# Store message headers locally to speed things up. # If hcache is a folder, Mutt will create sub cache folders for each account which may speeds things up even more. set header_cache = ~/.cache/mutt # Store messages locally to speed things up, like searching message bodies. # Can be the same folder as header_cache. # This will cost important disk usage according to your e-mail amount. set message_cachedir = "~/.cache/mutt" set sidebar_visible = yes set editor="vim + -c 'set ft=mail tw=80' -c ':0/^$'" set sort=threads ### #bind pager j next-line #bind pager k previous-line #bind attach,index,pager \CD next-page #bind attach,index,pager \CU previous-page #bind pager g top #bind pager G bottom #bind attach,index g first-entry #bind attach,index G last-entry ### # Folder hooks folder-hook 'account.net.neodarz.neodarz' 'source ~/.mutt/account.net.neodarz.neodarz' folder-hook 'account.net.neodarz.corentin.breton' 'source ~/.mutt/account.net.neodarz.corentin.breton' # GPG commands source ~/.mutt/gpg.rc # Macros for switching accounts macro index 'source ~/.mutt/account.net.neodarz.neodarz!' macro index 'source ~/.mutt/account.net.neodarz.corentin.breton!' # Fetch mail shortcut #bind index G imap-fetch-mail macro index,pager U 'offlineimap &' macro index 'c' '?^K=' macro attach W /home/neodarz/attachments/ macro attach E /home/neodarz/attachments/ # Color #source ~/.mutt/vombatidae.mutt #source ~/.mutt/mutt-colors-solarized-dark-256.muttrc # Default colour definitions color hdrdefault default default color quoted default default color signature default default color indicator black white color attachment default default color error default default color message default default color search brightwhite green color status default default color tree default default color normal default default color tilde default default color bold default default color markers red white # Colour definitions when on a mono screen mono bold bold mono underline underline mono indicator reverse # Colours for items in the reader color header brightwhite default "^(From|Subject|Date|To|User-Agent):" color header red default "^X-Junked-Because: " color header red default "^X-Virus-hagbard: .* FOUND" mono header bold "^(Date|To|User-Agent|From|Subject|X-Junked-Because|X-Virus-hagbard):" # Colours for items in the index color index green default ~N color index blue default ~O color index green white "~N (~x hagbard\.davep\.org | ~h \"^In-[Rr]eply-[Tt]o: .*hagbard\.davep\.org\")" color index red white ~F color index black green ~T color index brightwhite black ~D mono index bold ~N mono index bold ~F mono index bold ~T mono index bold ~D # Highlights inside the body of a message. # URLs color body black white "(http|https|ftp|news|telnet|finger)://[^ \">\t\r\n]*" color body black white "mailto:[-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+" color body black white "news:[^ \">\t\r\n]*" mono body bold "(http|https|ftp|news|telnet|finger)://[^ \">\t\r\n]*" mono body bold "mailto:[-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+" mono body bold "news:[^ \">\t\r\n]*" # email addresses color body black white "[-a-z_0-9.%$]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+\\.[-a-z][-a-z]+" mono body bold "[-a-z_0-9.%$]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+\\.[-a-z][-a-z]+" # Various smilies and the like #color body brightgreen white "<[Gg]>" # #color body brightgreen white "<[Bb][Gg]>" # #color body brightgreen white " [;:]-*[)>(<|]" # :-) etc... #color body brightblue white "(^|[[:space:]])\\*[^[:space:]]+\\*([[:space:]]|$)" # *Bold* text. #color body brightblue white "(^|[[:space:]])_[^[:space:]]+_([[:space:]]|$)" # _Underlined_ text. #color body brightblue white "(^|[[:space:]])/[^[:space:]]+/([[:space:]]|$)" # /Italic/ text. # prefer plain text alternative_order text/plain text/enriched text/html # auto convert text/html MIME type to text/plain auto_view text/html # run viewer defined in mailcap by in attach view bind attach view-mailcap # mailcap file to use (optional) set mailcap_path="~/.mutt/mailcap" # handover mail to htmail-view (works only for multipart mails containing text/html payload) macro index,pager H "htmail-decode" "render html mail using htmail-view" # This variable specifies notmuch query type, supported types: 'threads' and # 'messages'. set nm_query_type = threads # When set, mutt will use the first virtual mailbox (see virtual-mailboxes) # as a spoolfile. set virtual_spoolfile = yes # virtual-mailboxes description notmuch-URI { description notmuch-URI ...} virtual-mailboxes "Inbox" "notmuch://?query=tag:inbox" # Default account source ~/.mutt/account.net.neodarz.neodarz