[Nel] compile.cpp

Michael Warnock michael@in-orbit.net
Tue, 6 Mar 2001 11:42:32 -0800

> Could you, please, explain me what is the problem about the time service?
> Here, it seems to work fine on windows 2000 and on redhat 7 linux.
> Vianney

I'm running win2k on an AMD Athlon (750 chipset m/b)
here is the log of starting the time service:
LOG 1: 01/03/06 11:19:38 INF baldur.in-orbit.org/NS: Service TS got port
LOG 2: 01/03/06 11:19:38 INF baldur.in-orbit.org/TS: Local server time:
1430727ms, universal time: 4986ms

LOG 2: 01/03/06 11:19:38 INF baldur.in-orbit.org/TS: Service ready
LOG 1: 01/03/06 11:19:38 INF baldur.in-orbit.org/NS: Service TS-129
registered at baldur.in-orbit.org/51001
LOG 2: 01/03/06 11:19:39 ERR baldur.in-orbit.org/TS: Unknown external
LOG 2: 01/03/06 11:19:39 INF baldur.in-orbit.org/TS: Service stopped
LOG 1: 01/03/06 11:19:39 INF baldur.in-orbit.org/NS: Service TS-129
unregistered at baldur.in-orbit.org/51001

when i try to compile the debug version i get this:
time_service.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public:
__thiscall NLNET::CMessage::CMessage(class _STLD::basic_string<char,class
_STLD::char_traits<char>,class _STLD::allocator<char> >,bool,unsigned
__int32)" (??0CMessage@NLNET@@QAE@V
time_service.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: class
_STLD::basic_string<char,class _STLD::char_traits<char>,class
_STLD::allocator<char> > const & __thiscall
NLNET::CInetAddress::hostName(void)const " (?hostName@CInetAddress@
nlnet_debug.lib(service.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
"public: virtual void __thiscall NLMISC::CStdDisplayer::display(long,enum
NLMISC::CLog::TLogType,class _STL::basic_string<char,class
_STL::char_traits<char>,class _STL::allocat
or<char> > const &,char const *,int,char const *)"
nlnet_debug.lib(service.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
"public: static void __cdecl NLMISC::CLog::setProcessName(class
_STL::basic_string<char,class _STL::char_traits<char>,class
_STL::allocator<char> > const &)" (?setProcessName@C
nlnet_debug.lib(naming_client.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external
symbol "public: class _STL::basic_string<char,class
_STL::char_traits<char>,class _STL::allocator<char> > const & __thiscall
NLMISC::CConfigFile::CVar::asString(int)const " (?as
nlnet_debug.lib(naming_client.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external
symbol "public: struct NLMISC::CConfigFile::CVar & __thiscall
NLMISC::CConfigFile::getVar(class _STL::basic_string<char,class
_STL::char_traits<char>,class _STL::allocator<char>
 > const &)"
nlnet_debug.lib(naming_client.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external
symbol "public: void __thiscall NLMISC::CConfigFile::load(class
_STL::basic_string<char,class _STL::char_traits<char>,class
_STL::allocator<char> > const &)" (?load@CConfigFile@
nlnet_debug.lib(net_log.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
"protected: static class _STL::basic_string<char,class
_STL::char_traits<char>,class _STL::allocator<char> >
NLMISC::CLog::_ProcessName" (?_ProcessName@CLog@NLMISC@@1V?$basic_
Debug/time_service.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 8 unresolved externals

No matter where you go, &this.