[Nel] compile.cpp

Vianney Lecroart lecroart@nevrax.com
Wed, 7 Mar 2001 14:05:51 +0100


> LOG 2: 01/03/06 11:19:39 ERR baldur.in-orbit.org/TS: Unknown external

Not easy to know what s happen, it should be easier to know the problem if
you compile the time service and NeL
in the debug mode and run it in the visual debugger. We are not able to
reproduce this problem here :-(

> when i try to compile the debug version i get this:
> time_service.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public:

In all NeL project settings (3d, ia, net, misc, client, services, and so on)
you must have __STL_DEBUG defined in the debug mode.
Please verify if they all contains this define and if not, add it!

Vianney Lecroart
lead network programmer / nevrax.com
icq#: 6870415
homepage: http://ace.planet-d.net
www.geekcode.com: GCS/E d- s+++: a-- C+++$ UL++ P- L+++>+$ E+>- W++ N+ o? K-
w++$ O- M- V- PS- PE? Y PGP t 5? X+ R- tv++ b- DI D+ G e++ h+ r-- y?