook_signal('*,irc_in2_314', 'whois_cb', '') # /whowas weechat.hook_command('country', cmd_country.__doc__, 'update | (nick|ip|uri)', " update: Downloads/updates ip database with country codes.\n" "nick, ip, uri: Gets country and local time for a given ip, domain or nick.", 'update||%(nick)', 'cmd_country', '') # settings for opt, val in settings.iteritems(): if not weechat.config_is_set_plugin(opt): weechat.config_set_plugin(opt, val) if not check_database(): say("IP database not found. You must download a database with '/country update' before " "using this script.") if not pytz_module and get_config_boolean('show_localtime'): error( "pytz module isn't installed, local time information is DISABLED. " "Get it from http://pytz.sourceforge.net or from your distro packages " "(python-tz in Ubuntu/Debian).") weechat.config_set_plugin('show_localtime', 'off') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Debug if weechat.config_get_plugin('debug'): try: # custom debug module I use, allows me to inspect script's objects. import pybuffer debug = pybuffer.debugBuffer(globals(), '%s_debug' % SCRIPT_NAME) except: def debug(s, *args): if not isinstance(s, basestring): s = str(s) if args: s = s %args prnt('', '%s\t%s' % (script_nick, s)) else: def debug(*args): pass # vim:set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab textwidth=100: