[Nel] Network Connections

Charles Dupont duponc@rpi.edu
Fri, 02 Mar 2001 14:18:32 -0500

When you talk about network connections how are they going to work?  For 
example when say a player wants to find out what he/she has in his 
inivitroy how does the client get this information.  Does the client 
talk deriectly to the items sever or does it first contact another 
server, that it would contact for every data request, and which then 
goes asks the items server for the information which the server passes 
back to the client.  If it is the case that there is  a gateway server 
that talks to the data servers not the client talks directly to the data 
servers.  Why does there have to be a single gateway server.  You could 
set it up so that the gateways only had to control the max amount of 
connections the server can handel.  To do this you would need a another 
server to handle incomming connections and pass them off to the gateway 
servers.  Of course this system could bog down the intercluster network, 
but you would think that the total amount of trafic would not change.  
If it is the other way then this won't work. i.e. client talks directly  
to items server.

Charles Dupont