[Nel] problem when running snowball with win98

Antoine Hahusseau antoine.hahusseau1@libertysurf.fr
Thu, 08 Mar 2001 19:50:05 +0100

i finaly managed to compile it ! with visual C++ v 6

- you should REALLY tell in the download page that we have to download
first stlport and freetype ...

but, forget this point, after compilation i get

- snowball.exe, stlxxx dll and nel_openglxxx dll
i put all of them in the same directory and also the data subdirectory.

and when i launch snowball : i get

error cannot found nel_openglxxx dll
(135272 octets by the way since i did not mess with the original

but this dll is in the same directory as the exe : so what's wrong ?

maybe my graphic card is not enough compliant with the opengl (its a
voodoo 3, please don't laugh) ?

does someone encoutered  the same problem,
does someone managed to play snowball with a voodoo ?

help will be appreciated !