#!/bin/bash # IMPORTANT: # To make this block work, you have to edit your block-command. # It should point to this file. For best performance, only use it on blocks # you want to monitor. # # Example: # command=~/.i3-blocks/blocks/notifier $BLOCK_NAME BLOCK_NAME="${1}" if [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "" ]] || [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "notifier" ]]; then exit 1 fi SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)" BLOCK_PATH="${SCRIPT_DIR}/${BLOCK_NAME}" if [[ ! -f "${BLOCK_PATH}" ]]; then exit 1 fi BLOCK_OUT=$(bash "${BLOCK_PATH}") BLOCK_URGENT=$? # Nothing to display. if [[ "${BLOCK_OUT}" == "" ]]; then exit "${BLOCK_URGENT}" fi NOTIFY=0 NOTIFY_CHANGES="weather display" NOTIFY_ALWAYS="" NOTIFY_NEVER="launcher playerctl scroll" if [[ "${NOTIFY_NEVER}" != *${BLOCK_NAME}* ]]; then BLOCK_UCFIRST=$(echo "${BLOCK_NAME}" | head -c 1 | tr [a-z] [A-Z]; echo "${BLOCK_NAME}" | tail -c +2) CHECK_SUM=$(echo "${BLOCK_NAME}-${BLOCK_INSTANCE}" | md5sum | awk '{print $1}') CACHE_FILE="/tmp/.notify-cache-${CHECK_SUM}" BLOCK_DESC=$(echo "${BLOCK_OUT}" | head -n 1) BLOCK_VALUE=$(echo "${BLOCK_OUT}" | tail -n 1) BLOCK_ICON="" if [[ "${NOTIFY_ALWAYS}" == *${BLOCK_NAME}* ]]; then NOTIFY=1 elif [[ "${BLOCK_URGENT}" -gt 0 ]]; then NOTIFY=1 fi VALUE_CHANGED=0 HAS_CACHEFILE=0 if [[ -f "${CACHE_FILE}" ]]; then HAS_CACHEFILE=1 CACHED_VALUE=$(cat "${CACHE_FILE}") #MODIFIED_TIME=$(stat -c '%Y' "${CACHE_FILE}") #CURRENT_TIME=$(date +%s) #ELAPSED_TIME=$((MODIFIED_TIME - CURRENT_TIME)) if [[ "${BLOCK_VALUE}" != "${CACHED_VALUE}" ]]; then VALUE_CHANGED=1 if [[ "${NOTIFY_CHANGES}" == *${BLOCK_NAME}* ]]; then NOTIFY=1 fi fi elif [[ "${NOTIFY_CHANGES}" == *${BLOCK_NAME}* ]]; then NOTIFY=1 fi if [[ "${NOTIFY}" -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "audio" ]]; then BLOCK_MESSAGE="Audio level changed to ${BLOCK_VALUE}." elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "bandwidth" ]]; then BLOCK_MESSAGE="Traffic went to ${BLOCK_VALUE}." elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "battery" ]]; then BLOCK_MESSAGE="Energy changed to ${BLOCK_VALUE}." elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "countdown" ]]; then BLOCK_MESSAGE="Remaining time is now ${BLOCK_VALUE}." elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "cpu" ]]; then BLOCK_MESSAGE="CPU utilization is now ${BLOCK_VALUE}." elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "feed" ]]; then BLOCK_MESSAGE="Newest article is ${BLOCK_VALUE}." elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "mail" ]]; then BLOCK_MESSAGE="Unread emails went to ${BLOCK_VALUE}." elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "memory" ]]; then BLOCK_MESSAGE="Memory utilization is now ${BLOCK_VALUE}." elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "packages" ]]; then BLOCK_MESSAGE="${BLOCK_VALUE} packages are now ready to update." elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "space" ]]; then BLOCK_MESSAGE="Space utilization is now ${BLOCK_INSTANCE}." elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "ssid" ]]; then BLOCK_MESSAGE="SSID changed to ${BLOCK_VALUE}." elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "temperature" ]]; then BLOCK_MESSAGE="Sensor temperature changed to ${BLOCK_VALUE}." elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "trash" ]]; then BLOCK_MESSAGE="${BLOCK_VALUE} items are now in the trash." else BLOCK_MESSAGE="${BLOCK_UCFIRST} is now ${BLOCK_VALUE}." fi if [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "audio" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="audio-volume-high-symbolic" elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "bandwidth" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="network-wireless-acquiring-symbolic" elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "battery" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="battery-symbolic" elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "bluetooth" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="bluetooth-active-symbolic" elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "brightness" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="display-brightness-symbolic" elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "cmus" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="emblem-music-symbolic" elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "countdown" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="document-open-recent-symbolic" elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "cpu" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="indicator-cpufreq" elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "datetime" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="system-run-symbolic" # TODO elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "device" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="system-run-symbolic" # TODO elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "display" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="video-display-symbolic" elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "feed" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="folder-documents-symbolic" elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "firewall" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="changes-prevent-symbolic.svg" # TODO elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "ip-address" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="avatar-default-symbolic" # TODO elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "keystate" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="format-text-underline-symbolic" # TODO elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "launcher" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="system-run-symbolic" elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "load" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="indicator-cpufreq" # TODO elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "locale" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="format-text-larger-symbolic" elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "mail" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="mail-send-symbolic" elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "memory" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="drive-harddisk-solidstate-symbolic" # TODO elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "microphone" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="audio-input-microphone-symbolic" elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "network" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="network-wireless-connected-symbolic" elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "packages" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="view-refresh-symbolic" elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "playerctl" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="emblem-music-symbolic" elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "process" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="process-stop-symbolic" elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "space" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="drive-harddisk-solidstate-symbolic" # TODO elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "ssid" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="system-users-symbolic" elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "temperature" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="object-inverse" # TODO elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "trash" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="user-trash-symbolic" elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "usb" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="drive-removable-media-usb-symbolic-1" elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "vpn" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="dialog-password-symbolic" # TODO elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "weather" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="weather-few-clouds-symbolic" elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "webcam" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="camera-web-symbolic" elif [[ "${BLOCK_NAME}" == "window" ]]; then BLOCK_ICON="view-dual-symbolic" # TODO fi if [[ "${BLOCK_URGENT}" -gt 0 ]]; then notify-send -u critical -t 5000 -i "${BLOCK_ICON}" -a "i3block-${BLOCK_NAME}" "${BLOCK_UCFIRST}" "${BLOCK_MESSAGE}" else notify-send -u normal -t 3500 -i "${BLOCK_ICON}" -a "i3block-${BLOCK_NAME}" "${BLOCK_UCFIRST}" "${BLOCK_MESSAGE}" fi fi if [[ "${VALUE_CHANGED}" -eq 1 ]] || [[ "${HAS_CACHEFILE}" -eq 0 ]]; then echo "${BLOCK_VALUE}" > "${CACHE_FILE}" fi fi echo "${BLOCK_OUT}" exit "${BLOCK_URGENT}"