[Nel] ugh, C++ is so obtuse

Cedric Valignat valignat@nevrax.com
Wed, 28 Mar 2001 19:53:19 +0200

robert@paradox.got.net wrote:
> What is your programming environment like?

On Windows computers :

   Windows 2000
   Visual C++ 6.0
   WinCVS and TortoiseCVS

On GNU/Linux computers :

   Debian, Redhat and Mandrake distributions
   GCC 2.95.2 and 2.96 (yes i now :-)
   Emacs, XEmacs, or kdevelop
   DDD / GDB

> Do you have equal parts Windows and Unix develovers?

Most of us are working on Windows, the VC++ debuging system is a lot more
appreciated by some of us :-)

> What kind of testing do you have?

We have two major way of testing our work :

   using Snowball as a test program
   and / or writing small applications to test specific functionalities.

It's very basic :-)

> Judging by the dates in CVS it looks like you've been developing for
> about five months, is this correct?

We started coding approximately 10 months ago. We developed some code
to make some tests to make some decisions about the technologie to
use and some other points ...

> Is all of your development staff focused on the GPL'd parts right
> now, or is some development already underway for the proprietary
> content (game code)?

We have been working on the our game code for some time now, so we are
currently working on both parts, GPL and proprietary code.

> Is someone over there working on documentation?  Is there a public
> document describing your objectives and plans?

We are currently working on the documentation, and we should be able to
make our work available soon ;-)

> I'm also still curious in which ways the non-nevrax community can best
> assist your efforts.  It seems the bug reports and patches are
> well-received, but without much documentation it's hard to tell where
> our efforts are most needed.

Our documentions will include a roadmap and other related documents, so
you should be able get a better idea on what we are doing and on what
we plan to work on ...
