[Nel] segv if I press alt?

Leighton Haynes dayta@ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
Wed, 7 Mar 2001 14:50:02 +0800

On Tue, Mar 06, 2001 at 10:30:39PM -0800, robert@paradox.got.net wrote:
> Hello again!
> I was trying to debug the 'Read error' message, and while switching
> between desktops by pressing "Alt-F1" I generated a segmentation fault
> before I hit the F1 key.  It's extremely easy to duplicate and here's
> the traceback:
> I'm hesitant to file any bugs until I know my development environment
> is up to spec and I don't have any problems with wrong library
> versions and such.
> If someone can confirm that this is a bug in a working client, they or
> I can file a bug, otherwise I'll chalk it up to being something on my
> end.
I've noticed this bug. The code that translates X Keypress
events seems to be broken. I haven't looked at it in detail yet.
Basically, the code expects to convert all keypresses to a number
between 0 and 255(?) and then shoves the flag into an array.
The alt key is getting converted into a number greater than 255
so it generates a segfault when it tries to set the array value
for that key.

It's on my list of things to take a look at when I get time ;)

On another topic, I'll post my workaround for the loading "data/" 
bug thingie to the list sometime tonight. We still need to work out
_why_ it's trying to load this though. The 'fix' will make it work,
but doesn't really fix anything.



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