# Tips 1 Care About You Craft # Tips 2 Think! About Your Work # Tips 3 Provide Options, Don't Make Lame Excuses # Tips 4 Don't Live With Broken Windows # Tips 5 Be a Catalyst for Change # Tips 6 Remenber the Big Picture # Tips 7 Make Quality a Requirements Issue # Tips 8 Invest Regularly in Your Knowledge Portfolio # Tips 9 Critically Analyze What You Read and Hear # Tips 10 It's Both Wath You Say and the Way You Say It ### --- Other tips # WISDOM acrostic - understanging an audience |W|hat do you want them to learn? What is their |i|nterest in what you've got to say? How |s|ophisticated are they? How much |d|etail to thew want? Whom do you want to |o|wn th information? How can you |m|otivate them to listen to you?