[Nel] ugh, C++ is so obtuse

Michael Warnock michael@in-orbit.net
Mon, 12 Mar 2001 20:01:12 -0800

I got the same problem, you just beat me to reporting it:)

Michael Warnock
In-Orbit Entertainment Inc.
No matter where you go, &this.
----- Original Message -----
From: <robert@paradox.got.net>
To: <nel@nevrax.org>
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 5:26 PM
Subject: [Nel] ugh, C++ is so obtuse

> Building latest CVS I get the following:
> client.cpp:433: cannot declare variable `ChatDisplayer' to be of type
> client.cpp:433:   since the following virtual functions are abstract:
> /usr/local/include/nel/misc/displayer.h:62:     void
NLMISC::IDisplayer::doDisplay(long int, NLMISC::CLog::TLogType, const
_STL::string &, const char *, int, const char *)
> Anybody else getting this?  I'll figure it out myself if I'm the only
> one,  Otherwise I'd prefer to let someone who knows C++ deal with it.
> Robert
> --
> Robert de Forest      " meetings, n.:
> System Administrator         A place where minutes are kept
> Got.net                                and hours are lost."
> <robert@got.net>                    -- login fortune
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