#!/bin/bash # Requires https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps for gmail. CONFIG_FILE="${BLOCK_INSTANCE}" CONFIG_FILE=${CONFIG_FILE/\~/$HOME} # Config file needs the following settings: #MAIL_SERVER="imap.domain.tld:993" #MAIL_USER="user@domain.tld" #MAIL_PASSWORD="secret" #MAIL_FOLDER="INBOX" if [[ ! -f "${CONFIG_FILE}" ]]; then echo "${CONFIG_FILE}" exit 33 fi source "${CONFIG_FILE}" MAIN_DOMAIN=$(expr match "${MAIL_SERVER}" '.*\.\(.*\..*\)' | awk -F ':' '{print $1}') # Add https so xdg knows that it's a website if [[ "${MAIN_DOMAIN}" != http* ]]; then MAIN_DOMAIN="https://${MAIN_DOMAIN}" fi # Left click if [[ "${BLOCK_BUTTON}" -eq 1 ]]; then xdg-open "${MAIN_DOMAIN}" fi MAIL_FILE="/tmp/.mail" URGENT_VALUE="100" GET_UNREAD=$(cat< "${MAIL_FILE}" 2>/dev/null UNREAD_COUNT=$(cat "${MAIL_FILE}" | grep -i "UNSEEN" | grep -oE "[0-9]*" | head -n 1) # For security reasons rm "${MAIL_FILE}" if [[ "${UNREAD_COUNT}" = "" ]]; then exit fi echo "${UNREAD_COUNT}" echo "${UNREAD_COUNT}" echo "" if [[ "${UNREAD_COUNT}" -ge URGENT_VALUE ]]; then exit 33 fi