CONTRIBUTING ============ If you intend to contribute to this project, please keep some simple rules in mind: - one commit per feature/fix - the short commit message shouldn't be longer than 50 characters - the short commit message should start with an uppercase character - use the imperative for the short commit message - don't finish the short commit message with a '.' - don't use github-specific syntax to close an issue (I'll do that, when merging into master) - it's always a good idea to have a look at 'git log' to get an idea how to format one's own commits - if you have questions about a certain patch or feature requests, just open a Github issue Examples -------- ``` Bad: "fixed loop to start from 0 instead of 1" Good: "Avoid off-by-one issue in skiplist loop" Bad: "fixed typo" Good: "Docs: typo" ```